This actually was a dream I had while I was napping on the floor. XD After talking to my friend about it, I wrote it out and decided to put it up here. Anywho, if you don't know about Godot's past, hell, why are you reading this? DX Don't you dare say I didn't warn you.

Also, with a name like Diego Armando, I can see him speaking Spanish, so, yeah. xD Diego magically speaks Spanish.

Anywho, DX I own no one but me.

Oh, the horror. Diego looked at his now empty coffee cup then up at the still warm pot of coffee on his desk. He should get up off the couch and pour himself another cup of that rich, life giving coffee, right?

Wrong. He was currently being used as a pillow by his poca gatita and as much as he longed for coffee, he couldn't exactly bring himself to wake the girl up just for a cup of coffee. As cute as his poca gatita was, she was a real león when woken from slumber for no good reason.

Diego sighed a bit mournfully, his mouth watering for coffee. Maybe he could wait it out? He glanced at the clock. It was just a little past one. Diego felt his heart break. She fell asleep sometime around noon and she had the habit of napping for three hours.

Just when he thought he was going to starve due to lack of coffee, he heard familiar footsteps nearing his office. Praise be to the man who invented coffee! He was saved! Diego looked at the door with wide, almost smiling eyes when the knob turned and his gatita walked in.

Mia blinked. "... Diego?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, we were watching TV and then she decided to use me as a pillow and fall asleep." Diego said indifferently, gently shrugging. "And if you think this sucks, what really sucks is I'm out of coffee."

Mia smirked and placed a hand on her hip. "Is that so?"

Diego didn't like the smirk on her face. "Kitten, you know I love you, right?" He said as she quietly closed the door and started for his pot of life giving coffee. "And I'd do anything for you."

"Anything?" Mia asked as she grabbed a spare mug from the herd of coffee mugs.

"Anything." Diego was watching her carefully. "And since I'd do anything for you, can you do me just one little favor?"

"And what's this favor you'd like me to do?" She asked almost too sweetly as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"... Give me that cup of coffee, pretty please?"

"Mmm..." Mia seemed to think about it. "Nope." With that, she took a sip.

And with that sip, Diego felt a piece of his soul die. "But... but...!"

"Remember how you said you'd make it up to me for forgetting my birthday?" Mia asked, blowing on the coffee to cool it down.

Diego really didn't like where this was going. "Y-yeah." He answered a bit too meekly.

"Well, this is only half of it."

And as she drank the coffee in front of him, Diego felt his soul die and his heart shatter into thousands of pieces.

Yes, Diego can starve if he doesn't get his coffee. Yes, Diego has a TV and couch in his office. Yes, I get deadly when people wake me up from a nap. DX Remember, this is a fanfic. Don't stone me! And for those who don't know, poca gatita means little kitten. (-.-; when your max height is the height that archeologists use to determine if a group of people are pygmies, you generally get called small (insert baby animal) .)

:3 Please review?