So, we're sitting here burning Canola with a family singing a song about…. Being frightened? But whatever, we're listening to MuggleCast so it's all good, duh. Here starts the adventures of Kris and Becca.


Becca Hawkins and Kris Williams were finally in paradise. They had just got up to their resort in northern Wisconsin. After a long bike ride and a quick dinner. They were ready for a canoe ride out on the lake.

Kris scoffed as Becca climbed into the back of the canoe. "No way, in the back or I ain't going."

Becca sighed and looked up at her friend. "It was one time, one time. I mean, no one got hurt or anything."

"Oh really? What about the dozens of trees you flattened? Huh? Those mangroves deserved a chance and you demolished them in a second."

"It was hard! Those waves were pretty big."

Kris frowned. "They weren't even a foot tall."

"Fine, steer. I don't care. But if you end up crashing the boat, you are not gonna live it down."

The two went up on a bargain to get a motor out of the water for the owners of the cabin that they were renting, along with Becca's parents for the week. He'd said that a couple that stayed a few weeks ago had been a bit too busy to watch their motor. Getting too close to land, their motor broke away from the boat and fell into water a few feet deep.

Kris sneered as she climbed into the canoe.

Ten minutes later, they switched positions. Becca, tired of the constant zigzagging pattern, finally forced Kris into the back, threatening to tip the boat if all else failed.

After much rocking the boat, they settled down in each other's positions. Becca growled to Krissy who complained of the nonexistent waves messing up her steering. "Right, the waves that were about an inch high. Those would be really difficult to get through."

They remained silent and rowed, much more calmly and steadily out into the middle of the lake. As they went on, the girls seemed to sense that there was some sort of a disturbance on the island. Getting closer, a rope was pulled out and tied to a tree trunk. Putting on their mask, fins and snorkel, they looked out at the island. Still, there was a lingering feeling of something not right.

The two plunged into the water and began to swim around, looking for the lost motor. Krissy was the first to spot it. They then took turns trying to retrieve the motor, neither of them made much progress, except for all of the silt they dredged out of the bottom of the lake.

Becca surfaced and looked back to the island. "You know, that motor will be really hard to get with all that sand. Why don't we look around this island for a while? Who knows, there's something weird about this island and we might find something interesting."

"Alright, let's do it. You know how much I love to explore places." Kris dragged herself up onto the coast of the island and watched as Becca did the same. Pulling off her fins Kris stood, flinging down her mask and snorkel as well. "I'm going to head off towards the left. This place isn't too huge, so we'll probably meet up in a half an hour or so. Deal?"

Becca nodded. "Deal. If you find anything interesting, yell for me." Becca rose from the sand and started into the wooded part of the island.

Kris shrugged and did the same. She was only walking for about ten minutes when she heard the leaves rustle. Kris froze, wondering what animals inhabited the small island. A branch snapped behind her and she spun around, ready to face whatever animal stumbled across the path. When nothing did, she cautiously took another step, glancing behind her as she did.

She never saw the thing that stepped in front of her, blocking her from going any further.


Becca sighed; She had been walking for about fifteen minutes and still found nothing useful for their little expedition. She walked a bit further and froze. A large clearing was laid out before her, the tall grass shooting from the ground around her. She stepped carefully into the field and surveyed the area. Grass was flattened in several places and stumps crushed it in others. Wondering what kind of inhabitants she would find, Becca continued walking. She stopped once more when she heard a voice up ahead.

"I told you I heard somebody!" the woman said.

Becca raised a brow. Kris could fake a British accent, but hers wasn't as good as the one she just heard.

"Well, no one is there," a man interjected. Becca tensed. She didn't see any men around when Kris and her embarked, so where did these two come from? Becca waited for the people to appear. Just as she thought that no one was going to, a tall man stepped into the clearing. He had medium length brown hair that appeared slightly greasy. His chin and cheekbones were sharp, giving him a more severe look.