Disclaimer: Characters created by Anthony E. Zuicker. I have absolutely no claim to them, though I do promise to return them in reasonably good condition when I'm done… though I wouldn't mind keeping Greggo for myself!

Author's Note: Okay people, here be the sequel to Spiral of Chaos. If you haven't read that, I'd suggest you do, unless you're just happy to know that Greg and Sara are together and don't care why, lol. Hope I'll get some of you lovely reviewers from SPoC back for this one :o)

Chapter 1

"Greg Sanders, you get your cute ass back here, now!" Sara screamed at the top of her lungs, not even realising that she had inserted an adjective- a not entirely workplace appropriate adjective- into the exclamation. When she got her hands on that lab-rat, he was going to regret it. Big time. She was going to make that boy regret it in a way that he could not even imagine, and considering the fact that he was her boyfriend and pretty darn good at imagining things she could do to him, that was saying something.

"Not on your life, sweetie," Greg laughed, hastening down the corridor. Even after almost a year of going out with the woman, she could still make him go shaky at the knees. Although, usually it was with something other than the slight sense of fear he was feeling at this second. Sara was a scary woman when riled, and damn was she riled right now. He was just hoping that the reason why he had snuck up behind her and stolen her cup of coffee was going to be enough to placate her.

He turned the corner, spinning into Grissom's office, and smiling around at the rest of the Graveyard shift of the Las Vegas CSI. "She's on her way, guys."

Catherine met his mischievous grin with a raised eyebrow, "Greggo… if that's her coffee, she's going to be mighty pissed at you when she gets here. You might want to get into position. Easier to protect your 'boys' if you're down on one knee, anyway."

Greg truly hadn't considered that one. "Errr… can someone hold the door for a second?" he asked sheepishly, patting at the pockets of his lab coat for the ring-box that he knew was in there. Puling it out victoriously, he lowered himself to one knee and nodded at Catherine, who was holding the doorknob in an attempt to keep the door shut until he was ready to face his rather irate girlfriend. The woman who he would awfully like to be able to call his fiance after tonight.

Sara flew into Grissom's office, the scowl on her face darker than any Greg nor the remainder of the team had seen in a long while. "Uh oh," Catherine murmured in Warrick's ear, "I hope she doesn't throw the ring in his face."

Greg's knees were starting to get a little uncomfortable- who would have known that this proposing thing could be so hard- and yet Sara didn't seem to have noticed him. She was glaring angrily around… right over his head. He cleared his throat loudly, and every set of eyes shot downwards.

"Greg, get up off the floor!" Sara said in exasperation, "grovelling isn't going to do you any good." She turned to Catherine, "Give me that coffee!" as to why the entire shift was gathered in Grissom's office, she didn't know. But Catherine had her coffee, and Sara had work that needed to be done. And to do that work, she needed to be sharp, and thus needed that caffeine jolt.

"Sara… will you listen for a second?" Greg asked, "I'm down on one knee here. Think through the lack-of-sleep haze and go past the fact that I stole your coffee!"

"Huh?" Sara said, voice and eyes blank. Floor.. one knee…boyfriend… jewellery box in hand. She just stared, the facts trying to combine themselves in her sleep-deprived brain. They were on the tail-end of a double shift, and she was rather close to wishing she was the subject of the investigation. Though, if she had to spend much more time here, she suspected that one of her co-workers might be the subject of a new investigation. And Greg was certainly headed that way.

"Of for God's sake!" Greg said, not sure to laugh or burst out crying. The woman was totally not getting this. He was going to have to take drastic action. "Sara… sit down on Grissom's desk." Afterall, he didn't want her falling over when he asked her to marry him. He didn't think she would start rolling on the ground finding the whole idea so hilarious… but he wasn't leaving anything to chance.

Automatically following the instruction, Sara plopped her butt down and Greg grabbed hold of her hand. "Sara Sidle, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" There, it was out, and the ball was well and truly in her court. He was starting to wonder why he's decided to do this in front of all their friends… if she said no, they were going to be ridiculed forevermore. He should have discussed this with her… but, he'd wanted to be romantic, and well, they had been going out tonight, but murder cases couldn't wait for marriage proposals. And Greg couldn't bear the thought of postponing this, so here in Grissom's office it was.

"Uhhhh…Greg, did you just ask me to marry you?" Sara asked blankly. At his nod, she stared- her eyes not blank anymore. She was fully alert, and felt like she'd just got the caffeine jolt from 10 extra strong cups of coffee. "Is there something I'm supposed to say now? I've never done this replying to a marriage proposal thingy before…"

"Yes would be a nice start," Greg said, anxiously. Was this how people were meant to react when their significant other asked them to marry them? He was a bit of a newbie on the proposal grounds as well. But then, he and Sara were hardly a typical couple, it would be weird if she reacted in the typical way. And at least she wasn't laughing at him. That had to be a good sign, right?

"Yes!" Sara said, in a voice so unlike her usual tone everyone stared. They were not used to Sara Sidle squealing. Hell, Sara wasn't used to herself squealing. But it seemed like an appropriate reaction. Wow… when had Greg planned this? She hadn't been expecting it at all. He had been acting a little secretive for a few weeks, but she had thought he had just been planning something nice for their one-year anniversary in a few weeks. Seemed like he most definitely had been – this was certainly nice. But extremely unexpected.

She became slowly aware that Greg was doing what could only be described as a happy-dance around the room, swinging Catherine around with him. The older CSI's looked bemused, but happy. Catherine broke out of Greg's dance with a laugh, and jabbed him in the ribs with an elbow, "You're forgetting something, Sanders."

"Oh?" Greg said worriedly, "What's that?"

Four heads nodded towards his pocket, where he had unthinkingly dropped the ring box in his exuberance at Sara's acceptance.

"The ring," Grissom reminded with raised eyebrows, "It's generally considered traditional to slip the ring on the finger once the woman has accepted the proposal."

"Hehe.." Greg said sheepishly, digging the ring out again and offering it to Sara, "here you go."

"Oh Greg! It's beautiful!" Sara said. Not the traditional diamond – while that was all well and good, it wasn't really her scene, but silver with tiny emeralds dotted around the band. Much more suitable to them both, and unique. She slid it on her finger and just gazed for a moment. This was all rather overwhelming. She was going to be getting married! To Greg of all people. She loved the boy dearly, but thoughts of marriage had never truly flitted through her brain. Well, accept when she had been drunk… and she wasn't going to say she'd never had dreams about it. But she hadn't expected Greg to ever actually ask her!

As the full situation fell upon her, she was awfully glad that she was sitting down. Greg had asked her to marry him! There was going to be a wedding! She was going to be a bride! She needed to tell everyone she knew! Immediately, if not sooner! But first, she needed her coffee. Coffee was good… it would get rid of this haze surrounding her brain.

She snatched her now lukewarm coffee back from Catherine and gulped it down. "Caffeine… my friend," she said, contentedly.

Greg just stared at his now- fiance. She seemed nearly as happy to have her coffee back as she was about his wedding proposal. But then, coffee was a staple of a CSI's diet… he supposed he was going to have to get used to sharing his special blend, if he was going to marry the woman.

He grinned a huge grin. He was getting married! And to Sara Sidle, the woman he had lusted after as long as he had worked here, no less. Life was good. Life was damn good.