A/N Hey there readers. I'm on a bit of a fic-posting spree atm, so i figured id post this one and see what happens. I hope you enjoy chapter one:)
BookWorm101: Hey Harry
TheBoyWhoLived: Hermione?! Since when do you have msn?
BookWorm101: My parents are Muggles, you prat! Honestly, you're as bad as Ron!
TheBoyWhoLived: I am choosing to be offended by that
BookWorm101: OK. Hang on, how did YOU get msn? I thought the Dursely's don't let you use the computer?
TheBoyWhoLived: Let's just say that Dudley had a bit of trouble with a flying rhinoceros.
BookWorm101: Alright then…….?
RedHead65: A flying rhinoceros? Bloody hell.
BookWorm101: Ronald?! How did you get on msn? You're from a wizarding family.
RedHead65: No…really? I'm at one of those Internet Café's.
TheBoyWhoLived: Oh…..
BookWorm101: Anyway, did you see that article in the Daily Prophet yesterday?
TheBoyWhoLived: The one about Voldemort?
RedHead65: (Falls off chair) Honestly, way to freak a man out!
BookWorm101: I'd look in the mirror before you call yourself that
RedHead65: And what's that supposed to mean?
BookWorm101: Have you seen the state of your hair lately?
TheBoyWhoLived: Hey, lay off him a minute, Hermione. At least he's got hair.
BookWorm101: If you're talking about Voldemort, I'm so with you. That article about his hair (or lack of) was hilarious!
YouKnowWho: Excuse me? There's been an article written about me?
RedHead65: (falls off the chair again in a dead faint)
TheBoyWhoLived: Voldemort?! What are you doing on msn?
BookWorm101: Yeah! I thought you hated all things Muggle!
YouKnowWho: Yes, well usually I do, but I was passing through the village, and I saw a haircare store. I bought some anti- skull freeze lotion before stopping in at one of my favorite café's. There I saw a red-headed boy sprawled on the floor near the computer, so I went to investigate. I saw that he was talking to you two, and I thought this would be a golden opportunity to kill Potter!
TheBoyWhoLived: Ok, number one; you don't tell someone you're about to kill them, just a tip. Number two; How are you supposed to kill someone over the Internet!
YouKnowWho: I have my sources.
BookWorm101: Oh yeah? Like what?
YouKnowWho: Shut up. Potter, why did you have to choose the smartest girl in living history to help you defeat me?! All I've got is Lucius, and he's no help at all while he's getting to terms with being gay!
RedHead65: What? Malfoy's dad's gay?
BookWorm101: Hang on, isn't he married?
TheBoyWhoLived: Wait, I thought Voldemort was using that computer, Ron!
YouKnowWho: We're sharing a seat
TheBoyWhoLived: (Shudders)
RedHead65: Ooh, this will be so fun! What a way to pay Malfoy back!
BookWorm101: Honestly Ronald, could you be any more immature? And besides, it's not Malfoy's fault that his dad's gay!
RedHead65: Oh, standing up for him, are you? Never thought you'd date a ferret, Hermione.
Bookworm101: I am not dating Malfoy! And even if I was, Ron, it has nothing to do with you. Why do you get so jealous about everything I do?
RedHea65: I do not!
FlowersAndKittensAreMyFriends: Ahem
TheBoyWhoLived: Umbridge?! What are YOU doing here?!
FlowersAndKittensAreMyFriends: Manners, Mr. Potter, or I might have to give you a week of detention!
RedHead65: You can't give Harry detention! You're not our teacher anymore, you old toad!
YouKnowWho: Look, is anyone going to listen to me?!
BookWorm101: No
YouKnowWho: Fine then. I'll leave and then you'll be sorry.
TheBoyWhoLived: No, we won't. Bye
(YouKnowWho has left the conversation)
Redhea65: Good riddance
BookWorm101: You know, for once I actually agree with you, Ron!
Mollywobbles79: Young love, how sweet!
RedHead65: Mum?! Get out of my conversation!
MollyWobbles79: Come now, dear, you can't expect me to just sit around the house all day! What else would I do with my time?
RedHead65: The same thing you do every other day!
MollyWobbles79: No, I'm afraid not. 'Gilderoy Lockharts Cooking Adventures' isn't shown on Sundays!
FlowersAndKittensAreMyFriends: Heaven forbid!
TheBoyWhoLived: Not to be rude, Mrs. Weasely, but it is awfully hard for us to talk with you here.
BookWorm101: It's just that we don't have any privacy, is all.
MollyWobbles79: Of course, dearies! You only had to ask!
(MollyWobbles79 has left the conversation)
RedHead65: Some privacy at last!
FlowersAndKittensAreMyFriends: Finally!
TheBoyWhoLived: Are you still here?
FlowersAndKittensAreMyFriends: Yes, Mr. Potter, I am.
TheBoyWhoLived: Oh. Please leave then.
Boolworm101: Harry, hello? Rude!
FlowersAndKittensAreMyFriends: Fine. I will leave, but beware; the entire Ministry stands behind me!
BookWorm101: No they don't! Fudge isn't Minister anymore!
FlowersAndKittensAreMyFriends: Oh. Then I'll gather those who are faithful to the rightful Ministry and….um….. put love potions in your Pumpkin Juice!
RedHead65: Ooh, I'm sooo scared!
(FlowersAndKittensAreMyFriends has left the conversation)
A/N Well here's chapter one! There is another chapter ready to be posted, so please let me know if you want it. Cheers in advance, hippolina :)