Disclaimer: "X" and "Yami no Matsuei" are belonged solely to their respective authors, CLAMP-sama and Matsushita Yoko-sensei, along with their publishers. All copyrights are rightly belonged them, and author is only using their work as non-profit fan fiction.

Warning: Cross-over between "X" and "Yami no Matsuei". This work is rated as T for several violence scenes, moral talk, character death, and sexual implication. Some readers may prefer to view this as AU work, and please feel free to assume so. The rating could be upgraded if the theme turns more mature in following future. Expecting some OOC-ness for some characters, because this is important for story development.

Spoilers: X vol. 16 and up, also Yami no Matsuei after Kyoto's Arc.

Summary: Chapter 00 – The Beginning: Ever wonder how Death works as Shinigami…?


A lone spirit floats aimlessly inside endless darkness slumber. Everything is dark and the space seems to stretch out. There is no light to provide vision, but this does not bother the spirit at all for he keeps floats peacefully.

"Are you done sleeping yet?"

The spirit stirs a little at the sudden voice; he doesn't expecting someone else around here. Slowly he opens, and turns around at the direction of voice's source. No one is around, but he could feel at the back of his mind an omnipotent presence hovering around him.

"Now," he smirks lightly," what Enma-Dai-Oh, of all people, need something from someone like me?"

"Right." If the existence has eyes and visible currently, he'll definitely rolls them. Really, death spirits are supposed to be modest. He remembers another long time when he meets another spirit with a pair of amethyst eyes. That person is difficult to handle; this one currently seemed also difficult to handle, though different. Another approach method is needed to handle this one.

"Surely, you're not so gullible to realize your position?"

The spirit raises one of his eyebrows. "Last time I check, I've already passed down my position to someone else," sighs," you, of all people, should know it, shouldn't you?"

"Really! This spirit!" Trying to keep his flickering anger under control, Enma-Dai-Oh starts to continue the conversation. "Yes, I do realize it," suddenly the tone of his voice turns lighter than before," and I also know you've some unfinished business left at the living world."

"Oh?" the spirit tilts his head, interested," do you? My, what a surprise! I myself didn't even realize it." "Just say, unfinished business in the form of certain onmyouji." At this, the spirit blinks. "And?" "What if I say," the voice has cunning tone in it," I'll give you a chance to meet him, and some others incentives of course. If, you decide to work for me. And, maybe, I'll even consider your work as your penance."

"My penance?" the skepticism in his voice so heavy," really? Meaning?" "You do realize at this rate, you'll end up at Hell to spend your entire afterlife, don't you?" "Hm," the spirit shrugs," I do hope to stay at Heaven, but ah well, a beggar could not be picky."

"YOU-! Ahem!" Enma-Dai-Oh coughs softly, while the spirit snickers. After satisfied with his effort to fluster the ruler of Meifu, the spirit turns serious. "Alright then, I accept." Now it is Enma-Dai-Oh's turn to blink. "You do?" To say he is confused is an understatement. "Of course," the spirit nods," it's an excellent chance for me. It'll be so stupid not to accept it."

Blink. "Okay, I never see that." Enma-Dai-Oh frowns. "I've got a feeling you've another thing to say." The spirit smiles broadly at this. "As expected from you," grins," yes, I've a proposal I'd like you to consider. I promise it'll benefit you greatly. Ah, and of course I do believe it still within your jurisdiction to do so." "And that is…?" "No need to worry," the spirit smiles assuring," I'll mention it in detail when we create the contract."

"Okay…" Enma-Dai-Oh has a lot of doubt and with a good reason too. The spirit is famous for his unexpectedness and his cunning behavior. God knows how many times he has already tries to capture him. Alive or death. But all reason aside, Enma-Dai-Oh really needs his power to handle the upcoming event.

"Alright, then, when are you ready?" "Anytime you want." Sighing loudly, Enma-Dai-Oh rubs his temple tiredly. Not even 5 minutes passed, the spirit has already gives him a headache. "Well then," the darkness dissipates," welcome to Meifu, land of Death. A pleasure to have you here." Blue sky is starting to replace the endless darkness, and surface is now able to feel underneath.

"No," the spirit smiles; this time it's sincere," the pleasure is mine."


Author Notes:

(1) Fiuh! Finally get this story out from my system. I've developed this story since forever and do not have enough motivation to continue it XP I know, I'm suck… Anyway, thanks for the wonderful review from Musa Fox at my other fan fiction work; FINALLY I've enough will to post this work at I've post this both at X and Yami no Matsuei section.

(2) The identity on the spirit will be reveal at next chapter. And, of course, you all already know who he is, don't you? -grin?-

(3) And, please review…