Heart Held Captive
He was only suppose to held her captive until she heals Orochimaru's arms. That's her only use. She means nothing more to him. But why is it that each and everyday he sees her sulking in a corner(haha, she's held captive!), somethings tingling in his heart. Was it guilt for leaving her? Hurting her? Or much worse...the weakness called...love. What's he to do when he founds out Orochimaru has other plans for her, a new body perhaps?
Crappy Disclaimer, this will be my last disclaimer, so...tata! Enjoy!
Prolouge: Orochimaru's Plan
"Sasuke-sama, Orochimaru-sama calls you to his chamber." Kabuto called from Sasuke's door, peeking slightly at what his doing. He glared daggers at Kabuto as if signaling him to leave.
"Hn." was his only response as Kabuto closed the door and left.
'What does he want now? Herbs again? I need more dangerous missions! I'm not getting any stronger in here!' Sasuke thought, glaring daggers at the floor, as if it had a great debt in him.
"Oh...!! Sasuke-kun! Sit down, sit down!" Orochimaru said, grinning like a mad man.
"As you can see, I've called you upon my chamber..." he said in a creepy voice.
"You stated the obvious baka." Sasuke spat out.
"Ku, ku, ku. Sasuke-kun, you're becoming more disrespectful, I think I'm gonna give some lessons about respect. Anyway, as you can see, I want you to do something for me." Orochimaru finished, giving a menacing smile.
"Hn. What is it?" he asked in boredome.
"Abduct Haruno Sakura."
"Sakura-chyaan!!!" Naruto shouted, running up to Sakuras while waving madly.
"Naruto. Ohayo." Sakura greeted in a cold, cool voice. She has just finished her shift in the hospital.
"Ne, ne Sakura-chan, don't act so cold and calm around me! You know, sometimes I feel I'm not your friend anymore!!!" the fox complained, pouting while resting his chin at Sakura's shoulder.
Sakura smiled. A genuine yet sad smile.
"Oh Naruto. Of course you're still my friend." she replied, holding his hand.
"You know, you two look cute together." Kakashi said, dusting his clothes off, looking at them with a smile, well, if they have seen him smile.
"Shut up you old geezer. I might just report you for sexual harassment." Sakura said with a small smirk, a teasing look in her eyes.
"Am I that old?" Kakashi asked, gazing at his self, a questioning and joking look on his face. Sakura surpassed a snort.
"Ne Kaka-sensei, stop fooling around! But, you are right, Sakura-chan and I do look good together! Ne, Sakura-chan?" naruto asked with a grin, lacing his arms around Sakura.
"Naruto, get your hands off of me before I do the unimaginable." she said, barely avoiding the twitching of her eyebrows.
"Oh..? Then what is the unimanigable Sakura-chan?" Naruto purred at her ear.
BAM! Naruto was sent flying to the wall. Sakura dusted off her clothes, regaining the once, calm and cold posture.
"I should never do that again, should I?" Naruto asked as he faintly attempted to stand up, failing because of the pain. Kakashi just shook his head and sighed.
"I take that as a no." Naruto huffed.
"So what's your business here Kakashi?" Sakura asked coldly, looking at him directly in the eyes.
"Tsunade-sama has summoned you. Apparently, some nins are spotted roaming around the borders of Konoha. she asked you to check it out." Kakashi explained, Sakura just nodded in response.
"Off you go!" Kakashi said, motioning Sakura to leave.
"Bye Sakura-chan! Bring me ramen!" Naruto shouted as Sakura left. Naruto slumped his shoulders and sighed.
"Why am I always left alone?" he asked to nobody.
"I'm here!" Kakashi said, trying to cheer up the fox.
"Tch. Thanks sensei." Naruto said with a sheepish grin.
'Something isn't right. And I know it.' Sakura thought as she scouted the area.
She didn't know she's going to see some one she never expected to see.
Nor she wanted to.
So...I'm thrilled by this story and I don't know why. But, I hope you enjoy it!