Man my luck is getting worse and worse. first of I haven't been able to get on FanFic for almost forever (not a good thing). Second I haven't been able to write more of this story. Third I had to change computers so I lost the first rough draft of this chp. and fourth I lost word so I'm usin this really crappy thing called word pad!!! It doesn't even tell you if you've misspelled things (If you see any errors in my typing please ignore them I can't help it). So I have come to the decision that if I don't have bad luck I have no luck at all. So for those of you who have been waiting for chp 3 here it is but first let's hear from May and Drew!!!!! Oh I think I'm going to put a trailer for this fanfic on youtube but if any of ya'll know where I can get clips from the episodes it would be very helpful for the trailer so please let me know if you do.


Drew: That's the last time I take you out for coffee.

Me: Drew!!! You should have known better!! now May has probably lost what brain cells she had left!!!

May:- Runs around the room- Omgdoyoulikecookiesilooooooovecookiestheymakemeeallyhappydidyouknowdrewwearsteddybearboxerstobedatnightithinktheyaresoadorable-

Me: WHAT?!?!Drew wears teddy bear boxers to bed at nght?!?!?!

Drew: Nooooo! They are fat puppies with really short tails that say roar!!! Geez get it right.

Me: I worry about you Drew. have you been hanging out with Harley-

May:- Starts dancing on the tables- OhyeaOhyea!!!ComeonDrewyouknowyouwantsomeofthis.

Me: I also worry about May....BIG TIME!!!! -Starts thinking-

Drew:-Puts on a helmet- Everybody hide this is a dangerous moment!! 4eva is actually think-

Me:-Slaps Drew upside the head- You are an arrogant jerk meanie face... I can't believe May loves you. BTW May do you have any more secrets about Drew?

Drew:-Covers May's mouth- 4eva does not own pokemon if she did I would be the laughing stock of the show so thank god she isn't.... so onto the story!!!


May's heart skipped a beat. Drew was about to give her an answer that she wanted to be yes very badly. She was about to die with anticipation and curiosity.

"May, I really want to be your partner-" Drew said but was interrupted.

May almost fell to the ground with happiness she got very dizzy and almost fainted. She couldn't believe it. He said YES! May regained her composer and replied,"Omg Drew do you how happy I am? I was afraid I'd end up not being able to enter the contests here. I'll go and get us rooms for the next few days. I want to make sure the other two teens are okay."

"Uhh... oh...okay," Drew whispered as May walked away. After seeing how happy she was he didn't have the heart to tell her no. Well, not in person at least, he thought. Drew watched May happily talking with Nurse Joy. He sat down on a corduroy couch that was in the pokemon center, while watching them. Drew noticed for a spilt second that May frowned and shook her head slightly, but she regained her composer and walked over to Drew.

"Um, Drew?" May said sticking her to index fingers together and her face was a light pink.

He looked up at her and could almost guess what was coming next but he decided to ask anyway,"Hmm?"

"They oly had two rooms left when we came in with the two teens and well the other two decided to share a room soooo,"She broke off and hurried the last part of her sentence,"we have to share a room."

"Well let's go to our room and figure something out,"he said getting up and holding out his hand for their key.

May handed him the key but stared at him blankly as he started heading to the elevator. she watched him walk into the elevator and wait for her. She snapped out of her daze and said," Wait! Isn't this... I dunno a lil bit awkward... I mean I'm a girl and your a guy and we're just friends."

Her last words stung a little bit but he wouldn't let her know how he felt so he replied,"What? You've never slept with a guy before?" He smirked and gave his signature hair flip. He was about to let the elevator go up to the secongd floor when she came running up to him. She was running too fast for a clumsy person like her and she tripped over her own feet and fell. May noticed she landed on something soft and warm. She opened her eyes to see a beautiful emerald color. It was his eyes. Drew's eyes and she never noticed it before but they were so handsome, warm, and soft looking that she could stare into them forever.

Drew realized how close their faces were and that they were in a elevator. Alone. With the doors closed. And before he knew it they were kissing again her warm soft lips moving with his. There were so many things he wanted to do with her and little did he know May was thinking the same thing. They were both hormonal, but he had enough sinse to push her back and stand up, before things really got started. So even though it hurt he did and just in time the elevator door opened up and he ran out of it without lokking at May.

May stood up and watched him leave. She was embarrased and distraught. How could he just up and leave without telling her anything she felt like it was her fault and she deserved to be ignored by him especially after last night and now. She thought he looked hurt to, but she couldn't tell plus anyway if he was hurt why over this? Why over her? The only thing she could think is how they don't belong together and that he has tons of girls that would do anything for him to be with him. Would she really start to be considered as crazy and creepy as them. The more she thought of it the more it hurt and the harder it was to hold back the tears.

She was walking to their room when she noticed a note on the door knob. It was from Drew and this is what she read in his neat perfect hand writing:

Dear May,

I have gone out to think. I'll be back later.

P.s. you're not a bad kisser ;)

Sincerely Drew.

May was overjoyed and worried at the same time then she noticed there was a beautiful red rose attached to the note. She walked into the room and sat down on the only bed to do some thinking of her own.


Me: Since I left a major cliff hanger last time I didn't really leave one this time.

Drew: -mouth hanging open- May isn't a good kisser! Last time I kissed her I had drool all over my face!

May:- sticks out tongue- well you know your not so good yourself.

Drew:-Sighs- oh well you could have been abducted by Brendan like 4eva said you'd be then I would have been distraught.

Me: -looks from one to the other- whatever just don't blinde me again... You still owe me from the last time.

May: sorry 4eva. But Drew you actually care about me?

Drew: No. If you were abducted then I wouldn't have someone to make me look better... not that I need to look better. I mean Look at ME! I'm down right sexy!

Me: I'd advise you to run- Oh well I don't care.

May: -Body slams Drew to the floor- GRRRRRRR!!!!

Me: Oh well.. Go MAY!!! Please fave. and review!! 4eva out!