DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto. I do own this plot and any OC characters I may create along the way.


Is something wrong with Fanfiction? I can't search for stories, anyone know?

No, I lied. Weasel-chan-sensei is NOT going to be weird. I repeat. Is NOT. Mmkays, here ya go!


"No! Please! Nooooo!!!" Sakura cried, closing her eyes. Was this her punishment for impersonating the Hokage?

"Nooo!! I beg forgiveness!!" she bowed on the floor.

"Too late" Tsunade snarled, licking a finger.

Sakura slowly edged away until a wall stopped her.

"No! Please! Stop!!" She covered her face with her hands.

Tsunade took her finger...and put it in Sakura's ear.

"Wet Willy!!" Tsunade laughed.

"AGH!! The grossness of my mentor's saliva is within my beautiful ear!! I want Weasel-chan-sensei!!!" Sakura whined.

"No one's here to save you know..." Tsunade smirked.

"W-what's that supposed to mean?" Sakura asked, rubbing her ear "And why isn't Naruto here?!"

"Oh..Naruto got his punishment already. You know what it is? No more ramen for a month!!" Tsunade said.

Sakura gaped "You...cruel...cruel...person..."

"As for you..." Tsunade put her fingers on her chin "I think you're good with having your training increase tenfold... AND you're gonna train with Team Kakashi too!"

Sakura gasped "But that would be...one...two...three... ten times more than usual!!"

Tsunade sweatdropped "Tenfold is ten...was it really necessary for you to count like that?"

Sakura put on an innocent face and nodded.

"Ok, then. Itachi is back, and Sasuke is the only one that doesn't know. I'll allow you to have that much fun, ok? You're training with Team Kakashi for the rest of the day." Tsunade said to the pink haired kunoichi.

"Roger that!" Sakura saluted "Bye bye, shishou!!"

But Sakura didn't leave...without giving Tsunade a wet willy as well. Then she ran for her life. So that was really fast.


"Ohayou, everybuddy!!" Sakura waved to her team...maybe it was former team...?

"Sakura-chan!!" Naruto grinned, knocking Sakura down from the impact.

"Oh, you're light again!" Naruto commented.

"Well, duh. I took off the frickin weights..." Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Couldn't handle the pressure?" Sasuke smirked.

"Urusai, teme!" Sakura shouted at him.

Sasuke glared at the girl.

She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Yo!" Kakashi poofed in, reading his Icha Icha book.

"Why is this team's name Team Kakashi? You're probably the weakest of us all, sensei..." Sakura commented.

"I? The great Copy Ninja Hatake Kakashi weakest?" he said cockily.

Sasuke stifled a laugh.

"What? You think I'm weak?" Sakura turned to Sasuke.

"Hn. I know it" he smirked.

Sakura didn't hesitate to punch him. He vanished from sight. Where the heck did he go? Haha, he went all away around the world at lightning speed and he ended up back where he started in a flash. But the difference was that he was sizzling and his cheekbone might have been completely obliterated.

Sakura clapped her hands together.

There was a soft rustle in the bushes. Her teammates seemed to go unnoticed by this, but her head immediately snapped there...she grinned.

"Weasel-chan-sensei is spying on meeeee!!" she sang "Damn...I've got a huge hangover..." she held her head.

There was a sigh from the bushes and Itachi came out "I lost this weasel I found..." he shrugged.

"Oh! Right!" Sakura grinned again and she glomped Itachi and hugged him "I love you!!!!"

Itachi didn't reply.

"That was a dare. But I do!! YOU'RE ONE OF MY BEST BUDDIES, SENSEI!!" she grinned.

Sasuke was finally over his broked cheekbone. He faced the direction where Sakura was making so much noise. His eyes turned to the man she was hugging. He glared on impulse. The man turned to face him.

"Hello Sasuke. Have you gotten taller?" he asked.

"Fuck off, Itachi" Sasuke snarled.

"Isn't this the time when you get angry and throw yourself at me?" Itachi asked.

"Sensei...that sounded wrong" Sakura commented.

Itachi's lips twitched upwards. But as soon as it came, it was gone.

"Have you seen a weasel run past?" Itachi asked, facing Sakura once more, and ignoring his younger brother's growing murderous intent.

"Only you" Sakura said, nonchalant.

Itachi poked her forehead "Alas, I must continue my search. Bye, Pinky" with that he disappeared.

"Sensei's acting different.." Sakura mumbled then snapped "HEY!! I AM NOT A PINKY!! I AM A THUMB! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE!!"

"Sakura. What the hell are you doing, having that damned Itachi as your sensei?" Sasuke's voice was cold.

"Eso no tu problema" Sakura wagged her finger. (A/N: I think that means 'It's not your problem)

"Hn" Sasuke scowled.

"Hn, right back at you, duckbutt"

"What'd you call me?" he glared at her.

"It called you duck. Butt." Sakura said casually "Or would you prefer Sas-gay-kun?"

"You're annoying" Sasuke said.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan! Don't take it seriously! He's just being a teme!!" Naruto said, trying to prevent Sakura from crying.

"You're one to talk, Uchiha. Fight me" Sakura ordered him.

"You wouldn't last five minutes" Sasuke remarked, smirking.

"Bring it" Sakura said.

"Fine. Right here. Right now."

Sakura shrugged "Ten minutes tops that you'll be unconscious when I'm done with you. If not that, dead"

"Are you going to let them do this, Kakashi-sensei?!" Naruto furrowed his eyebrows in frustration.

Kakashi shrugged "Why not?"

Sakura smirked and cast a genjutsu with a click of her finger, the way Itachi had taught her. Sasuke stood motionless as his eyes dulled and he was in another world. Sakura took it to her advantage and boredly pressed a pressure point, knocking him out then releasing the genjutsu.

"That was easy" Sakura smirked.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto cried "How'd you do that?!"

"Training, grasshopper" Sakura said.

"Sakura...I'm impressed. Not even Naruto could defeat Sasuke that eas—" Kakashi was stopped when Sakura's attention was immediately placed on Sasuke.

Sakura chuckled "It was a clone. I wasted my stinking chakra on a pathetic shadow clone..." she sighed.

"What are you talking abou—" Naruto was now cut off when that 'Sasuke' vanished in a puff of smoke.

Sakura threw a kunai with unrivaled precision, there was a soft clinging sound and Sasuke discreetly moved to a tree. Without hesitation, Sakura vanished from the spot she was standing at and reappeared right behind Sasuke. He noticed her presence.

"Nani?" his eyes widened.

Sakura performed a few handsigns "Katon! Goukakyuu no jutsu!"

Sasuke dodged the ball of fire and the hidden weapons within. He sped toward Sakura, aiming for a kick. She blocked it and sent him a chakra filled punch which she tried to aim at his brokedn cheekbone. He blocked it with his hand, but he didn't expect the bones in his arm to shatter from the punch.

"Agh!" he grunted.

Both of their speeds were unrivaled, but Sakura's was faster. To outsiders, they looked like their blurs weren't even visible and it seemed as though they were moving still. Sasuke knew he underestimated Sakura and activated his Sharingan. He was caught off guard as he did this and Sakura placed her palms over his eyes. She sent a surge of chakra into it, rendering the Sharingan disabled for about 5 minutes. Sakura really had no idea if it would work, so she decided to test his theory. And when Sasuke opened his eyes, there were no sharingan there.

"What'd you do?" he unsheathed his katana.

"Disabled it" Sakura said unsheathing hers.

Clings of metal were heard. It went like that for about 2 minutes at lightning speed, until Sakura disappeared without a trace.

Where she go? Sasuke observed his surroundings.

In truth she used a transparency jutsu and was actually in front of him, masking her chakra to the fullest. Acting on impulse, Sakura sent him powerful chakra filled blows which could have killed him, but she held back just a little so it wouldn't. Sasuke figured it out, and grabbed her wrist just as it nearly hit his chin. Sakura allowed herself to be visible and smirked.

A senbon slipped out of her fist and she stuck it on a pressure point in Sasuke's neck.

He fell to the ground.

Sakura breathed heavily. She never needed to fight like that, unless she was training with Weasel-chan-sensei.

She dropped to her knees beside Sasuke, where she was then greeted by Naruto and Kakashi.

"Huh? It's over? But I barely saw anything!!" Naruto pouted.

"That was impressive. I'm sorry for doubting you" Kakashi said.

Sakura smiled then realized something,


Kakashi sweatdropped. Okaaay...

Sakura grinned and returned to her miniature Itachi form. Her face was unreadable.




"Let's go for some ramen!!" Naruto suggested.

"But you're not allowed, remember?" Sakura asked.

Naruto frowned and anime cried "Waaahhh!! It's not fair!! What do you have as your punishment, Sakura-chan?"

"Aa..." Sakura began "I got a wet willy, my training will be increased tenfold, and I have to be with you guys for the rest of the day..."

"That's awesome!! NOT FAIR!!" Naruto cried.

"Sensei pushes us hard enough...I already have to do 500 laps a day with him, but if it increases tenfold it's be 5000.." Sakura sighed "Oh well. Wanna get some barbeque?"

Naruto and Kakashi nodded.

And so they left the unconscious Sasuke on the ground as they went to get some BBQ –drools-...


THE END! I know the fight scene was bad, sue me. No, don't really. Heehee...mmkays! Next will be out sometime. I won't be able to do much anymore since my mom'll be back from vacation and she doesn't know about these stories, and so..yeah. Then there's that thing about 'school'. Ugh...I'm sorry.

Review please! And tell me if you know how come I can't search for stories to read on that search bar thing. Mmkays! BYEEE!!