Okay, Okay. Here is the revised edition of my old story, Obey the Master. It is much better than the original so far, and I hope you all like it. Yes, it does contain my oc's (read profile for bios) but only a few of them, to spice up the story and to differntiate this from other KibaNaru stories.

I dont own Naruto. This contains yaoi, and lemon in future chapters. Reviews help me update faster, so i'd appreciate it. Please enjoy, and if you've read the original, this is different, so you may want to read this.

And now, the story!!!!

Kiba's POV

What the fuck did I do to deserve this? I mean seriously! That BITCH of a Hokage just loves to make my life a living Hell, doesn't she? What the hell is she trying to prove? I mean, honestly, did I do something to piss her off THAT bad?

Today had started out as normal as any other day would for me: get up, feed Akamaru, deal with Ma and Hana, and then go training with Hinata and Shino. Then we got the call to the Hokage's office. Normally, I love those calls. It meant that we got to get the hell out of Konoha and do something fun and productive for a change. However, as of late, it's been a lot different.

Ever since that stuck-up prick Uchiha made his dramatic exit from the village, - which I risked my life to retrieve, mind you- Tsunade has been sending the blonde abomination known as Naruto Uzumaki with every Genin mission she assigns. And, you may not know this, but he annoys the living HELL out of me! And everyone else, I would guess. Unless they're like Shino, who you could throw things at and he wouldn't care. Hinata actually liked it when he tagged along, because she had that crush on him.

I hate it when he's around Hinata, too, because it's like she goes into a different mode. She stutters a lot and can barely assemble a sentence. So, I guess it's only me who hates it when Naruto comes. Ever since he beat me in those stupid Chunnin Exams, he's been acting like he's better…which he's not. And that annoys the piss out of me faster than anything else. But having Naruto along has been normal lately. There's another factor that she added to this mission that made me want to tear my own heart out: Team Twelve.

Yes, them. They became Genin shortly after we did, but their sensei didn't want them in the Chunnin Exams for some reason. I guess they weren't as ready as we were. Anyway, their sensei is obnoxious enough, but the members of the team are what eats me up. I mean, Tsunade could have chosen any other Genin team in Konoha and I would have been fine with it, even Shikamaru's team! But no, she had to choose the one I absolutely detested.

Eva Montisumi, the kunoichi, was probably the most tolerable of the three. She was actually nocturnal, which I think is pretty weird, but it works for her. She doesn't seem right during the day. She's pretty smart, and the only thing I don't like about her is the fact that she works so well with the other two.

Aven Zemnoi isn't annoying so much as odd. He keeps to himself, and reminds me grossly of Shino. However, instead of doing next to nothing all of the time, he's always playing with his stupid deck of cards. He's not a people-person by any means, but he seems to get on well enough with Shino and Hinata.

But it's not Aven and Eva that make the team so unbarable- it's the third member. Jonas Mashimo. He is the epitome of everything I hate. Well, besides Naruto. Jonas is a humungous bully, and he's a cocky, selfish asshole. In fact, there are so many unpleasant and profane words I'd like to use to describe him that I can't even begin to say. He's actually distantly related to me, as our clans are intertwined in Konoha's breeding books somewhere. However, unlike we Inuzukas, his clan worships wolves and solely wolves. He looks down on dogs, which makes me his special target all of the time. Woo boy.

So, there you have it. Long mission with my team, the team I hate, and the annoyance that is Naruto. Like I said: the Hokage hates me. Plain and simple. It must have something my Ma did or something like that, and she's getting back at me. I just know it.

At least the mission sounded simple enough. We just have to go to the Sea Country and board a ship. Then we're going to set sail to the Wind Country, which we will protect the ship on the way there. Even with the incompetent people we have going with us, this mission should be easy enough. I believe Kurenai-sensei is accompanying us on this one, so that's even one better- one less guard shift for me.

But the fact that it's going to take so long is what puts a knot in my stomach. A day and a half to arrive, four days on the journey, and then two days to return. That's nearly a week I have to spend with the people I detest! Not fair! But I guess you're tired of hearing me say that. Well, the mission started tomorrow, and there's really nothing I could do about it, so I may as well have gotten some sleep. Being extra tired the morning of the mission would just be icing on the cake for me, huh?

But the problem was, despite me leaning back in perfect comfort, I couldn't fall asleep! Damn it! Damn Naruto! Damn Jonas! Damn Tsunade! Damn everything and everyone! DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!!!!!!!!! I guess somewhere between my damning thoughts and fear for the mission, the gentle fairy known as sleep overcame me.

Ah, another kunai! Wow, that was easy! I dodged it, and the one following it. This battle between us and the Mist Ninja was coming to a close climax, and I was doing my share. As they embedded us with an arsenal of aerial kunai, I made it my priority to dodge every one and avoid unnecessary injury. Another kunai headed towards me, and I ducked down to spin around and dodged it. However, I guess I misperceived where my footing lie. My ankle collided with a jagged rock splitting out from the water's surface; I could hear the ear-splitting crack.

I wearily made my way to the shore; I was in no condition to battle after such an unfortunate injury. However, I guess a wave or something knocked me over. My face collided with the grainy sand of the shore, and I was unable to move. I cried out in pain, and managed to roll myself over so I wouldn't drown from the receding tide. I began to rub at the throbbing pain, hoping in some way that it would disappear.

"Kiba, watch out!'

I looked up, trying to identify the source of the voice. However, I was caught off. More kunai- headed straight for me. There were so many of them. I could only afford to block a few, and I was far too injured to hope to dodge them. I closed my eyes bravely as a Shinobi should and waited for the inevitable.

I could hear the sound of ripping cloth and flesh. I could feel the warm blood splash on my arms and face. However, I was astounded to find that it wasn't my own. I opened my eyes, peeking between the mere slits I allowed. I was horrified at what I might see, and rightfully so, as the vision came all too clear.

Naruto staggered towards me, a hefty amount of kunai protruding from his torso. It was ghastly; I wanted to run to him and tend to him right away. I had never seen him in such a state. However, the bastard maintained his innocent smile, not faltering once. I tried to speak, but couldn't. It took me a good amount of time to find my shaken voice.

"Oi…U-Uzumaki? Why did you do that!?" I asked him.

His smile grew wider as his bloodstained lips quivered. "Because," he said, his voice failing, "Kiba…I love you."

My eyes sprang open, and I found myself tangled up in my sheets. I was a sweaty mess. What the hell was I dreaming? I tried to shake it off, but the perfectly clear images kept flooding back to my head. It was horrible. Had Naruto sacrificed himself to me? Had he told me he loved me? What the hell was I smoking before I went to bed!?

I shook myself back into reality. There's no way in hell Naruto's that noble. And even if he was, had I asked to be saved? No…I hate being saved. Like when Kankuro saved me- totally unnecessary. I can't say I'm not grateful, but still. To be saved by Naruto? That would set a new level of low for me, which I don't need right now.

I looked down to the foot of my bed, where Akamaru was staring at me, his eyes concerned. "Arf?"

"Just a bad dream, boy," I replied, patting him gently on his small head. "I'm sorry for waking you up. Let's get back to bed- we have a hard day tomorrow."

I laid back down under my sheets, but my mind wouldn't just leave well-enough alone. Why was I dreaming Naruto said that? I finally managed to convince myself that it was because I was thinking about the Uzumaki before I fell asleep, therefore I dreamt about him. But I was thinking about how much I hated him, wasn't I? I just don't get it…

I sighed in defeat, managing to find my way to sleep once again. Hopefully there would be no more weird dreams.

The next morning was the hell I expected it to be. It took Akamaru three different tries to wake me up and get me out of bed. And even then, I drug on, dreading whatever lay ahead for the next week. I let Akamaru out and then hopped in the shower, taking my time. After getting dressed, packing, and brushing my teeth, I had just enough time to scarf down a healthy breakfast before running out to the gate.

As I arrived, I noticed that my entire team was already there. Punctual as always. Great, I arrive on time for once, and it still appears as I'm late. How is that fair? "Morning," I said callously, the drowsiness still apparent in my tone.

"Hn," Shino replied. As if I didn't see it coming. He truly is a man of little words.

"Hello, Kiba-kun," Hinata followed, her smile bright. I could already tell that she was nervous because her object of affection was coming to join us. At least she wasn't stuttering yet.

I was glad that I got there before Team Twelve and Naruto. That would just give Jonas another reason to give me shit; not that I would take it from him. I just don't need it today.

"The others are late. Great," Kurenai muttered, mainly to herself. She never was blessed with patience virtue. I noticed that she placed her hand firmly on her hip: a sign that she was getting uncomfortable.

"Sorry we're late!" We could hear a cheery voice call from down the pavement. Surely enough, Team Twelve was hurrying along the path, Eva in front waving cheerily.

My nose crinkled instinctively. The three of them (well, maybe not Aven) looked chipper as ever, and things probably weren't going to go so well. Considering my current mood.

"We're just waiting on Naruto, right?" Jonas asked as the group joined us. I noticed immediately when his eyes darted to my direction. "Oi, Kiba? Didn't you get enough sleep last night? Or did you occupy yourself with barking at the moon again? Not healthy, you know!"

Great, the asshole's starting already, and we haven't even stepped foot outside of the Village. Well, I'm not taking any of his shit! "No, Jonas. And I don't bark at it. You do. No, actually, it's more of a howl, like you think it's going to howl back? Moons aren't alive, now, Jonas!" I smiled cockily to back my point up.

"Let's not be dissing the moon, here," Eva interjected. I laughed inwardly. If there was one thing the girl was passionate about, it was that damned moon.

Jonas backed up, getting into some sort of pose, but was halted when we heard some sort of groan from the path. Naruto was there in all of his morning glory: slobber trickling down his mouth, groggy expression, and his hair askew with his crooked headband. I couldn't help but return to my extremely awkward dream last night upon looking at him.

He did look rather ridiculous though, and I let out a small laugh as he muttered something to the effect of "Ramen." He must not have had his twelve bowls before six yet, or something.

I noticed Kurenai roll her eyes as she turned to face the gates. "Let's get started. The sooner we do, the sooner we end it. No arguing now, let's get going!" And with that, she was gone in a blur. Leave it to Kurenai to march directly into business.

I followed her with Shino and Hinata, who was becoming more distraught by the second. Naruto and Team Twelve followed after me. The further away I was from Naruto and Jonas, the better.

We were almost certain we would get there ahead of time, as we hadn't run into any anticipated obstacles. Which only meant good news for me. However, as my luck would have it, we ran straight into a trap by some knock-off ninja brigands from the Hidden Grass Village. They had us good and cornered, too. They apparently wanted us to pay them for our lives. They looked rather stupid, if you ask me. Hinata could probably have taken them by herself.

Kurenai did her routine roll of the eyes, before waving her hand towards them. That was our signal to attack, which was what I pretty much needed at that point. "I think I can afford to sit this one out."

That meant that the battle would take longer, which was fine with me. I jumped right in as the brigands charged us. I could hear Naruto calling out the Jutsu for his Shadow Clone Technique, and the signature burst of smoke that followed. He and his fellow clones jumped a few of them, and I laughed. It was funny seeing a dude getting beat up by an arsenal of Naruto's.

I snapped myself back into the action, and Akamaru and I used the Piercing Fang to knock the lot of them down. Akamaru decided he wanted to add insult to injury and bit them in, ahem, unmentionable places. I noticed Jonas holding off on his true skills, but he managed to inflict as much pain to them as humanly possible. He not only punched and kicked, but dug his teeth, fists, and claws into every blow. He was attempting a bloodbath, I'm guessing.

I saw that Shino was having his fun with his bugs. What good would a thieving grass ninja be without his Chakra? He seemed to be enjoying himself for once too, which was good for everyone.

Aven didn't need to whip out his deck for this, apparently, and just flung his razor-edged darts at them. For some reason, the gambler thought he was too good for regular kunai and to unique himself up. Hey, whatever works.

Eva and Hinata were making do as well. Eva, though not as strong during the day, was knocking the crap out of them with her staff. The bitch could swing! And I saw more impressive Taijutsu from Hinata as well. The Hyuugas had a very unique and effective way of fighting, swelling up the Chakra points and all. I thought she was getting better with the days.

It took us all of ten minutes to defeat the last of them. Seriously, if someone has the balls to trap Konoha Ninja, they should at least make sure that they could take on a few Genin. Why aren't we Chunnin again? Anyway, we tied their sorry asses up to some trees and left 'em there. We continued on our way, with me avoiding my two enemies like the plague. We were careful not to fall into anymore half-assed traps, though the fight was a nice breath of fresh air.

Towards the end of the journey, both Jonas and Naruto caught up to me. I mostly exchanged rude remarks with Mashimo, which Kurenai had to intervene in every now and then. However, I surprisingly found myself nicer to Naruto than I had ever been before. I don't know why, though. Surely that dream wasn't effecting my views on him. But...even if it was, why the hell would I be obsessing over it!? This whole ordeal is just confusing.

We arrived at the Sea Country, where the ship was already prepared for departure. We all boarded, the plan being that we take turns with guard watch two at a time, while the others got sleep. I offered first watch, only because I didn't want to fall asleep and then have to wake up again in the middle of the night. With my luck as of late, I wasn't surprised that Jonas was going to be keeping watch with me. I would much rather have had Naruto to deal with, as much as it spites me to say it.

Jonas rambled on about how dogs are inferior to wolves, a conversation topic that the buffer boy talked about more-often-than-not. I wasn't paying attention, though. My head kept finding its way back to that freaking dream. And Naruto. Damn it! As much as I tried to think down on him as usual, something inside of me prevented it. It was like he really did save my life and that I owe him for it. Dreams aren't supposed to be that real! It's not fair!

"Hey punk," Jonas's rude yet sudden eruption brought me out of my mental argument.

"Yeah?" I asked, my voice holding little interest.

"Wanna play truth or dare?"

Ok, I know what your thinking! GAH! NOT KIBAOC! Dont worry, its not happening .Just something I threw in there to keep you interested. Its KibaNaru. Now, please, R&R and check out my profile for an interesting Link! Later!