By Typh





For SnowMirage and rainypromise,
who are two of seven of my very much admired GA authors.
Perhaps they do update their stories as fast as a snail,
but the outcome is always, always well worth the wait.


Halogen (hāl'ə-jən) noun. Any of a group of five nonmetallic elements with similar properties. The halogens are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Because they are missing an electron from their outermost shell, they react readily with most metals to form salts. Halogens are highly poisonous. See 'Periodic Table'.



I was never one to joke around. Never.

I was not joking when I asked Narumi to give me that Mikan girl to replace one of my youngest – and, might I add, most amusing to pick on; the ever-weakening Hyuuga Natsume.

However, that Narumi sure thought I was kidding around. Well, more like he hoped I was. I could see the panic building up under his feminine violet eyes, and the clenching of his hands. Hm, now that I think about it… could it be that he already knows the reason behind my ingenious plot?

That Mikan kitty and Narumi.. they do share a bond after all, as she refers to him as her so-called 'otou-san'. If he does know about the knowledge I have recently learnt about her, I would definitely praise him for able to keep it from me for so long. It was not an easy thing, to hide information from me. Not an easy thing at all.

As for the Sakura girl, I have been observing her for six years – ever since I found out she was Kuro Neko's partner.

Yet, even then I have not been closely observing her.

To me, she merely seemed to be another one of Natsume's fan girls. He has so many! It makes me wonder…Mikasi-sensei has quite a few too. Why do I not, when I am clearly the best of them all? Humph. Clearly, glasses were short in supply these days.

Well, before I take into court of the many, many reasons why I may be cooler than they, lets continue to talk about the Sakura kitty. What pulled my trigger was the time I was looking for Natsume (when was I not?). And when I spotted him, I saw her, being pinned by him to a tree.

No, don't get me wrong, they were having no intimidate moments. I was quite satisfied with the picture, really – he was pulling hard on her pigtails, and from the look of his white knuckles, he had a painfully harsh hold on her arm, and on top of that, he was calling her names. No, it was the fact that he was even paying attention to her that stunned me.

The Natsume Hyuuga, Kuro Neko, that I know hadn't ever so much glanced at a girl twice, even if it were to throw insults.

And here he was, taking his time to tease and harass this loud, talkative cheery little girl.

I shifted my feet, observing the rottening away of the many colored peonies and wildflowers beneath me. A wonderful sight to behold.

Looking up at the cloudy grey sky, I felt my eyes narrow.

Something must be done.

Something will be done.

End of Prologue.

Author's Notes: This prologue has been around ever since I completed my first story, Paper Cut. Because of my shallow perspective to the Persona-Natsume relationship, I have never thought about making this story what it is. I will only continue this story if people are interested. When finished with the prologue, I do hope you will spend a minute of your time to review and express to me what you feel.