XDDDDDD And the final half of the story. Enjoy the smushy. XDDDDD



"Open bar?"


"Guest list?"


"Delicious party food and cake?"


"Awesome. So that means all we've got to do is decorate a little bit when we get there Friday and we're good to go!"

"I'm really excited about this. Juliet is going to freak out."

Shawn grinned. "Yeah she is." His phone rang and he pulled it out, flipping it open. "Shawn Spencer at your service."

"Oh goodie."

"Lassie! What can I do you for, Lassieface?"

"I wanted to make sure you've got everything under control. Do you need me to do anything else?"

"Well, Gus and I could use some lunch if you—"

"Not in the mood, Spencer."

Shawn sighed, a smile pulling at his mouth and said, "Okay fine. No lunch. Everything's all set up for Friday. All we have to do is throw up some decorations and we'll be in business. How's it going on your end? Are you going to drug her? Hit her over the head?"

"We made plans to go out for her birthday and I made the 'arrangements'. She has no idea anyone else is involved."

Shawn didn't miss the slightly proud sound of his voice. "Way to go Lassie! You know, if this turns into 'more than a birthday outing' you and I may have to exchange some words."

Lassiter snorted. "Please, Spencer. You're not her type."

"Oh! And how do you know her type?"

"Ugh. I'm not having this conversation with you. I'll see you tomorrow night. Remember, you screw this up, and I'll kill you."

Shawn smiled, leaning on Juliet's desk, and Gus shot him a warning look. He doubted Shawn would do anything to compromise the surprise party, but one never knew. They had T-minus eight hours to go and if he needed to, smacking Shawn was a perfectly viable option. The fake psychic waggled his fingers by his temple and said, "Something…is going on today."

Gus scowled from behind Juliet. If Shawn ruined this for all of them, he wasn't going to stop Lassiter from shooting him. He might ask to take a shot himself.

A smile tugged at the corners of Juliet's mouth. "Something. That's very…conducive of you, Shawn."

He grinned, amused. "Sometimes the lines to the spirit world get a little cluttered."

"Oh, so they're just a little congested right now? So what are you getting, Sibyl?"

Gus rolled his eyes and moved to take a closer look at the crime scene board behind Lassiter's empty desk. Again with the flirting.

"Well, I think something big is going on today. Some kind of event in someone's life…a bar mitzvah maybe…?"

Glancing up irritably, Gus caught a glimpse of Juliet's half-surprised, half-hopeful, and half-(yes, three halves)awed expression. Shawn was seriously pushing it.

"Oh…something…big," she repeated and it was easy to tell she was trying not to say anything that might suggest anything related to her.

"Yeah," Shawn said and nodded, closing his eyes as he wiggled his fingers again. "No…not a bar mitzvah. A reunion, no, a baby shower, no, a—a—a—three weddings and a funeral! No, no, that's not it. Augh, what, what is it I'm getting?" His eyes popped open and he exclaimed, "A birthday!" Amazed delight began growing rapidly on Juliet's face, Gus' own taking a more murderous swing, and after a moment he said disappointedly, "Oh, no, no…it's not a birthday. No, no, I know what it is! Gus, it's the anniversary of the first time a girl dumped you! That's a shame. I love a good birthday party."

Gus scowled, annoyed by the fact that Shawn probably wasn't kidding and the now slightly downcast look on Juliet's face as she sighed and sat back down at her desk. "Excuse us," he said courteously to the junior detective and then grabbed Shawn by the front of the shirt, hauling him (whining and protesting) fifteen feet down the hallway. "Why did you do that? She was having a perfectly good day up until then!"

"Gus, we don't want her to suspect."

"Shawn, she had no idea we even knew. What about that would make her suspicious? You're an idiot, you know that?" he said irritably.

"This'll just make the surprise that much better!" Shawn exclaimed.


He turned and stalked off down the hall, Shawn calling after him, "Gus? Gus! Gus!"

Lassiter was excited despite himself when he and O'Hara left the station that evening. It had been a very long time since he had been involved in any sort of surprise party and he knew he could count on O'Hara's reaction being particularly spectacular. She had been in a good mood all day after he had wished her happy birthday first thing that morning (at least until Spencer showed up) and she looked very nice now in a flowy red dress with her hair done. It was odd, seeing her all dolled-up and looking much prettier than he had realized she was.

"So where are we going?" she asked, her eyes glittering happily.

He smiled ever so slightly and said, "You'll see."

Their relationship had been easier going since their little "date" or whatever it might be called on Tuesday evening. O'Hara didn't seem to have as much trouble sitting in silence every so often, and, while definitely not easy, he had been making an effort to contribute a little something to the conversations she did start.

She managed to stay quiet for a few minutes, biting her lower lip, but finally her curiosity overwhelmed her. "Can't you give me a hint?"

His smile was broader this time. "I was under the impression that you liked surprises, O'Hara."

"I know but I want to know!"

"Soon enough."

He debated for the greater part of the trip whether or not he should make her close her eyes and finally decided to let her keep them open, lest she start suspecting something. Turning into the parking lot, he had a brief moment where he was afraid she might recognize some of the cars before realizing that Spencer had apparently considered that. He didn't even recognize the cars. Maybe he deserved a little more credit than he had been giving him. As they pulled into a parking space he said gruffly, "I didn't want to take you somewhere you didn't like."

Her face glowed. "It's perfect, Carlton."

Shawn bounced on the balls of his feet, scanning the crowd of people lingering around the bar, chatting and drinking and already having a good time despite their missing guest of honor. He was pretty sure he had managed to get all of the people Juliet might want there. So long as her little black book wasn't like Lassiter's. He swallowed a mouthful of his drink and set it back on the bar before glancing at his watch. This was the sort of thing he lived for, but the waiting part always made him antsy. It was time for things to start happening.

The restaurant had allowed them to reserve the back three-fourths of the bar to themselves and he and Gus had spent an hour running around, tossing up streamers and an enormous banner that read, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULES," in multi-colored glitter that he had made himself. The place looked great, all of the guests had showed up in plenty of time, and Lassiter had called twenty minutes ago to say that they were on route and on time. Things were going off without a hitch. He glanced at his watch again, smiled, and started toward the door, calling loudly as he went, "Okay, everybody! This is it! They'll be here any minute! Get your best 'Happy Birthday's ready!"

Gus slipped in the front door, meeting him, and said quietly, "They just pulled in. We've got one, maybe two minutes."

"Okay, everybody! They're here! Time to focus, people! When she walks through the door, you know what to do!" He and Gus quickly backed up, joining the front of the crowd, who had turned, all fidgeting and murmuring anxiously.

Shawn grinned when he spotted Lassiter and Juliet stepping through the first pair of doors. He could already tell that she looked fantastic. The second door opened and they stepped through, Juliet smiling at the host and glancing at Lassiter in surprise when he put a hand on her back and gently pushed her in the direction of the bar. Her eyes moved back to the front and—


Lassiter couldn't keep a smile off of his face at the look of bald-faced shock on his junior partner's face. She simply stared for a moment, eyes very wide and then her bottom lip began to quiver slightly and her hands moved to her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. "Oh my gosh…guys…" she whispered.

Shawn immediately moved forward, a small grin growing on his face. "Jules, don't cry. You're supposed to be happy. You know, like we say. Happy birthday."

She wiped her eyes, laughing and glancing between the three of them. "You guys, I can't believe you did this for me."

Gus smiled. "Of course we did, Juliet. We're your friends. What else were we supposed to do? I tell you what though, it would have been much easier if you had let us know when your birthday was a month ago."

She laughed between trying to brush the tears away and leaned forward, pulling a pleasantly surprised Gus into a hug. He returned it warmly. "Thank you…"

"My pleasure."

She moved to hug Shawn and he leaned into it, giving her a warm squeeze. "Seriously, Jules, you've gotta stop crying. You're going to ruin your make up and then what will everybody think?" She laughed again and he leaned back, gently using his thumbs to wipe the tears from her face and straighten out the bit of make up that was starting to run. "Breathe. In and out. There you go." He smiled. "You've gotta look pretty for everybody else. It's not everyday we get to see you look this spectacular."

Juliet blushed and hugged him quickly again. "Thank you, Shawn. This is wonderful."

He smiled again. "Hey, anything for you Jules."

He released her and she turned toward Lassiter. "I know you don't like hugs but—"

"Quickly, before I change my mind, O'Hara."

She smiled and wrapped him in a brief hug. "Thank you."

"Yeah, well, happy birthday. I'm just glad Spencer didn't screw the whole thing up."

"How did you guys know? I didn't tell anybody…" she said looking between the three of them.

Shawn grinned and Lassiter rolled his eyes. "Spencer 'divined' it on Tuesday. Insisted we throw you a party."

Juliet smiled and she met Shawn's gaze for a moment. "That gift of yours is handy."

His grin broadened. "You have no idea. Now go on. You can't talk to us all night. All these people are here for you!"

She smiled and said again, "Thank you, guys," before moving out into the crowd.

"Not bad, Spencer," Lassiter said when she was out of earshot.

Shawn grinned. "Gee, Lassie. I feel closer to you now than ever."

He rolled his eyes. "You too, Guster. Adequate."

Gus smiled. "Thank you, Detective. You didn't totally suck either. Now, who wants a drink?"

"Ooh! I do!"

"Hell. Yes."

XDDDD Pointless sappy mush. Hope you guys enjoyed:D