Ok just a little Lily/James drabble.

Good read.

Have to say it gets better later on.

But most of it's written.

So I'll post regulary.

Don't knock it til you've tried it.

So thanks.

Please enjoy.

Disclaimer: I only own the OC characters. None of JK's master pieces though!!!


'The List'

James Potter strolled lazily down the corridor of the Hogwarts Express, his trunk levitating steadily behind him. He yawned slightly in that 'bad boy' kind of way, making a few of the girls watching him from their compartments swoon or burst into a fit of contagious giggles.

A red headed girl, fiery tempered yet gentle and kind rolled her eyes at his bad attempts of suaveness. She was used to his manners and they quite frankly bored her.

"Prongs mate! How was your summer?" A particularly handsome boy of about 16 asked.

"Great Padfoot, I got contact lenses" He pointed to his eyes and sure enough his previously geeky and rounded glasses had been replaced with two glossy contact lenses. He ruffled his hair with one of his hands and flashed an award winning smile.

"Remus mate how's it going?" The one called Padfoot asked a pale looking boy with a few scars etched into his otherwise handsome face.

"Sirius, James, great to see you guys!" He replied, embracing the two in an all man hug. Sirius ended it with a pat on the back for both of them, attempting to keep his cool, rebel stature.

"James, Sirius, Remus!" A short, chubby boy with watery eyes had just run up to them like a child in a sweet shop. He clasped James' arm as though letting go would surely kill him.

"Wormtail, what's going on with you?"

"Nothing, I'm just so excited to see you guys again! Being stuck at home was the worst thing ever!" James and Sirius rolled their eyes at the boy and exchanged knowing grins.

"Ahhh Lily my darling" The red headed girl from before had left her compartment to find her friend when her way was blocked by the 4 boys known to Hogwarts as The Marauders.

"Go away Potter, let me through"

"Why no please?"

"You don't deserve a please"

"You know what I do deserve? A date, from you"

"Whatever" she said getting bored. These boys didn't scare her, but it didn't mean she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable around them.

"Magic words"

"Avada Kedavra" she scoffed. Sirius winked at her and she grimaced, a look of disgust spread on her face.

"Aren't we smart Evans?" James winked at her as well, she wished they would stop doing it; it made her feel like a piece of meat on a Butchers stall.

"How about this, I let you through for a date?"
"Why do you want a date so badly?" She asked him. His grin became wider and wider with every word she spoke.

"You're so cute Evans"

"Leave me alone!" She hissed, pushing her way through the boys, James' trunk which was still levitating behind him swung dangerously in the air and hit Peter over the head. His eyes welled up with tears but he hid his face before anyone could notice.

"Ouch Evans that was my foot" Sirius laughed, he stuck out his leg to trip her up and she toppled a little. Remus caught her arm before she could fall however and steadied her on her feet.

"Are you ok?" He asked her, his eyes scanning her livid expression.

"Yes, thanks, I'm fine" She tugged her arm away from his grip and continued walking away from the boys. One of them muttered a small incantation beneath their breath and just as the girl was about to disappear into an open compartment her school skirt blew up revealing a pair of rather attractive blue French knickers. The boys wolf whistled behind her and Sirius and James shared a high 5. Remus didn't integrate in this behaviour, he felt gutted for her, he wanted to run after her, he wanted to shout at the other boys. He saw her hastily pull down her skirt, scream and flee into the compartment, slamming the door behind her.

"That was horrible" He told them, shaking his head.

"Oh come on Moony it was only a joke"

"It was a cruel joke"

"That doesn't make it any less of a joke" James laughed and Sirius joined in. Peter however simply stood there staring at the same spot Lily had been in a minute ago, a mixture of awe and glee spread across his features.

"I'm going to see how she is" Remus said, turning to leave.

"You saw how she treated you just then, she'll only tell you to piss off"

"Well at least I can try" He hurried off down the corridor, looking behind him a few times to check they wouldn't pull his trousers down to his ankles. He knocked on the door and before he could receive an answer he slid the door open and entered the compartment.

"What –sob- do –sob- you –sob- want?" Lily sat there with her head in her hands, tears pouring from her heavily mascarered eyes, a girl with long blonde hair stroking her back in comfort.

"I wanted to see if you were ok"

"Why, didn't you find it hilariously funny as well?" She asked looking up at him, the long black streaks of makeup running down her face made him gush with sympathy for her.

"No. I didn't actually"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like making fun of other people"

"Then you really picked the wrong crowd to be hanging round with Remus" He looked down.

"But they accept me"

"And so would a lot of other people"

"No. No I don't think they would Lily"

"Well I would, and that's saying something" He smiled at her and she smiled back through her tears, before a fresh spurt erupted from her eyes and she fell back into her hands saying:

"I feel so humiliated!"

"Don't worry; I'm sure it was only us who saw. I think it's the first time Peter's seen a girls' underwear so he was pretty astounded by the sight" She attempted to laugh but it sounded more like a strangled cough.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked him looking up.

"When haven't I been nice to you?"

"I dunno…you're always nice to me" she mumbled, shrugging her shoulders.

"There you go then" He smiled at her and took a seat opposite her. He placed a hand on her knee and she looked at him for a minute. Her bottom lip trembled suddenly and she started crying all over again.

"I hate James Potter!" She screamed. She got up from her seat and banged the compartment wall. She pushed the sliding doors away from each other until they crashed either side of the compartment and rebounded off the wall. Remus had to pull her away from the doors just before she got caught in between them.

"Be careful Lily!" He grabbed her arms and wrapped his own tightly around her body. The girl who had been sitting next to her, whose name was Jessica sat watching like a goldfish, mouth open, unaware of what to do next.

"I'm gonna KILL HIM!" She roared struggling against his strong grip.

"No you're not"

"Not while you're holding me, let go Remus, let GO!" She was useless against him.

"Calm down"

"Jessica, kick him in the balls!" Jessica just sat there.

"No Jessica, please don't!" He pleaded, although she made no attempt to move either way.

"Please Remus let me go! I'll…I'll go on a date with you" He immediately let go of her, startled. She laughed uncontrollably like a maniac and slid open the doors again. Before he had time to react she was gone, the cloak from her uniform the last thing to vanish from sight.

"Lily no! Come back Lily!" He followed her into the corridor; she was racing away down it, her wand in her hand. She stopped abruptly in front of a compartment and made to open the door. "NO!" Remus jumped on top of her and they lay sprawled across the floor.

"REMUS LUPIN!" She attempted to bite the hand he had her held down with. The brawl had attracted the Marauders attention and they were soon standing in front of the two on the floor watching them struggle against each other.

"What in the name of Merlin's thick ear hair is going on?" Sirius asked bewildered.

"POTTER!" Lily shrilled. James looked taken aback, a little scared even.

"Yes Lily?"


"Prongs mate I would stay away if I was you" Remus warned, looking up. Lily took the chance to knee him directly in the bollocks. He roared in pain and fell back. The girl got to her feet and made to draw her wand but couldn't find it in her pocket. She patted herself down in search for it, however instead, leaning against the compartment door, was James Potter, holding her wand in his hand, an expression of amusement on his face.

"Give me my wand Potter or so help me Merlin!"

"So help you Merlin what you silly little girl?"

"Don't call me a silly little girl"

"Silly Lily" He taunted, moving closer towards her. She was being backed up against an open window; her heart beat was soaring with all of the anticipation and action.

"My wand Potter" She held out her hand as calmly as she could, she stumbled a little over a piece of rubbish on the floor.

"Potter please" He said with a grin plastered across his face.

"Please Potter" She sighed. She was fully backed against the wall now. Remus was still huddled on a ball on the floor. Peter was at his side looking excited. Sirius was laughing at her and James. James lifted up the hair by her ear and leaned in to whisper into it.

"Thank you Lily" His soft breath against her skin sent shivers soaring down her spine. As he left her ear she could have sworn he brushed his lips against her neck. He tossed her, her wand and before she could react had held his own in between her eyes. "Don't try anything smart Evans, I'm too quick for your games" Her blood boiled inside her, twice he had humiliated her that hour. She ran off to the bathrooms, too angry to cry anymore. Once she had sorted out her face and her hair she set off back to her compartment. Jessica, the friend she had gone to pick up was already inside with the rest of her friends, recalling what had happened with Lily and Remus.

"Lily! Are you ok?!" A short girl with dark hair asked her.

"No, but I will be once you tell me where you got those fabulous shoes!" Lily beamed. She was not about to let James Potter get her down that day. It was her first day of 6th year at Hogwarts and as an outstanding member of the prefect team she had to be fully prepared and ready to take on any obstacle thrown at her. Including insufferable boys.