Hi everybody!!!! Minako Momiji here!!! hahahaha ok ko just so you know I'm crazy!!! I'm an OC character from the story Dreams Become Reality!!!! And now I am giving you my first story so please be nice!!!!

Contains: This chapter is one big rape!! so don't say i didn't tell you!!

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto...but sasuke does!!!

sasuke:happy...thank you...O . o...come on naruto...has naruto on lease


O . o...oookkk... ...on with the story!!!

chapter 1

Hands with feather like touches slowly slid down a sweaty chest. A boy screamed in the middle of the night.

"S-Stop...Don't it...hurts..." the boy no older then fifteen breathed out.

The man paid no mind to the small child as he ripped off the boy's pants with his boxers letting his hand grip around the limp staff and pulled making the boy terrible. Using his free hand he went right to the boy's tight ass hole and plunged one finger in the hole moving it around. Without giving him time to adjust to the feeling he pushed two more fingers in causing the hole to start a slow blood flow.

The boy tried to squirm from the all to firmer pain as the fingers moved around inside of him tying to find his prostate.


"Yes...founded it" said the man in a deep hasty voice while rubbing up against his backside.


"SHUT UP YOU BRAT...It will all be over soon...SO STOP MOVING..."

The man now known as the boy's father held his son still with the firm grip on his length taking out his fingers and replacing them with his not so small hard on.

Crying out in pain the boy stopped moving and fell limp to the bed. The whole time his father kept up with pleasuring himself.

"You should be enjoying yourself" said the boys father slowly moving his hand up and down his sons semi-hard on.

This act brings the small child to reality and he started moving wildly again.

"STOP IT YOU SLUT AND STAY STILL" the man screamed slapping his son across his face and pumping him faster with each thrust into the small hole.

"AAAHHH..."the boy came in his father's hand crying that his body refused to listen to him.

The man moaned as his son's walls tightened around him squeezing the juices out filling his only child with his seed.

He pulled out and picked up his clothes walking to the door.

"DON'T BE LATE TOMORROW TO SCHOOL...Or we'll have to do this again real soon..." his father said walking out of the room and slamming the door shut.

The boy laid in pain but after awhile slowly pulled the covers up and over his beaten body. He blinked away tears letting them slip down his cheeks.

The only visible thing in the room was the small glow of a clock and the clear blue eyes of the boy closing for the last time that night as he fell asleep.

ok ko!!! that's all for now!! I'm sorry its so short and there are more than likely spelling problems but please I will try to get more up!!

Please review