Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, or any of the characters. I just borrow the characters and amuse myself. Now if I could actually pull them into real life...-evil smile-

"Commercial breaks are annoying," I grumble.

"I can't really say anything, seeing as I'm watching you more than the movie," Edward replies, his hands pulling me slightly closer.

We're watching some movie Alice recommended. I wouldn't mind it so much if there weren't commercial breaks every single time something interesting starts to happen.

"We should have just rented the thing or something," I continue griping. "I want to see who dies without being interrupted by some girl singing about shampoo."

"If it would make you feel better, Bella, we can turn it off and watch it some other time." Edward just sounds amused by my irritation.

"No," I say, sighing. "There's only another half hour before it's done, annoying commercials and all."

"Yes, but if we rent it some other time I have an excuse to sit next to you for two hours," he replies, smiling slightly. But for once I'm not melted by his crooked grin; I'm watching the latest commercial and ignoring him completely.

Edward notices where my attention has directed itself and quirks an eyebrow. "Any specific reason you're grinning goofily at a Mr. Clean commercial? Usually it's Esme who's obsessed with cleaning products."

I turn to glare at him. "I am not grinning goofily, and besides, I happen to like Mr. Clean. It has nothing to do with the product."

This just confuses him.

"You were staring at Mr. Clean?" he asks, sounding puzzled. I nod.

"Great, now I have competition from an animated figure on bottles of floor cleaner," he mutters lowly.

"There is a reason for my fondness, you know," I say loftily.

"Really?" Edward looks intrigued.


I don't say anything else for a while.

"I can't read your mind, Bella. You're going to have to tell me what so intrigues you about a bald man with an earring," he says, annoyed.

"You really want to know?" I ask.

He sighs. "Yes, Bella. I really want to know."

"Because he's a real man."

"What?" he says dumbfounded. "He's a drawing! He doesn't exist except as an icon for cleaning merchandise!"

I wag my finger at him. "You misunderstand. He is a real man."

"How? How is he a real man? And why not some other character? Why Mr. Clean?"

I wait a moment, building the suspense and reveling in the sense of power I have over him. Then I answer.

"Because real men sparkle."

Ha! I love that line! It's so true! I guess if I ever fall for a guy I'm going to have to sprinkle him with glitter :)

And kudos to my friend for coming up with the idea, and my other friend for helping me figure out a way to write it. I love you guys.