Disclaimer—I own both Stargate SG-1 and Doctor Who… Seriously, you can check out my DVD collection anytime.

A/N: This piece is just meant to be a bit of fun combining two of my favorite shows and it will make the most sense to fans of both shows. As such it is posted for both fandoms. Hope that you enjoy it. Please review!



It was 0600 Monday morning at the SGC, and the hallways were almost empty. However, a deep, resonant voice could be heard echoing down the hallway outside of Colonel Carter's lab "…Then, Rose decisively pushes aside the cowardly boy and rushes over to the wall. There, in a feat of determination and strength, she cuts loose a chain, swings across the firey pit, and frees the Doctor from his captors, knocking the vial of anti-plastic into the Nestene Consciousness and saving the planet." Teal'c paused in his enthusiastic recounting to take a breath and then concluded, "It was one of the most courageous acts I have ever witnessed."

Sam looked at Teal'c across the box that she was unpacking, disbelief and amusement equally apparent on her face. She'd just reported back from Area 51 last week, and what with the Mark IX disaster and the new threat of an Ori Supergate, she hadn't yet been able to get her lab in order. "Anti-plastic? To save the world from shop-window dummies?"

"Indeed. The Doctor carried the vial with him. And," he added proudly, "I researched the creatures on the internet. The shop-window dummies are called Autons, a historically dangerous foe of the Doctor and the planet."

Carter stared wide-eyed at her alien friend. "Teal'c?" she began tentatively.

"Yes, Colonel Carter?"

"You work here, at the SGC, where people… where you actually save the world from real alien threats…" Her statement was almost a question.

Teal'c's face was a picture of serenity as he replied, "Indeed."

"Well," she continued, "I guess I just don't understand how a fictional story, how some TV show on the SciFi Channel, could be so exciting to you."

Teal'c nodded solemnly, as if he was considering her words carefully. "Perhaps, you can join me for next week's episode when the Doctor and Rose travel in his blue box to watch the destruction of earth. Then, you will see for yourself." And, with that the enigmatic man quickly left her office, a small smile on his face, leaving behind a flummoxed and blind-sided Samantha Carter in his wake.