Dedication: This is dedicated to xSTICKYxNOTEx because I love her and she's an amazing member of ff.n!

Disclaimer: I do not own this manga or the main characters used in it. This was written for fun, I hope you enjoy it! Sadly, I own Demon Spawn and Koichi.

.o0¡¡0o Start/End .o0!0o. New Scene "Thoughts" Background Noise/Speech Sound Effects

Title: Second Chances

Chapter: Prologue


The middle school courtyard's many sakura trees shaded the scattered students on this warm Spring day. The sun's rays danced off of the surfaces of the well placed ponds and streams. Many of the girls sighed contently as the light breeze blew through their hair. The boys had smiles reaching their ears as they scarfed down their favorite springtime snacks. Underneath a sakura tree, near the end of the courtyard, sat two very peaceful looking people.

Sunako sat calmly on the bench next to Koichi. The two ninth graders blushed lightly as they discussed what to do about their lab project. Over time the two had grown very close, and it was a perfect fit. Though neither of them knew it, they were probably the most beautiful people in their school. It wasn't just their looks; they also had immense charm and allure. The best part was, they didn't know that they had liked each other since they started Jr High. That they were loved by everyone so sweetly. That these partialities grew every day...

To their classmates, this was adorable. Sunako and Koichi were the underground favorite couple of school. But just like any other story, there's always one person who ruins it for everyone. In this story, the bitch is named Hikari, also known as demon spawn.


Demon spawn watched the two sneakily from behind the bushes.

She watched Sunako's short black hair swish off to one side as she turned to listen to Koichi. He blushed as she watched him intently. Her amethyst eyes kept still and friendly as he reddened and covered his face with auburn bangs.

"Right, so... I think that making a small cartoon would make a good project.. Um... We could start drawing out the process of meiosis and have a little - I dunno - sperm pop up and explain it to the viewers," They looked at each other and started laughing.

"That's funny! Yeah, we should do that," Koichi watched the gorgeous girl laugh, and then something happened that made demon spawn seethe with fury.

A leaf had tangled into Sunako's silky hair, burrowing it's green needle into her locks as the wind blew lightly in encouragement. Cheeks glowing with intensity, Koichi made her aware of it. Then, slowly and smoothly, he tried to pull it out. Demon spawn boiled as Koichi took a brave little second to rest his fingertips on her cheek, making the stunning scene even more blinding for the S/K fans watching them in the courtyard. Their eyes met in a stunning display of shoujo love and quickly, they looked away in embarrassment. Their audience "awed" in approval.

o0(Later that day)0o

Sunako and her friend Haruhi walked past the windows of Koichi and Hikari's homeroom. The two girls were talking animatedly about the new horror store that had opened on their block as Koichi and Sunako's eyes met.

"Koichi-kun!" Sunako greeted him with a wave.

The eager boy blushed and waved, thrilled, "Hey Sunako-chan!"

Their patrons smiled at their friendly greetings, but Spawn flamed.

Sunako's mouth formed a small "o," a bit stunned at how happy he seemed. Soon enough her expression formed honest joy as she coloured and continued to walk to her classroom with Haruhi.

As soon as she was out of sight, Demon pulled Koichi into an A-B conversation.

"God, that Nakahara gets on my nerves," Demon Spawn mumbled, crossing her arms.

Koichi chuckled lightly, "Hikari-san, what are you talking about? Sunako-chan is the sweetest girl on earth."

Demon Spawn huffed, "She thinks she's so elite just 'cause she's rich and pretty..."

Koichi smiled a tiny smile and looked down, "She's more than just that..."

The Demon girl's lip twitched, "We all know you're in love with her, but the question is, what does she feel?"

Koichi looked up abruptly, growing pallid, "Did... Did she say anything... About..." The poor guy was so nervous, the lump in his throat had swelled into a watermelon. The Devil-Girl smiled wickedly, 'Gotcha!'

"Well, I'll tell you this because I know you're a good guy, and I don't want to see you hurt," Then Spawn leaned in and told Koichi horrible, twisted lies that contorted his view of an angel into a decrepit and shrivelled corpse.

All day long, she continued to implant these images into his head. She had even used her evil to make very good photoshops of Sunako doing very bad things; she had torched a kitten, she resorted to prostitution to fill her need for sex, then she used the money to buy crack for the fourth graders in a neighboring school... Who the hell would believe these pictures? Who in hell could waste so much time coming up with such ridiculous lies?!

Demon Spawn, at her own service...

Koichi's brow furrowed angrily as he looked at the picture of "Sunako" walking into a love hotel with some blue-collar with a comb-over. Then he snapped, "Hikari-san, I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I won't believe this! I don't know what kind of person could go through all this trouble to sabotage a person's image, but I know I can't stand this anymore!" He stood quickly, throwing the pictures into the trash.

"Koichi! Wait!" She called desperately.

He stopped at the door, "I won't tell anyone what you've done, as long as you promise to leave Sunako alone..."

The door closed. Hikari's face twisted into a gnarled knob on an oak, as evil completely overcame her.


Koichi thought of all the ways that Sunako couldn't possibly be that girl...

'Nope, there's definitely no way...'

He thought about how cool and intriguing she was the first time he met her. He thought of how charming her little quirks were, how she liked to read mystery and justice novels. He thought of her obsession with The Nightmare Before Christmas, and the cute smile that reached her eyes when "This is Halloween" played on the mixed tape he had made for her.

He knew Sunako better than that, knew that she couldn't possibly be like that...

But something bothered him... He knew she kept things from him, that even though he told her everything about himself excluding his deep thought of her. She neglected sharing her history and her family. He talked about everything, she kept in the present and the present only.

The more he thought about it, the more it bothered him.

He thought about how she made sure to be absolutely polite to everyone, even bitches like Hikari who loved to be flat out rude to her. He should have known better than to let her get to him. The look in her beautiful eyes... They were beautiful by nature, and he wondered how wonderful they could be if she showed all of herself to him.

Koichi huffed at his own inner monologue.

Suddenly her awkward smile didn't seem as appealing as it was when they had first met...

He shrugged his bag higher on his broad shoulder, keeping his hand tight around the strap. He thought more and more until he came to a valid conclusion. The only reason he was bothered by Hikari was because Sunako didn't trust him enough to tell him about her. The real her. When he thought about it, she never did cry or break around him, or anyone for that matter. The epitome of tenacity... No, nobody was that perfect.

The neighborhood's stray cat -Akio- crossed the street to avoid him as he slammed the side of his fist against the wall.

"Why can't she open up...?'

Akio turned the corner to find a crazed girl with menace in her eyes. He assumed she was an evil girl who had come up with a very sadistic plan... He'd better get out of her way.


So what do you think???

Anyway, review please, and I'll post as soon as possible.

Later Days,
