Okay, the rest of this story will only be posted if you review and let me know you want it. Every chapter is based on a song, and I don't own those, nor are any exact lyrics in the story. (That I know of anyway… I tried my very best to steer clear of that.) This fanfiction is complete, so all you have to do is ask, and the rest goes up. Thanks for your time.

Disclaimer: I don't own JTHM, Squee, or any of these songs.

This is one of my first times writing Nny, so he's probably OOC.

Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums,

Part One:

One Headlight

"And in other news… The so-called 'homicidal maniac' that has been terrorizing our town for the past year has finally been brought down-"

Todd sat there stunned, not noticing as his soda slipped out from his hand and clattered to the floor, nor as its contents spilled all over the carpet (which his parents would punish him for later anyway).

It just couldn't be…

The news channel then proceeded to show actual footage of Nny's death via the police. Todd sunk to the floor and rested his forehead against the cold, unfeeling television screen and watched, his heart breaking.

It was.

Todd finally managed to rise, running to his room so he could cry in relative peace.


Nny was fighting for his life. A stab here, a slash there, two more down. But it wasn't enough, it was never enough. They kept pouring in, faster than he could kill them. For once in his life he was finally caught for his crimes. And he hated himself for it. He should've known that since he was no longer a waste-lock, there was now no reason to keep him alive. But it was too late for that now. He had to keep on, keep on-

He heard the gunshot as if he were someone else, felt the bullet tear through his middle in a distanced way. He stood absolutely still for a few seconds, not breathing, everyone around him doing the same. And then it hit. He gave a small cough and a large spray of blood left him, the wound on his stomach forming small, yet numerous droplets of crimson on the floor around him. His vision wavered, he dropped his knives to clatter uselessly to the ground at his sides. And then he, Homicidal Maniac for years, was gone. He crumpled to the floor like a fallen leaf just waiting to be crushed underfoot.

Nny was dead. But he had taken down almost half of the swarming cops with him.


A long time ago, he lost his only friend.

Not Shmee of course, but Shmee was a part of him anyway.


Apparently Nny's body was police evidence for quite some time. When he was finally buried, it was in unhallowed ground, with a simple wooden grave marker. Todd visited when he could. One day, however, the grave, and all traces thereof just up and disappeared inexplicably. So he turned around and walked home. After some time had passed, he began to doubt Nny was ever alive…


The sun is dead.


Something had changed overnight, he was sure of it. Not just outwardly, as most of Nny's hair was gone now, but something internal had become different as well. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but he knew it wasn't good. He tried to warn Nny about it, but all he'd talk about was how he was 'free' now. Oh, and this creepy stalker guy… Jimmy, if he remembered correctly.

But now… Now it didn't matter what he'd said, only what he could've done. Could he have prevented this, told Nny to lay low for awhile? Probably not. But that didn't make him feel any better.

He used to have faith in the police system, but things were different now. They took away the only person who truly wanted the best for him (however roundabout the way he went about it was). Nny always had a smile for him, creepy as it may be. And now he had no one. Sometimes, he wished he would just disappear…


Occasionally when he thought back on Nny, he would wonder: if the people here ticked him off so much, why not go live in the mountains, or a cave or something? He would smile then, as a probable reason was that they didn't have brainfreezys or Fiz-Wiz in places like that. Times like this helped 'unbreak' him a little. But only temporarily. Then again, nothing is forever. Not him, not Nny, not any one of them. And he was starting to not care.


He was in the middle- of everything. But mostly life. He was at a point when he was split on living. What was the point anymore? Everything had changed. But what if it was a good change? He wasn't so sure on these things anymore. There had to be something better…


On clear nights like this, Nny would often decide to make an appearance. So Todd waited up for his inevitable arrival.

"Hello Squee." Nny sounded more melancholy then he had been for quite some time, and that made Todd slightly nervous. Then he was talking again.

"I just-" Nny fished around for words for a moment, "I just want to be cold." Seeing Todd's confused expression, he continued, "Not in the physical sense; emotionally, you know? I don't want to feel anything anymore. No sadness, no anger, no happiness. Just cold." Nny leaned back on the windowsill and looked up at the stars. "Do you think- Do you think I can ever achieve that? It's everything I've ever wanted. To freeze my emotions away so I'd never have to be bothered with anything or anyone again…" He sounded wistful. "As of right now I've got other things to break away from. The wall-" As quick as it started, he was silent again. After a tense pause, Nny turned to leave. "Goodnight Squeegee, and don't let the rabid demon squirrel-dogs bite!" And with that, the window was empty once again. Todd peeked outside, but saw no one, despite the moon's light illuminating everything.

But then he heard a squirrel-dog.


Older now, and beginning to see people as Nny once did. Vile, uncaring creatures, whose only thought is for themselves. There had to be a path to something better, a place where people weren't so superficial… But he doubted it. His parents had devised a new way to be rid of him, a horrible way. They were sending him to a mental institution. Their own personal 'Final Solution'. His parents would never have to see him again if they didn't want to (which they wouldn't).

Strangely he felt numb, like it wasn't happening to him, but to some other Todd Casil, a pseudo-self of sorts.

He often went over to Nny's old place, the 'heaven house' in order to think. The world was such a mess. He didn't realize it at first, but he started to listen when Shmee talked about burning his house down. In fact, he'd rather like to watch the whole world burn. It was the same everywhere he went; everyone too caught up in their own shallow troubles and joys to notice the plight around them. Why not free them from their fettered lives? He felt like he was becoming one of those people. Like the preps at school, mindless and conforming.

He wondered if he should hate himself.


He ran, and ran, and ran until there was nothing left. No pain, no worry, no joy. "Just cold." Nny would be proud, or so he thought. As he ran he reached towards the setting sun, feeling its golden rays caress his skin but doing nothing, merely…running. And then he hit the edge of eternity…

Water rushing below him, all his past behind him, he climbed over the bridge railing and took a deep breath, held it and jumped.

Falling, falling, falling onto the wet rocks below.

And his last thought was:

'His death must be killing me.'



It was days before they finally found him.


Todd Lical woke the next morning and got ready for school, none the wiser.