"Thanks Abbot" Reid Garwin smirked, looking at his enemy with a proud glint in his eyes

Disclaimer – If I owned The Covenant I would not be writing about it, I'd be enjoying the guys. LOL.

Depressing Motives

Part 1

"Thanks, Abbot," Reid Garwin smirked, looking at his enemy with a proud glint in his eyes. Once again, he had managed to take a hundred quid from Aaron during a game of pool, and once again, Aaron had stormed off in a huff.

The boys were enjoying their night at Nicky's. Caleb and Sarah were dancing along to some upbeat techno song while Pogue and Katie sat at a table, sharing a drink, burger, and fries while in a deep conversation with each other, unaware of anything going on around them.

Then there was Tyler and his girlfriend, Rachel. They were currently in the corner, having yet another session of tonsil tennis, completely ignorant of their surroundings or fellow people. Reid smiled to himself. If Tyler was happy, he was happy. Rachel had been Tyler's first serious girlfriend, and from how they acted around each other, they were going to go for a long time.

Reid sighed, he needed a girlfriend. Not just a random fuck – a serious relationship, like the rest of his friends. He and Tyler had drifted apart over the past few months due to Rachel. Tyler couldn't balance his time as well as he needed to in order to spend time with both of them, and Reid had stormed out the dorm room, claiming that he didn't care and that Rachel should have his time. He regretted it now. He missed his best friend, more than he realized he would. Sure, he was aware that he would miss him, but the empty hole inside him got bigger and bigger every time he saw the two of them together. This hurt more than his ascension, and by god did that rip his insides apart.

"Hey dude," Reid jumped slightly when he felt a hand rest on his shoulder and spun around, ready to smash his fist into somebody. He relaxed when he saw those brown eyes stare right into his blue ones.

"Hey man, you okay?" Reid smirked, patting Tyler firmly on the back, trying to cover up his happiness that he actually got some of Tyler's attention for once.

"Yeah, I'm good, just wondering how you were doing. I know we haven't really spent much time together lately since…" Tyler trailed off, desperately trying not to mention the incident in the dorm room that night.

"Me? I've been great, just go a hundred from Abbot, he's so easy to beat," Reid laughed, enjoying this moment as if it would be the last time they spent any time together for a few more months. Sadly, both he and Tyler knew it would be a few more months.

An awkward silence hung in the air, both boys having everything to say to each other but lacking the guts to say anything.

"So, you and Rachel want the dorm tonight? I know you're dying to inspect that body of hers to its full potential," Reid joked, putting on a forced laugh. Tyler saw right through it, but he had no intention of telling Reid.

"No, I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. You know, talk about what's happened over the past few months?" Tyler timidly asked, fearing rejection and a huge fight right in front of people.

"Really? You don't have any plans with Rachel tonight?" Reid asked, his happiness coming out a little to prompt than he had intended.

"No, I don't, I miss hanging out with you, so?" Tyler encouraged, knowing full well Reid wouldn't turn him down now.

"Yeah, okay, you're on," Reid smirked before giving him a friendly smile and walking towards the bar to order a coke.

Tyler smiled as he walked off towards the bathroom, completely unaware of Rachel walking over to Reid and sitting down next to him.

"Hi, Reid," Rachel smiled, taking a seat next to him and taking a sip of his coke.

"Hey, Rachel," Reid replied, trying to sound enthusiastic but failing miserably.

The truth was that Reid hated Rachel – hated her whole existence. Normally, he would call her hot, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it, knowing she was the object of Tyler's affection (instead not himself).

"How are you these days? We haven't actually spoken in about a week." She smiled, taking yet another sip of Reid's coke. He glared. She didn't even ask his permission!

"I've been ok, thanks. You?" He asked politely, not wanting to seem rude and have Tyler have a go at him for it later.

"Oh, I've been wonderful, thanks. Tyler is just so nice to me. He treats me like a princess. I think I might be able to love him one day," she sighed, looking at Reid with a smile on her face that gave all her emotions away. She was in love with him.

"That's nice. I think I hear Caleb calling, nice talking to you." Reid smiled before walking towards the back entrance of Nicky's. Never before had Reid felt so angry. He wanted to hurt her, badly. He didn't even know why. Maybe it was because she was the reason his best friend had been ignoring him. Yes, it was her fault.

"Reid?" He swung around to see Pogue looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He just sighed and turned back around, slamming his fist into the nearest wall and in turn, ripped his fingerless gloves and tore into his knuckles.

"Whoa, man, what's up?" Pogue asked, walking over to Reid and placing his hand on his shoulder.

"I hate her so fucking much," Reid whispered, an image of Rachel appearing in front of him as he slammed his fist into the wall again, which caused him to wince in pain.

"Look man, chill. Stop doing that, or you're going to wreck your hand. If it helps, Kate and Sarah don't like her either. I just tolerate her, and Caleb would prefer to use on her to get her out the picture," Pogue explained, yanking Reid away from the wall as he raised his fist again.

"I just miss my best friend so much, and it's all her fault" Reid complained, shaking his arm around and letting drops of blood fall onto the ground.

"Well, Tyler likes her, and with him being like a brother, we have to respect that. We don't have to respect her, but we have to be civil towards her." He sighed, leading Reid towards the nearest curb and sitting down next to him.

"I need a girl, mate. You have Kate. Caleb has Sarah. Tyler has Rachel, and I have… myself." Reid groaned, holding his head in his hands.

Pogue had been the one Reid had confided in lately, what with Tyler never been around. Pogue felt sorry for him. He had lost his best friend and brother at once. He couldn't even imagine the anger and pain Reid was feeling at the moment.

"Well, the way you act around girls – no offence, man – but you're not going to get a girl. One night stands? Yeah. But a serious girlfriend? Nah, man. You seriously need to buck your ideas up if that's what you really want. No offence or anything, but that's the cold hard reality," Pogue laughed, looking at Reid's face scrunch up as he spoke.

"I guess you're right. But no girl seems right. Most girls just annoy me to the point where I sleep with them to get the fuck away from them. I can't find one I can actually sit down with and talk to without the conversation feeling forced," Reid sighed, he was losing hope and Pogue could tell, but he couldn't comfort him either as he knew what Reid was saying was true.

"She'll come around sooner or later, man. Just give it time. As for Rachel, just do what we all do: act polite so she can't let Tyler have a go at you but make excuses if she wants to hang out," Pogue laughed, nudging Reid to which responded with a chuckle.

"Hey, guys," Caleb said, walking towards them with a smile on his face, but as he saw the two's facial expressions, his mood suddenly fell.

"What's up your arses?" He grunted, looking at Pogue with a confused expression.

"Nothing, to be honest. Just having a bitch about Rachel," Pogue laughed, which received a chuckle from Caleb and a smile from Reid.

"I seriously don't know what Tyler is thinking. Maybe he's desperate?" Caleb joked, sitting down next to Reid, who seemed to not notice anything, let alone movement.

"Nobody can be that desperate," Reid mumbled, which gained him a half-hearted laugh from Caleb and Pogue.

"Well, either way, come on, man. Being like this isn't doing anybody any good. Just think of it this way: there are plenty of girls in there who are more than willing to spend the night with you," Caleb laughed before patting Reid on the back and walking back inside the bar.

"Come on, man. It's been – what? Two days since you got any, Reid junior there must be begging for some fun now," Pogue smiled, pulling Reid to his standing position and walking back inside the bar.

Suddenly Reid remembered that Tyler had said they would spend some time together tonight, and a smile formed on his face. He would actually get to chat to Tyler about anything and everything without having that bitch complain and offer her opinion every two minutes.

"Hey, Reid, Tyler told me to tell you that he and Rachel went back to hers and that he was sorry and that you two would catch up another night," Sarah smiled sympathetically before walking off towards Caleb, Kate, and Pogue, who were at the pool table.

Suddenly, Nicky's didn't seem to have much to offer other than anger and depression. Maybe tonight wouldn't happen after all.