And here we have it folks!! the final chapter!!! i hope you all have enjoyed this story, for i really have enjoyed writing it :D once again, i beg that you give props to xLupinxLoverx, my lovely co-writer for these last few chapters :D ans thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far!! now, please have fun with the final chapter of Waiting, and when you're done, make sure you leave a review!!

Chapter 7

Tonks just stared at Remus, dumfounded.

"You can't be serious…"

"I'm afraid I am quite serious." Remus said, and Tonks thought she could hear an almost comical note to his voice, as if he found this all quite funny.

So we have to kiss to get out huh? Bloody hell I can't even see his face in here… she thought hopelessly to herself. All of a sudden she remembered something, and tried to twist around to reach her pocket without whacking Remus in the process. The darkness was engulfing, and it irked her to no end. She felt up and down her jeans pockets to find what she was sure she had brought with her. But as her hands ran over the pockets, she found to her horror she was feeling something different. And as a warm hand covered hers, her worst nightmares were confirmed. She had been running her hands up and down Remus' leg.

She immediately yanked her hand away.

"Merlin, I'm sorry! I was just looking for my torch." she gushed. She could feel her cheeks getting redder by the second. She was almost glad the cupboard was deprived of light; otherwise Remus would be able to see her blushing.

"Torch?" Remus asked, amused.

"Err… It's this old muggle contraption that my Dad used to use when we couldn't magically restore the lights in our house," she explained. "I keep it on me just in case… well…"

"Just in case you happen to be magically locked in a broom cupboard by your deranged cousin." Remus said, chuckling.

"Exactly!" Tonks replied sarcastically. "I knew you'd understand!"

Remus smiled.

"Although it's not very often I get to be locked in a broom cupboard with my deranged cousin's handsome best friend." Tonks said, smiling as well.

Remus was stopped dead in his tracks.

Did she just say I was handsome? I must be dreaming…

His heart was beating faster than ever. How do you respond to a comment like that? He decided to remain silent.

There were a few moments of hesitation before Tonks spoke up again.

"Aha!" she cried, startling Remus. "I found it!"

"Err… found what?"

Tonks rolled her eyes. "Why the torch of course!"

She felt up the long handle for the little button that made it work. When she had found it, she pushed it and a beam of white light seemed to burst from the top. It illuminated the whole cupboard, and Remus began blinking furiously at the unexpected strong force of light.

"Oh bugger, sorry!"

Tonks quickly lowered it so the light shone near the floor, casting a warm glow on their faces.

There was another moment of silence between them as they looked at each other.

Then, Tonks thought of something that made her leap to her feet, knocking Remus over and causing him to bang his head on the door. Even more unfortunately, Tonks, being the clumsy witch she was, tripped and fell backwards, landing with an "Oof!" and a muffled grunt on the unsuspecting Remus.

"Oh gods Remus, I'm so sorry!" She said, trying hopelessly to get up. Much to her surprise however, a strong pair of arms held her back.

"It's ok. Although I suppose I'll be a little worse for the wear tomorrow." He said, a small hint of humor in his tone.

Tonks was relieved he wasn't angry, but why was he still holding on to her? She was surprised at his strength. He always seemed so skinny and frail, especially today, after the full moon. And she was stunned that she, a trained auror and arm-wrestling champion of the office, couldn't break out of his grasp.

Remus chuckled as she struggled to get free.

"It's ok, just relax," He said, gently pulling her back so she was leaning against his chest. "Are you hurt at all?"

Tonks could barely form a coherent sentence. She could feel the heat of his body through her shirt, and couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like without the layers of fabric in between. She mentally slapped herself before her mind wandered any further in that direction.

"No, no, I'm fine…" She managed to stutter out.

"Good. I'm glad."

"Are you sure that I didn't hurt you though?" Tonks said, twisting around so she could see his face.

He just smiled wryly at her. "Don't worry, I've been through much worse."

Tonks' heart sunk a little. There was genuine sorrow in his eyes, and she knew in an instant he wasn't just referring to physical hurt. She had never really stopped to think about what Remus had been through. She knew he had fought in the first war, and that he had been good friends with James and Sirius and Peter in school, but there was so much more. He had been alone, and pretty much friendless for 13 years, as two of his friends were presumed to be dead, and the other was a convicted murderer. And then to find out that one of them was a traitor, and responsible for the death of James and Lily, that must have been horrible.

But he found Sirius again, she thought. And he has Harry, and Dumbledore, and the Order…

And Tonks found herself wishing more than anything that she could be included in the list. So without really thinking, she closed the distance between them and softly touched her lips to his.

Remus seemed startled at first, but only for a second, and soon both of them had lost themselves in the kiss.

It was a spectacular kiss. Why, both of them were so caught up in the moment, that neither saw the door to the cupboard pop open. And neither of them saw a rather excited looking Sirius watching them from the hallway. In fact, it wasn't until he actually burst out laughing that either of them looked up.

"Moony 'ol chap I didn't think you had it in you!" Sirius jeered, coming over to slap his friend on the back.

Remus just shook his head. "To tell you the truth Padfoot, neither did I."

Sirius began laughing again, and Remus couldn't help but join in.

Tonks was just watching them with an incredulous look on her face.

She could not believe that she had just kissed Remus Lupin. The same Remus Lupin she had been pining over for weeks and weeks. And he was happy about it. Why, he looked estatic. Tonks had never seen him like this, and she couldn't help but think that this must have been what he was like in school; back in the Marauders' heyday. And she couldn't believe that of all people, she was the one who made him feel like that.

Remus and Sirius' laughter finally died down and they both looked over at Tonks. She was grinning like a madman and her hair was so bright it seemed to be shining, illuminating her face in neon pink light.

And right then, Remus didn't care that he was an old, poor werewolf. He didn't even care that Sirius would probably taunt him about this for the remainder of his life. All he knew was that he wasn't alone anymore. And at this very merry thought, he turned back to Sirius with a grin to rival Tonks'.

"See Sirius, this is what I was waiting for."