dsclaimer: even tho it is sooo unfair that stephenie meyer gets twilight and i don't i ahve to admit that it belongs to her. Also the characters belong to her including edward.
chimeofbells: bella debussyrules: edward luvtoshop: Alice pranksta: emmett emoboy: jasper lookatme: rosalie
chimeofbells: EDWARD!! get on i need to talk to you...
debussyrules: u do know that I'm coming over tonight don't you?
chimeofbells: yeah..that's what i need to talk to you about...
debussyrules: me coming over?
chimeofbells: or more specifically...you not coming over
debussyrules: what's going on tonight that means i can't come over.
chimeofbells: You remember my best friend from pheonix i told u about
debusseyrules: um... megan right?
chimeofbells: yeah...well...she has a court case up in seattle here and she is sleeping over tonight
chimeofbells: are you mad at me?
debussyrules: no you havent seen this friend in along time and i bet your friend would be uncomfortable with me there right?
chimeofbells: yeah...thanx for understanding, your the best!!!
debussyrules: yeah...sorry i have to go...esme needs help...see u tommorrow.
chimeofbells: bye, love you.
debussyrules: love you, too.
a/n: that was just the first chapter...ill make another one if at least one person likes it please review
next chapter: what happens when edward meet megan and they hate each other