The memorial service has arrived. Get out your tissues and black clothes, because it is time to say goodbye. Hold on, (sobs like mad) Okay, I'm back.

I've thought of a special format for your goodbye. So here it is:

(insert name here) steps up and places (insert gift name here) in front of the grave. He/she then says "(insert goodbye here)." He/she then steps back, waiting for someone else to step up.

So that's the format, pretty easy. You'll need to use copy and paste to put all that in your review. And obviously don't keep it as "he/she", put the correct one there.

We'll start with my goodbye.

Volleychic123 steps up and places Zeke and Sharpay's crowns in front of the grave. She then says, "I would like to welcome you all to the Memorial service for the story Homecoming War. I loved writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. This was my most popular story, and I will miss it very much. I sort of feel like when you finally finish reading a book series and there are no more books coming out, how you still want to keep reading, but there is nothing left to read. So now is the time to say goodbye my only story so far that broke 100 reviews." She then steps back, waiting for someone else to step up.

You can write a good hearty review if you like, or something small. All I ask is that you use my format. And then if you want to add anything else at the end feel free.

I got an idea for another story the other day, its called "The Heartbreak Club". It will be Troyella, duh. But I don't know when I'll have the first chapter up, or if I'll even go through with it. But anyway, put me on author alert if you're really interested.

And also put my other new story, "The Though of You Keeps Me Alive", on your alerts.

And for those who have been awaiting the first chapter of it, I apologize. This story takes a lot of research, and I mean A LOT. I have about ten pages printed out from the internet, a National Geographic Magazine based entirely on that time period, and I even bought a book.