Ah! Hello all.
Anyway, this is my second Ashe/Rasler fic. Yes, it will be Ashe/Rasler. You'll see...
Year 704 Old Valendian
the wedding day of her highness Ashelia B'Nargin Dalmasca to his highness Rasler Heois Nabradia
Let the bells ring from every tower in the city
Let every messenger spread out throughout the land
Let all fears be cast away
A new hope is born for the citizens of Nabradia and Dalmasca
Our kingdoms unite today
-Proclaimed by an unnamed noble of Dalmasca
Her Highness Ashelia B'Nargin Dalmasca, more commonly known as the Lady Ashe, stood on a block of wood raised a foot off the ground in front of a five-panel gold-rimmed mirror. The royal seamstresses were putting the finishing touches on her wedding gown. 'I'm getting married today' Ashe thought idly to herself. Finally, the seamstresses finished and stepped back. Ashe admired the armored gown for a minute, turning around in front of the mirror. A maid helped her off the pedastal and Ashe gathered the hem of her gown in her hands, lifting it up off the ground. She glided to the front gates of the palace, where she was to meet her future husband, Rasler. She would have married him if he was a three-legged toad to save her beloved Dalmasca, but now she couldn't imagine marrying anyone else. He was funny, handsome, and would be a great king. She just hoped she could be a worthy queen.
Rasler stood at the gates, clad in shining armor. She smiled. The maids that were to assist her to the chariot smiled. The hope and joy of the day seemed to be contageous. Today was the best day of her life. She was saving her kingdom, and marrying a great man. What could be better?
Rasler turned to look at her, and smiled. Ashe moved to stand beside him.
"You look beautiful" he whispered in her ear. Ashe blushed. "Are you ready for this?" Rasler asked.
"As ready as I ever will be." Ashe whispered back. Rasler beamed and gave her his hand to help her up.
There was a large band in front of them, as well as a score of armed guards. Although this wedding was a strategic move for the military, Ashe wouldn't have it any other way.
As they started moving, the citizens craned their necks to get a look at the future royal couple. They waved and cheered. Ashe and Rasler acknowledged them with a wave or a nod, but could barely keep their eyes off each other.
Finally, they arrived at the church. Ashe's uncle Ondore was to be the priest. Rasler and Ashe walked down the aisle together. Nobles from both kingdoms smiled at them from all around. Whether they were smiling at them or what they represented, neither knew or cared.
"In the name of the father and in the presence of these holy relics, I pronounce you man and wife from this time forth. May the blessings of the gods light your path for all eternity. Faram." Ondore's voice echoed throughout the silent hall. Ashe and Rasler stared into each other's eyes, lending the other strength. Rasler moved to kiss Ashe to finish the ceremony. When their lips finally met, an "ooh..." arose from the crowd. They broke apart beaming. They had done it.
During the year 705 Old Valendian
The prince and princess became inseperable. It was obvious they were happy. They spent all day in meetings with the court and the king, and the evenings they had to themselves. They took to taking long rides together through the city, or walking through the palace together.
Ashe had never been happier. She loved Rasler. Even though their marraige was rushed-she was barely of age when it was arranged-she loved every minute of it. She had never been closer to anyone in her life. Rasler couldn't believe how lucky he was to be married to Ashe and the best part was the war would be over soon. Archadia would be defeated and Nabradia and Dalmasca could rebuild. They would help their countries become great again-together.
Or so they thought.
The Night before Rasler is to leave for Nalbina
"What?" Ashe asked, tears welling up in her eyes. Rasler had just said the impossible, no-it couldn't be true. He couldn't be going to fight-her father would not allow it.
"Ashe, you have to understand. They may have my father. I have to defend our home." Rasler pleaded for Ashe to understand.
"But what happens if you don't...if you don't..." No matter how hard she tried, Ashe couldn't wrap her mind around the situation.
"My dear, I've been trained since birth as a soldier. You can't expect me to sit back and watch as my country is destroyed."
"No, but I thought you would try...for me...for us..."
"Ashe, look at me." Rasler forced Ashe's chin up, making her look at him. "I don't want to leave you, but I have to. I will come back. You have to believe that." Ashe was now openly crying. She threw her arms around Rasler. After the initial shock, he hugged her back. Ashe's tears dripped down his armor.
"I still don't see why you have to leave."
"It's too late for me to back out now. I have to go."
"When do you leave?"
"Tomorrow? Rasler..."
"Nalbina must be secured with all haste. We can't allow any Archadians to cross into Dalmasca, or we risk losing the kingdom."
"I'll wait for your return." Ashe took a step back. "Always. I'll sit here looking out that window until you return."
"That's the girl I married." Rasler smiled and bent down to kiss Ashe.
"Goodnight, my princess."
"Goodnight, Rasler."
The Day Rasler is to leave for Nalbina.
Ashe stood with some of the nobles of the court on the podium behind her father. Rasler stood before him, waiting to receive his sword and the king's blessing. Her father's words fell over a silent crowd. The joy of their wedding day was dampened by the fall of Nabudis.
"Galtea stand watch over your life."
"That I be considered worthy."Rasler stepped back. He turned to face his wife, the princess Ashe.
Ashe stared back. She opened her mouth to say something. She wanted to stop him, call out...she wanted to go with him. But of course, her station as a princess held her back. Rasler gave her a small nod, and turned to face the army assembled to fight. He raised his jeweled sword, and shouted a war cry. Ashe had never been more worried, butshe knew it had to be done. After all, Rasler was first and foremost a warrior. As he walked down the stairs to mount a chocobo, he turned and waved at her. His face smiled, but his eyes didn't. Ashe waved back. She turned away knowing her heart and spirit had left Dalmasca with Rasler.
A few days later
Ashe had been staring out to the Nabradia-Dalmasca border for hours now. They should have returned by now. She had to know what happened-if they lost, the royal family would have to run and go into hiding. She couldn't bear the thought of that. At least Rasler would come with her and protect her always.
Suddenly, movement in the distance. It looked like-yes! It was the army! They were a little more than half-an-hour away from the palace. Ashe ran back to her rooms to change, then took off at a sprint for the palace gate. When she reached there, the army was fast approaching. She looked frantically among them for Rasler, but didn't see him. 'That's odd,' she thought to herself, 'He's probably helping out in the back, tending to the sick or something.' She waved her arms frantically and smiled. The man in front saw her. He kicked his chocobo into a run, and as he approached Ashe realized it was her captain of the order. He looked...the best word she could think of was "forlorn." They must have lost. No matter, that meant she would have to go into hiding for a few months. A small price to pay for her country. Her father and Rasler would sort it all out.
Basch dismounted, and walked tword Ashe. His eyes gazed at her sadly. Ashe's breathing stopped-Rasler wasn't hurt, was he? If that was the case, she would do everything in her power to get him better as soon as possible. Oh, she hoped that was not the case.
"Basch, what is it?"
"Not now, my lady. I think it would be best if we discussed it with your father."
"Does it have anything to do with Rasler?"
"Then as his wife, I should know."
"But the king-"
"Basch, as your future queen I demand to know what has happened to my husband!"
"Princess Ashe, Rasler was hit by an Archadian archer."
At his words, every one of Ashe's senses went numb. It felt as if she was witnessing the entire scene from a third-person point of view, and this person had nothing to do with the prince.
"Is it bad? Will he live?"
"I know naught. I am sorry."
Ashe turned and walked away, slowly. This couldn't be happening-he promised he'd be back. She had reached the front yard when she felt as if she was slammed back into reality. The emotions she had been feeling hit her like a bullet. They were too strong. She fell to her knees. It felt as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest. She couldn't bear the thought that Rasler may die. That was impossible, he'd promised he'd come back. Memories of her wedding day, the months after that, and then his departure came flooding back.
"RASLER! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Ashe screamed. Tears streamed down her face onto the ground. She sank down so her face met her hands.
"PLEASE, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED!" Then, in a more hushed tone: "Rasler, please...please...I need you."
One of the palace workers had heard her screams. She now ran across the lawn to bend down next to Ashe.
"My lady, are you all right?"
"I don't know...I really don't know..."
A few days after the army returned
Ashe had been spending every day by Rasler's bedside, watching him and praying. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep. Her father was deeply worried, but she would hear nothing. Rasler was too strong to die.
"Rasler, I love you." she whispered in his ear, and collapsed into a fresh fit of tears.
One week after the return of the army
The doctors had been trying and trying. One came in to check on Rasler. Ashe usually ignored them-they rarely told her anything she didn't already know. This time was no different.
Ashe didn't take her eyes off Rasler. She kept hoping that he would open his eyes and see her again. She missed him so much.
The doctor took Rasler's pulse, and stepped back hurridly. Ashe's eyes snapped open.
"What is it?" she demanded.
"My princess, I must inform you that the Lord Rasler is..."Ashe gasped. He was going to live!
"He's dead, my lady." Ashe's heart stopped beating. She stared in shock. Her arms fell to her side. She nearly toppled over, but caught herself in time.
Ashe turned to face Rasler. His eyes remained closed. No-this couldn't be true. Any second now he would jump up and into her arms. This couldn't be happening.
And yet it was.
She moved closer. He wasn't breathing. As far as she could tell, the doctor had been telling the truth.
When she realized this, she collapsed. Head in hands, she went into hysterics. Tears streamed down her face. Her eyes became red and puffy.
"DON'T LEAVE! RASLER!" she screamed.
"RASLER! DON'T GO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! I NEED YOU!" her voice cracked as she screamed "you," and she was so overcome with grief all she could do was cry.
"DON'T EVER LEAVE ME! PLEASE! RASLER! YOU CAN'T BE GONE! I LOVE YOU!" The doctor moved over to try and comfort her, but there was nothing he could do-nothing anyone could do.
Ashe's life was shattered.