A/N: I am sooo sorry it has taken forever to get the last chapter up. I have been in a lazy non-typing mood. Also this last chapter was pretty hard to write. Anyway, once again I had lots of help from my partner in crime, TrulyFrighteninLilMonsterAlice. But sadly she can't write certain scenes so I was stuck with a very large task. I hope you all enjoy the last Chapter of '5 days in love'

You can find the disclaimer in chapter 1. Enjoy the Harry/Draco love.


Draco made his way to the potions class. Though he left early he still practically ran to the classroom. It was all out of eagerness to see Harry. Today was the day that the potion was supposed to wear off and he wanted to make sure to spend the last few hours of its effects with Harry.

He slammed the door of the potions room open, panting. Snape looked up quickly as the door made a loud thud against the stone wall.

"You're the first one, Oh Joy." Snape sound very uninterested has he tried to not look directly at Draco. He had not yet grasped the fact that his favorite student was gay.

Draco just ignored him as he made his way to his desk, turning quickly around to look at the door every time a student came in. He bit his bottom lip as Isabella strolled into the class room and walked over to him.

"Hello Draco!" She cheered. Draco ignored her and kept his eyes on the door. She brushed this off and lend over to whisper in his ear. "The potion will be wearing off in just a matter of hours and then you will be all mine." Isabella giggled and skipped off to her seat. Draco shivered at the thought in disgust. He jumped as the bell tolled.

"Damn it." He mumbled to himself. 'Where is he? And where the hell is Weasly?' Draco thought this to himself as a knot formed in his stomach. He stole a glance at the clock; it read 10:30am. "Only an hour and a half left till the effects wear off." He bit his lip and hoped for Harry or Ron to come running in through the door any minute now. He stiffened as a cool whisper brushed against his ear and a sickly sweet voice spoke.

"Looks like Harry won't be here to greet the old you back." She giggled sweetly. "But I will be." She nuzzled his cheek. Draco graced her with a side glance and eyes that pierced her heart. She sat down in her chair scowling at him.

"The ideal chit chat will end now. Take out your quill and paper, your test begins now." Snape waved his wand and a stack of paper floated up and distributed themselves among the students.

"Yeah." Hermione cheered happily as she was fully prepared for this.

Snape's eyes scanned the room.

"It's seems Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasly feel they have no need to be here today. There shall be severe punishments for such idiocy in store for them."

"Damn all Harry where are you?" Draco frantically looked around the room then back to the door. The ticking sound of the clock was driving his crazy. "11:00"

"Oh, what's the matter Draco dear? Isabella placed a hand on his leg, slowly running it up words as he draped herself lovingly over him. Draco tensed up in annoyance.

"Cut the crap Isabella!" Draco quickly stumbled out of his seat. "Just stop it ok! I don't like you! I never will! So STOP!"

"Mr. Malfoy?" Snape eyed him.

"Draco." Isabella reached out to touch him. "Calm down."

"NO!" Draco slapped her hand away. "Even when this stupid spell wears off I still won't love you!" The class grew silent as they listened to Draco.

"What is all this about a potion?" Snape looked angrier than usual.

The eerie silence of the room was ruined by the slamming open of the class room door.

"MALFOY!" Draco spun around to look at the door. As his heart was racing and hoping to see his love. But he became angry at the person he saw. The person's hair was red, not the beautiful brown.

"Mr. Weasly was a surprise, where's Potter?" Ron was gasping to catch his breath.

"Waiting…" He panted, very out of breath. "for his man slave." Ron stared directly over to Draco and took his hand. Draco's only reaction was that his eyes grew wide and his temper softened. He grew urgent with anticipation.

Isabella's temper flared and he glared dangerously at the two boys.

"Bad Minion!"

"For the last time! I am not you're…." Ron was cut off as Draco became the one dragging him out the door.

"Just forget about her!"

"Ahhhhh! I am not easily forgotten!" She screamed as he started for the door.

"And just where do you think you're going? As far as I know, you're not part of the homo triangle?" Isabella craned her head around to look at him.

"I'm going to go destroy the triangle." Snape stared at her, the look on her face was pure evil.

"Humph, class I would advise you start your tests." Snape turned around on his heel and glared at the rest of the class. Isabella took this as a safe to go sign and sprinted out of the class.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mean While xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Hey Draco!" Ron shouted as Draco pulled him along. Draco just ignored him. "Draco! Draco! Got damn it! Malfoy!!"

Draco let go of Ron's hand turned to face him.


"Why are you in such a hurry? And why do you need me! I have other things that need to be taken care of?"

Draco sighed.

"Because, I need you to open the Gryffindor door, Professor McGonagall changed the password after the last time I snuck in. Idiot."

"You're the Idiot! Why don't I just tell you the password?"

Draco blinked and Ron snickered.



Ron took off in the opposite direction back towards the potions classroom. He spotted Isabella coming out the room.

"Isabella!" She looked up right as Ron grabbed her arm and keep running.

"Ah! Unhand me!"

"Sorry can't do that!" Ron continued to drag her further and further away from Draco and Harry.

"You Jerk! You are ruining my plans!" She struggled to get free.

"And you will ruin my planes if I let you go." Ron smiled at her as he turned a corner.

"Ahhh! You are so getting your peeker cut off once I get free!" Ron gulped and almost considered letting her go.

He stopped running just outside of a broom closet.

"Hmm, where are they?" Ron talked to himself as Isabella continued to struggle in vain. She stopped when she felt the faint brush of air against both her ears.

"Hello Isabella." Two cattish voices said in unison.

"Ah!" She jumped and blushed ten shades of red.

"There you guys are!" Ron yelled. Isabella turned to see both the Weasly twins standing behind her.

"Hey Ron, sorry were late, took us a while to sneak out of McGonagall's class." They talked in perfect unison causing Isabella to be speechless as she listened and stared.

'Twins.' She thought.

"Yeah Yeah. Ok you guys watch her." Ron yanked on Isabella's arm and tossed her roughly into the broom closet. "While I go keep watch on Draco and Harry to make sure no one disturbs them."

"AH! Ron! You can't do this, I am your master! You're a bad Minion Ron! A bad one! I hate you! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Let me out of here!!"

All Isabella could hear was the click of the lock and the fading sounds of footfall as Ron ran away.

"Ron I'm going to kill you for this!" Isabella screamed but heard no response. "Hello, can anyone out there help me get out of here? Somebody help me!" Isabella felt like crying as she laid her forehead on the cold door. She heard the faint sound of snickering threw the door and listened to it intently.

"Isabella" Was the next sound her heard. Two sexy voices slowly whispering her name through the door. She squeaked and blushed as she listened.

"Isabella" She squealed.

"Yup she's alive Fred!"

"Yeah, too bad." Isabella felt hurt. "This is going to be really boring, makes me almost want to go back to class."


"Hey! I can hear you guys!"

"Like we care." They said and unison and she blushed again.

"So what are we supposed to do for the next hour or so? Nobody ever comes down here."

"Figures Ron would pick the most deserted hall in the castle to hide this overly Draco obsessed nut job."

"Hey, I am not a nut job! Draco is just so sexy."

"And Gay!" They said. Isabella made no response to this.

"That shut her up" It was not just the fact that they said Draco was gay; it was the wonderful way they were able to talk in unison. It made her blush and giggle like the school girl she was.

There was silence for a long moment; she could hear the twins sighing heavily from boredom. Then she heard Fred speak.

"Hey George."

"What Fred?"

"Wanna do something fun?" Isabella blushed as her mind flew to dirty thoughts of forbidden love.

"Like what?"

"Like this." Fred's voice was laced over with seduction.

"Mnnn." Isabella stopped breathing as she listened closely to George moaning through the door. There was silence as the groaning and moaning continued for what seemed like forever; Isabella's heart was racing as she inched forward, almost like the twins forbidden actions through the door were calling out to her, begging her to listen.

"Ahhh Fred! Don't touch me there." George cried out.

"Ehhhh." Isabella squealed and pressed her ear against the door.

"Aww, but George, you're so sensitive here. And when I touch you…"


"The look on your face is too cute to resist."

Isabella's eyes where wide as she listened in silence to the brother's talk and touch. Her hand was gripping the door handle and her ear was pressed so hard against the door she swore she had become one with its wood.

"George your chest is so soft and it tastes absolutely delicious."

"Fred, please, no more. She can hear us."

"Who? Oh you mean Isabella. I think she likes hearing you moan out my name. Am I right Isabella?"

"YES!" Isabella grinned in delight and squealed.

"Oh Fred, touch me again!"

"My pleasure George."

"Mmmnn, Yes there!"

"OMG, ehhh! Please open the door! I wanna watch!" Isabella jiggled the door handle violently. "Please open the door."

"No can do Isabella, Georges half naked body is for my eyes only."

"Oh Fred, your so good with your hands!"

"Uh!" Isabella gasped as her mind danced with images of the twins forbidden love affair. 'I have to see this!' She thought and shook the door handle more violently then before. The door shook and trembled under the force.

"I think she really wants out Fred."

"I think so too."


"Why not let her out, just so she can watch."


"Goody!" Isabella yanked one last time on the door handle and before her eyes it flew off the handle. "Oh shit." She mumbled as Fred opened the door. "Ahhhh!" Isabella tumbled out the closet and onto the floor, the door handle still in her hand.

"Hey that wasn't very nice!" She eagerly looked up at the twins, expecting to see Fred on his knees and George half naked, face red with heat, but the saw the opposite of her fantasies.

"Umm, guys? Why aren't' you molesting one another?"

Fred was standing next to George; neither was touching the other, both boys fully dressed.

"Nahhh!" They said in unison and stuck their tongues out at her.

"Yeah right! Like we would ever do something so…so…sooo…" Fred trailed off and looked at George, both had a grossed out look on their face.

"WRONG!" They yelled in unison.

"You twincest fan girls are so gross, we're brothers." George pointed out.

Isabella sniffled, a puppy look on her face.

"You guys are so mean."

"That's our job, to tease you fan girls cruelly." Fred snickered at her.

"Just admit we got you good and get back in the closet." George motioned into the closet.

"NO, it's stuffy and dirty in there! I'm going to go find Ron and turn him into a weasel for leaving me here with you two jerks!" Isabella went to run off when each twin grabbed on her one of arms and pulled her into the closest.

"You forget young one that Ron has your wand." They said in unison as they pulled her further into the closet. Isabella melted in her shoes at the sound of their voices.

"How about we keep you company in there." Fred said.

"Sounds good to me." Isabella was in a daze.

"Fun." George said as he went to close the closet door with the motion of his wand.

Isabella snapped out of it at the last moment.

"No wait the…!"


"What's wrong?" George said in the dark.

Isabella reached up and pulled the string for the light.

"There's no door handle, see!" She showed them the handle then dropped it. "And you would have known that if you didn't use magic for every little thing, like oh let's say, shutting a door! Now we're all three stuck in a stupid little closet! And it's your entire fault!"

"Our Fault!" They yelled in unison, Isabella melted.

"Sure." She said in a daze.

"It's doesn't matter." Fred said.

"It doesn't?" Isabella and George said as the looked to Fred.

"No, Ron will be back later to check on us, so were fine. Meanwhile, why not make the most of a bad situation?"

"How?" Isabella asked.

"Like so." Fred reached up and pulled the light string and all went dark.

"Ever been molested by twins in the dark Isabella?" Fred and George whispered into her ear in unison.

"Oh shit." Isabella melted, she had long forgotten about Draco, being now distracted by the twins.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Meanwhile with Draco xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Draco walked through the cold wooden door closing it softly behind him and locked it. Turing around with a sigh Draco looked to Harry's bed. There laid the Dark haired wizard; he was lying on his back with strands of his dark tasseled hair strewed across his face. Apparently Harry did not feel the need to get up with the sun this day.

Draco walked over to Harry's bed side; his heart was beating fast as he gazed as Harry's sleeping form. He allowed his eyes to travel from Harry's face to the pale skin of his neck. He watched the way Harry's chest rose up and down as he breathed. His breathing was normal and peaceful, completely unaware of the hungry beast that watched him.

He noticed that the top buttons of Harry's shirt were undone. The milky white skin that was revealed to his chest only looked soft. He reached out a trembling hand and allowed his finger tips to stroke Harry's body. Slowly and skillfully his fingers finished undoing the remaining buttons.

"It's amusing how you can sleep so soundly while I molest you." Draco bent down to place a kiss upon Harry's chest when a voice startled him from doing so.

"And what makes you think I'm asleep?" Draco smiled as the once thought to be asleep form rose from the bed.

"Sorry, did my actions wake you?"

"No, I've been awake since before you came in." Harry ran his fingers threw his messy brown hair. He noticed Draco staring at him. "What?" Harry became very nervous and pulled his shirt tightly around him.

"You looked so beautiful when you were sleeping, I mean pretending to be asleep." Harry's eye grew wide. His heart skipped a few beats. The kind words brought to him the realization that today was the day the spell would end and all would go back to the way it was before. When He and Draco were enemies and despised one another. By 12:00p.m. Draco would start hating him again, maybe even more than before. He looked at the clock on the night stand; it read 11:25a.m.

"You should go." Harry lowered his gaze.

"Why? You're the one that called for me."

"What are you talking about?" Harry was confused, he purposely didn't go to class, and he didn't want to be with Draco when the spell wore off.

"Ron told me you were waiting for me, don't play dumb." Draco inched his way onto the bed to sit beside Harry.

"Stupid Ron." Harry mumbled.

"What was that?" Draco ran a finger over Harry's leg.

"Nothing." Harry squeaked. "Anyway, I changed my mind, you need to leave."

"You don't really mean that Harry, you love me too much to want me to go." Draco slid his long delicate finger along Harry's check and tilted his face up to look at him. Harry's eyes began to water with tears. "You love me, don't you Harry?" Draco breathed the words onto Harry's lips.

"Yes." A tear escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek.

"You want me to pleasure you don't you?" Draco leaned down and licked the tear away.

"Yes." Harry bit his lip and placed a hand onto of the hand Draco was using to hold his face. He fought hard to keep all the pain inside of him.

"I thought so, I know you so well Love." Draco pushed Harry back down onto the bed. In the process of doing this action Draco accidently knocked the clock off the night stand, it fell to the floor with made a loud crashing noise. Harry jerked his head away and looked to the empty spot were the clock should have been.

"Ah, Draco! My clock!" Harry struggled to get away from Draco to pick up the clock.

'Forget about it!" Draco pushed Harry further down into the thick bed covers.

"NO! I need to know the time!" Harry frantically tried to escape Draco, but the harder he tried the tighter the grip on his wrists became.

"Why in the world of magic do you need to know the bloody time!?" Draco glared down at Harry. Harry stopped fighting and looked up and Draco. Draco's face was burning with intensity.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Time with Ron xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ron slammed the door of the Gryffindor common room open. He was pleased to find it empty.

"Ok, now I have to make sure no one disturb Draco and Harry." Ron blushed at the thought. He may be a virgin, but he knew very well what the two love birds were doing up there. He let out a sigh.

"I need to find a girl friend."

"Shhh!" Ron looked up and around the room.

"Am I hearing things?" He thought to himself.

"Shhhh! Be quit! I'm trying to listen!" There it was again.

"Nope." Ron said aloud and ran up the stairs to the sleeping chambers.

"But this is ease dropping! It's an invasion of their privacy." Ron could tell it was Neville's voice.

"No way! This is just too good to be true. Who would have thought that Draco would actually fall in love with Harry Potter." That was Seamus's voice.

"AH HA!" Ron jumped out from behind the corner and pointed in the direction the voices were coming from. "I've got you now you bloody nosy people!" Seamus, Neville, and Dean's heads popped up and they spun around to look at Ron.

"Looks like the funs over." Dean said lazily.

"Just what the hell do you think you guys are doing?" Ron shook his head in shame.

"R…Ron! I tried to stop them, honest!" Neville looked white as a ghost.

"Shut up Neville! There is no reason to apologize to Weasley." Seamus looked very arrogant as he spoke.

"Your right, you should be apologizing to Harry and Malfoy for ease dropping on them." Ron glared. "Unless you like the sound of two boys having sex, feel free to listen."

Seameus clinched his teeth.

"Let's get out of here guys." Seamus shoved passed Ron, followed by Dean and Neville.

"See ya, Ron." Neville blushed and quickly followed the others out of the Gryffindor corridors.

Ron smiled proudly to himself as he watched them leave. Now the one he cared for most and his rival in love could finally be at peace together. There was a sting in his heart but he ignored it.

"As long as Harry's happy that's all that matters." Ron said aloud to himself.

Ron made his way down to the common room and sat down on the couch. He acted as a guard to make sure no one disturbed them.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Back to Draco and Harry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Harry's eyes shook with fear as he stared up at Draco.

"Because what Harry?" Draco looked down at him, his face was intense and his eyes blazed bright.

"'Because…" Harry looked away, trying to find some way to escape. He wished for someone to bust threw the door and save him.

"Just tell me Harry!" Draco yelled at him.

No one was going to save him. No one came. Harry took a deep breath.

"Because I know you're under a love potion! Sorry I didn't tell you about it sooner!" Harry yelled.

Draco stared down at Harry, his face no longer tense. Draco's eyes shook now and his mouth went slack.

"I'm sorry Draco." Harry could feel the hot tears build up behind his eyes. "Please forgive me." Harry watched as Draco's face went through several different emotions before settling on anger. He felt Draco's grip on him tighten.

"Ah, Draco!" Harry became scared. "Let me go! Draco!" He looked up again at Draco. His eyes were closed and his teeth clinched.

"You knew I was under the influence of a potion the whole time!" Draco shouted.

"I'm sorry…I never thought…"

"Never thought what? That I would find out! Was this all a game too you? A way to get back at me for all the times I've humiliated you!" Draco opened his eyes and saw the tears on Harry's face. "It was all just fun and games for you wasn't it?"

"NO!" Harry yelled back.

"Then why would you go along with all this?" Draco wished for an answer, but was scared to hear it. Harry didn't really love him at all. Maybe Isabella was right all along? Draco closed his eyes and listened to Harry's uneasy breathing.

"It was Isabella." Draco's eyes flew open.

"What did she do?"

"It's not so much was she did, but what she told me. She told me that if I could make you fall in love with me in five days, that when the potion wear off you would fall in love with me for real. You would really truly love me."

Draco's heart started to beat faster as Harry explained his reasoning's.

"Why would you want to do something like that?"

"Because I love you Draco."

Harry could feel the hot tears stream quietly down his face now. He knew that the real Draco didn't love him at all; but this Draco did, this potion of a man.

So he was not surprised when Draco kissed him silently on the mouth, and then licked his tears away. He did not tense up when his shirt somehow came off without a sound and lips captured his once more. Nor was he surprised to find himself responding audibly as well as physically to this Draco's actions.

'Why must you be under a love potion!?' Harry thought to himself as everything around him became a blur of shape and color. The only thing he could see clearly was Draco's face. Time seemed to stop for this moment. So Draco could love him without Harry worrying about the clock that lay somewhere on the floor.

'He loves me!' Draco thought as he looked down at Harry. The sudden surge to kiss Harry overcame him. The love potion was responding to Harry's confession and Draco could not fight its hold on him.

'Only a few more minutes!' Draco thought, 'then I can tell you how I feel. If I tell you know you'll think it's only the potion.'

Draco kissed along Harry's neck, nipping lightly at the soft tender flesh. Harry moaned in response, gripping tightly onto Draco's robes.

Draco sat up and removed his robes and shirt, tearing them off and throwing them to the floor. Harry blushed and looked away from Draco's now shirtless body.

"You like what you see, don't you? As do I." Draco bent down and kissed Harry's chest, running his fingers feather like across his torso. He pinched one of Harry's hard nipples, pulling on it lightly. Harry moaned and squirmed under his touch.

Draco smiled at this and licked teasingly at Harry's other nipple. Rolling his tongue around it several times before taking it into his mouth.

"Mhhh…ah…" Harry cried out. This was all so new to him. He had never been touched like this. Draco's mouth was hot and wet.

Draco tugged and sucked hard on his nipple, and every time Harry's mind was washed over with pleasure and he would gasp for air.

Draco smiled evilly as he explored Harry's body with his now unoccupied hand. He wondered what he could do next to make the young wizard cry out. He ran his hand over Harry's soft stomach. He danced his fingers along the rim of Harry's pants. Harry gasped and arched his back slightly. Draco darted his hand to the small of Harry's back. There he dug his nails in and dragged them up and down Harry's back.

"Ahhh!" Harry arched his back more and dug his own nails hard into Draco's shoulders. Draco smiled and continued to do this as he kissed his way back up to Harry's mouth.

Three words he longed to say to Harry threatened to spill from his mouth each time Harry moaned his name. He wanted to say those words so god damned badly, or was it the potion that wanted him to say them.

Draco pressed himself down onto of Harry, their naked flesh brushed up against each others. It was a pleasurable sensation. Draco slid his hands along both sides of Harry's face, no longer supporting himself, all his weight was pressed down on Harry.

Harry was overwhelmed as he felt all of Draco rested on top of him. He ran his hands along Draco's back. He was soft and warm. Harry sighed as he felt Draco cup his face in his hands. He looked up at Draco's face. He was so beautiful.

Draco stared into Harry's soft green eyes. And that's all they did for a long moment. Their heavy breathing moistened each other's face. Just staring at one another made the passion between them grow. It grew so much Draco could not control himself.

Just as he was about to crash his lips into Harry's a bomb went off inside of him.

All the events from the last four days and today came at him all at once. Yet now he seemed to remember them differently. He knew he had been under a potion during those events and he was unable to control his actions, but he felt no anger towards them. Instead of having no feelings towards Harry in those events then, now he did. He wanted Harry and craved for his body and heart.

He looked down at Harry and the urge to kiss him and take him over whelmed him. His heart no longer swayed from side to side. Now he was sure he wanted and loved Potter. The effects of the potion seemed like a dream, now he was himself.

"Drac…!" Before Harry could speak Draco's name he was taken by a kiss. A hungry and rushed kiss. Draco's tongue darted into his mouth and over took him. He moaned and melted as Draco's tongue ran along the inside of his mouth. Draco nipped and pulled at his lips, once or twice Draco bit too hard and blood would be entered to the kiss. Draco sucked at the fresh cuts and let his tongue slid across them.

"Mhhh…" Harry moaned louder when Draco bit and kissed along this neck. He stopped kissing at a dark mark on Harry's neck. He let his lips hover over it for a moment, and then kissed the spot right next to it. He bit and sucked at this one spot, making sure it was darker then the other one. He left mark after mark all over Harry's neck. Making sure they would be visible even if Harry tried to cover them up with a shirt.

"Ahhhh…nhh…" Harry rolled his head around everywhere. Draco was being rougher than before. Something was different.

'The time! Maybe? Could it be this is the real Draco?' Harry thought to himself as Draco began to kiss his way down to Harry's pants. 'No it couldn't be?' What time had it been moments before. He drew a blank. Time seemed not to really matter at the moment. The real Draco would never let this continue.

Draco kissed along the rim of Harry's pants, drawing them lower and lower, till a fine trail of dark hair was visible. He dragged his nails threw it till he heard Harry's breath hitch.

"Draco!" Harry looked down at Draco, Draco's eyes were lusty and dark, no softness in them at all.

Draco continued to stare at Harry as he pulled his pants and underwear clean off of him. Harry fought the urge to cover himself up. He could feel his cheeks turn red. He was completely hard and the feeling was painful.

Draco lend over and kissed the tip of Harry's manhood, he was hot and warm under his lips. He kissed down it till he came to the base. He nipped at the soft hot flesh. Each time he did his Harry would moan and shudder. Draco gripped Harry's hips to keep him from squirming as he bit the tender flesh of his thighs leaving bright red marks. He came back to Harry's throbbing manhood and licked it up and down softly.

Harry's breathing had quickened and the warmth building up inside him was painful. The pleasure Draco was providing him was overwhelming.

"Ahh, Draco…please…" Harry begged for Draco to stop teasing him.

"Be patient." Draco practically growled out the words as he came back to the tip. There he allowed his tongue to flick over the small slit. A white bead had formed and Draco licked it up hungrily before taking Harry's tip into his mouth. He rolled his tongue over and around it, sucking at it and swirling it around in his mouth. The pre-cum that sipped from it was sweet and Draco craved for more of it.

"Draco!" Harry moaned loudly, his breathing was heavy and he felt like he was losing himself; going crazy.

Draco stole a quick glance at Harry's face; it was flushed red and sweat was running down his face slowly. Harry's manhood jerked and pulsated in his mouth, growing hotter by the second. Draco decided it was time to finish him off.

He took all of Harry into his mouth and sucked harder than before. Running his teeth along his hot skin and rotating his mouth in a circular motion.

"Ahh! Draco, your mouth…it's so…so hot!" Harry cried as he grabbed hand full's of Draco's hair. He didn't know what to do. He could no longer control his body. Draco owned him. Harry's vision went white and he screamed as Draco pulled on his manhood one last time, hard and quick. He felt himself release into Draco's mouth.

Draco continued to suck and lick Harry as he swallowed all of him. He loved this taste, the flavor that was his lover. He could hear Harry gasping and panting, he twitched every time Draco's mouth touched him; threatening to go hard again. Draco snickered at this as he finished cleaning up Harry's mess.

Draco sat up in-between Harry's spread legs.

"Draco?" Harry said as he looked at him. "What are you doing?" Draco was in the process of taking off his belt and unzipping his pants. Harry blushed as Draco removed his trousers and underwear, becoming completely nude.

Harry just blushed and looked away; Draco was beautiful no matter what.

"Ahh!" Harry yelped as he felt something penetrate his entrance. He looked back over to Draco. "What are you doing?" Harry gasped.

Draco smiled.

"Preparing you." Draco continued to stretch and ready Harry. Harry closed his eyes and gave himself over to Draco once more. He moaned and sighed at the feeling of Draco's fingers inside of him. He knew what was to come and didn't fight it. He almost cried when Draco's fingers left him.

He looked up at Draco, Draco was staring at him while gripping his hips. Draco held a tense look on his face.

"Harry." Draco leaned in close to Harry and Harry sat up slightly so they were face to face.

"Yes?" Draco took a deep breath and started right into Harry's eyes.

"You succeeded, Potter."

"What!" Harry's eyes widened. "What do you mean by that?" Harry thought he knew what he meant but was too surprised to say it.

"The potion wore off a while ago." Draco smiled wickedly. "I've fallen in love with you Potter." With that said he kissed Harry passionately on the lips. Harry moaned then cried as Draco quickly pushed himself into Harry's entrance.

Draco laid Harry back down and pressed his face into his neck and he pushed himself to the hilt into Harry. Harry whimpered as tears ran down his face. It hurt so much he wanted to scream; but he trusted this Draco. The real Draco, the one that truly did love him and cared about him.

"Shhhh...It will only hurt for a moment." Draco whispered as he pumped at a slowly pace. At first it was hard and rough, but soon Harry was relaxed and loose. Draco felt Harry's leg wrap around his waist and his hands rested on his shoulders. Draco supported himself on top of Harry, his hands pressing down into the bed on either side of Harry's head.

Draco pumped into Harry, at first slowly then quickened the pace once he heard Harry start to give his approval. It was all like a wonderful fantasy come to life. Both boys had fantasized about this moment, whether they were serious at the time or just curious about the other. The pleasure and pain was more than they had every imagined. Now it was really happening and they loved it.

Their bodies began to grow hot and sweaty as Draco pushed himself deeper and deeper into Harry. Harry cried out when Draco pulled fully out and pushed back into harder than before.

"There!" Harry yelled hoarsely as Draco hit a sweet spot deep inside of him.

'Found it.' Draco thought in success. He pulled out again and reentered, aiming for that spot again. Harry arched his back and tightened his grip on Draco's shoulders. Draco repeated this action several times, each time Harry would cry out, asking for more.

Draco felt the warmth building up inside of him. Harry's body was warm and moist; he slid effortlessly in and out of him. The sweetness of all of this was overwhelming. The warmth between them was maddening. Draco didn't know how much longer he could last before he would be spent. Harry also didn't know how much more his body could take. He was already completely hard again; and the warmth and pain was now making his mind hazy and spinning. This was all like a wonderful drug.

Draco could feel the warmth moving in him, it was at the hilt of him and he could no longer hold it.

"Harry," Harry opened one eyes and panted hotly. "Together!" Draco hissed and gave one last hard trust into Harry. The boys cried out each other's name as they released themselves. Harry moaned as the felt Draco's love slip into him. He fell in love with that feeling and warmth.

Draco collapsed onto Harry and Harry welcomed him. Both boys panted and closed their eyes; catching their breathes.

There was a long moment of silence that settled in around them. Harry was the first to break it. He started to run his fingers threw Draco's hair before he started to speak.

"So, now you're the real Draco Malfoy right?"

"Mmm Hmm." Draco nuzzled into Harry' neck.

"And you really do love me and only me. Not Isabella."

"Yes, the truth is, I kind of liked you before all of this. I just didn't think I could ever truly love you. And about Isabella, I would never fall for such a wretched and horrible girl."

"I've always loved you, Draco."

"Is that so?" Draco hugged Harry and let the happiness spill over him.

"Yeah, it is."

"Harry." Draco said as he sat up to look at him.

"What is it?" Draco kissed Harry lightly on the lips.

"I will always love you Potter." Harry's heart felt as though it had grown wings.

"When we see Isabella again, remind me to thank her for the potion."

"That will make her very pissed." Draco smiled wickedly.

"I know, that's why I'm going to say it." Harry returned Draco's soft kiss. "I love you Draco." Draco smiled through the kiss.

"I'll thank her as well, for giving me that potion."

They smiled at each other and spoke in unison.

"It gave me the chance to love the one I love." They laughed and embraced once more in an intimate kiss.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Several Hours Later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ron half ran down the hallway.

"How in bloody hell could I have forgotten about them!" Ron scolded himself. "They are going to kill me." Ron groaned.

When he reached the closet door he saw no one.

"Where did everybody go?" Just then Ron heard a small giggle which could only belong to Isabella.

"Oh please, stop staring at me." She giggled again. Then Ron's eyes widened as he heard the evil twin laugh of his brothers.

"But you look so cute." That was Fred.

"And your skin looks so soft. It's hard not to stare." That was George.

"You really think so?"

"Of course; we would like to see more? Please." They said in unison. Ron pressed his ear to the door, his face was red.

"Well too bad boys! The muffin shop in closed!" Isabella giggled.

"Muffin Shop!" Ron squeaked.

"Oh don't worry, will get you to open it!" They twins laughed and Ron had decided enough was enough.

"Don't worry Isabella! I'll save your Muffin Shop!" Ron swung open the door and Isabella toppled out of the closet.

Ron almost had a nose bleed.

Isabella was in her bra and skirt, nothing else. Her bra was lime green with black poka-dots and from what he saw it matched her panties, which thank Merlin were still on; unlike her shirt which, was draped around Fred's shoulders. He was more surprised when he finally noticed the Gryffindor playing cards, which were now scattered everywhere, expect for the ones that the twins were holding.

"Hello Ron." Isabella squeaked.

"Hey Bro, nice to see ya!" The twins cheered.

"Hello guys. What are you doing?" Ron was scared to ask.

"Playing strip poker." George said.

"Oh, I thought you guys were having sex?" Ron sighed in slight relief. 'Not that what they're doing instead is any better.' Ron thought to himself.

"We would have been." Fred grumbled.

"Yeah, but every time we tried to kiss her or be remotely seductive she would laugh!"George shouted at Isabella more than Ron.

"I can't help it!" Isabella yelled. "It just happens." Isabella made a cute little face. This made Fred and George sigh and mumble to themselves.

"Well ok then. I just wanted to let you guys know that Draco and Harry are done making love and Isabella is free to go. You guys are now off duty." Ron went to run but a streak of green and black passed him first.

"MAKING LOVE!!" Isabella took off like a bolt of lightning.

"She's a keeper." The twins cheered in Ron's ear.

"I wonder if she knows she's running around the castle half naked?" Ron said aloud.

"She'll figure it out…eventually." The twins said in perfect unison.

-!!THE END!!-

OMG! It is finally over!! dies This is the first multi chapter fanfic I have ever finished; thanks to my own personal Isabella breathing down my back. So there were a lot of new things for me in this fanfic. 1) I've never written a blow job scene before. 2) I've never written a sex scene either. This is way it took me so long to finish it. So please, I am very sorry it took me sooooooooooooo LONG to get it done. Please let me know what you think of it!

Btw- There may or may not me a special 6th chapter. TrulyFrighteninLilMonsterAlice (my personal Isabella) is debating over the idea of an epilog for Isabella and the twins. More like a funny side story which would take place later after this chapter. It will be an Isabella/twins love story. But like a said, it may or may not happen.

Thanks For Reading!!