A/N : Ok, so this one is an inside look into the thoughts of both Michael and Sara in episodes "And then there were 7" and "Odd man out". Sara had just discovered that Michael is married to Nika and obviously, she is hurting. She is angry. And Michael...well, Michael is missing her...

Please tell me what you think?



She looked tired. The usual glow that surrounded her every time he saw her was gone and he knew that he was the cause of its disappearance. Yet he couldn't make it better. He couldn't tell her that Nika was just a friend – not even that if he was honest with himself – who he needed to get his brother out of here. He couldn't tell her that not talking to her the other day had left him yearning for the sound of her voice, directing words at him instead of at her nurse.

When she had confronted him at the fence he had so badly wanted to feel her warmth, but instead she had shielded herself, correcting him when he had called her by the name that had become one of his most precious words to say. He longed for time to turn back to only a few days earlier, when they had spoken on her birthday and her hand had held the stethoscope to his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

He wondered if what he was feeling for her was normal. The cut her words had left underneath his skin ached with a ferociousness he had never felt before. Everyday, he longed to be in the same room as her, to make her smile. Should he suppress his emotions? Rationalize them?

Her eyes met his and all he found in them was emptiness. Her gaze was hollow and it was killing him. He was speaking all the wrong words and he knew it. But he vowed to make it up to her.


Damn it, she didn't want to feel like this. No…make that : she didn't want to feel. ANYTHING for this man, who was looking at her intently, trying to make her understand. His hand drew a pattern into the air and when she caught it, she held it in front of her, trying not to focus on his long, slender fingers and the softness of their tips, but on the job she was here to do. She was hear to sting him. Like a bee, she clicked the needle into his skin, knowing that to feel his skin crack was a routine job for him.

She wondered if hurting her was another.

She couldn't figure him out…he spoke her name so softly yet he kept things from her and lied. The questions burned on her lips, but she didn't voice them. Chances were he wouldn't answer them truthfully anyway. Michael Scofield was becoming more and more like the man she had never thought him to be every day.

"That's just business." He said to her. It puzzled her more than she would ever admit to him. How could a man who seemed so delicate think of a conjugal visit as 'just business'? She recoiled in disgust. But then something else struck her. He hadn't had slept with his wife. She could read it in his eyes that pleaded with her. She shook her head almost unnoticeably. She would never understand everything about Michael Scofield.

But she had a right to be angry with him, and she exercised that right. He had made her fall for him, rescued her and made her smile. He had made her dream about things she should never be allowed to dream about and more than that, he had… She toughened herself. She needed to forget about everything he had ever done, every word he'd ever said.

With that kiss on the cheek outside the conjugal room, he had left her feeling empty. She made a vow not to let him get away with that again. She was done hurting for him.


He pushed himself up against the metallic shelves against the wall and smiled up at the hole inside of the pipe that hung above him. Peeling off bits of the lower layer, his smile faded as he caught a glimpse of her face and heard the sound of her voice. She sounded so distant and sad. More than anything he wished for her to smile again. He'd do anything…but he couldn't make her realize.

Sara was a cynical woman. "I don't like getting attached to things if I know they won't last." He wouldn't be here for much longer and he knew that he was probably being selfish trying to hold onto her. But he had never wanted anything more than he wanted her.

When he had asked her about the flowers and an admirer, he had been scared that the answer to his question would be a positive one. God knows she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he shouldn't have been surprised if another man had come to realize that fact, too. He would have slowly started to die if she were seeing another man because damn it, she belonged with him. He'd make her see that..He'd right all the wrongs he'd done onto her and would make her feel so loved that she would wonder if it wasn't all a dream. Someday, somehow, he would.

Okay...so what did you think? Did you like it? Please let me know? Review? Pleaaaase? XO