Chapter 27, hope you liked the last one. Anyway here it is.

Nikki didn't know what to think,what to do, how to react anything she was frozen just like Shay's parents. The doctor and the nurses all scrambled to try an figure out what was happening but anytime they tried to hold her down or tried to restrain her the heat from her glowing hands would burn them. Nikki walked to the side of the bed an without thinking about it grabbed Shay's hand,wincing a little as it burned her skin but she just gripped it harder.

"Shay it's Nik I'm here." She whispered in the older girls ear and surprisingly the glow died out along with the burning of Nikki's hand. Everyone was shocked but the doctor took advantage of the cool down and restrained the girl to the bed just in case something happened again.

"She stay's with my daughter, understand?" Mr Go told the doctor more so then asking, the doctor only nodded. Nikki looked to him and smiled a small smile, trying to ignore the pain from the burn. "Get that looked at." He all but ordered,pointing toward her hand and she nodded before looking at the doctor.

"Follow the nurse and she'll get you taken care of." He never too his eyes off of Shay, still stunned at the whole situation. He has five children who had been smashed by a meteor and they all survived. Nikki nodded and followed the nurse.

"Are you a friend of hers?" She asked while putting burn cream on Nikki's hand with a qtip lightly and carefully. Nikki only nodded,keeping her eyes on Shay's room.

"Shes the only one who's always been there for me." She whispered not even caring about her hand anymore. The nurse wrapped it and told her not to mess with it or scratch it before sending her back to Shay's room. She sat in the chair next to the bed,holding Shay's hand gently. Her parents would come in ever so often and check on her when they made there rounds, spending an hour or so with each of there kid's before Mrs Go fell asleep in the twin's room. None of the doctors had any answers for them at all. Only that they noticed the slight change in skin color on all of the kids but no one had, had any issues like Shay. Without knowing it Nikki fell asleep,still holding Shay's hand gently. Shay started to stir and slowly opened her eyes groaning lightly as she tried to sit up but couldn't due to the restraints, she was about to freak out tell she noticed someone was holding her hand when she looked over and saw Nikki she calmed down quickly and smiled slightly.

"Nik, wake up."She whispered squeezing Nikki's hand lightly. "Come on Nik." Nikki mumbled something Shay didn't catch before turning slightly. "Nikki wake up." She all but yelled causing Nikki to jump up an fall outta the chair,hitting her head on the side of the hospital bed.

"Shhhhiiitt." She hissed grabbing her forehead.

"Oh my god are you ok?" Shay asked trying to go comfort her but was stuck to the bed. Nikki stood up,hand still on her forehead.

"I hate it when you do that." She glared at Shay who only laughed.

"I'm really sorry, hey take these stupid thing's off of me? Please?" She pouted as little. "I'll kiss you head an make it better." She smiled causing Nikki to laugh a little before she undid the wrist restraints.

"I have to leave the ankle ones on just in case."

"In case of what?" She rubber her wrists before stretching out a little, then she noticed Nikki's bandaged hand. "What the hell happened?" She reached for it holding it gently. Nikki looked at the floor and bit her lip.

"It's not important." She whispered pulling it way and hiding it behind her back.

"You got hurt so yeah it is important and since I'm asking questions,why the hell am I in the hospital?" Nikki couldn't look at her she didn't know what to say and she didn't want to make Shay mad.

"You and your brothers got hurt pretty bad. We had to bring all of you to the hospital after the rainbow meteor smashed into the backyard." Mr Go was leaning on the door jam,his arms crossed over his chest. Both girls looked up at him. "And as for Nikki's hand that was from you, you were emitting a green aura, no one could get close enough to you to restrain you if they tried they got burnt. She grabbed your hand and whispered in your ear and you calmed down and stop glowing. But in the proses she got burnt and badly." Shay looked at Nikki who looked back the the floor,biting her lip.

"I'm sorry..."

There you have it. Chapter 27. Please someone let me know if I should keep writing this or not. If I don't get any comment's I'm just gonna stop cause I have no idea if anyone is even reading it anymore or if it's even interesting anymore. Thanks
