(Note: The letters in Bold font are just narrations)
Trailer for Guardian Angels
Birth by Death
A figure in a black cloak stands on a craggy hill, he lifts his hand to block the setting sun. He lowers his hand and when he does he sees a second person cloaked in silver walking towards him, they nod to one another and the two of them walk down the craggy path, after a short while the two of them stand in a vast desert wasteland, riddled with a thousand sharp metal objects.
The Fateful Meeting
The two cloaked figures hear a sound behind them and they look, a car has parked on the hill behind them. Unfortunately for the cloaked ones the people in question were specifically told not to come, as usual no one ever listens to them. However another sound catches their attention; they look ahead and see the silhouette of someone walking through a sandstorm that had just appeared, they knew this was it, a last stand.
A Shadowed Confrontation
The storm parts to reveal an old man, he was hunched over, his hair was mostly gone except this thing of white stringy hair behind his head, his eyes were bloodshot and deranged, behind him were two people concealed by a blue and brown cloak. In the man's left hand was a metal suitcase, the black cloaked men knew the contents of that case could never be revealed, no matter what. The old man knew of this and he tightened his grip on the case, he cracked his lips in a deranged smile, as if taunting them to come and take the case.
The Dark Battle
(Play: Angels of Sorrow, Guardians of Fate – Fate of the Unknown, Kaoru Wada)
The two black cloaked men stared at the opposition, an old man and two other men, cloaked in blue and brown. The old man smirked and the silver cloaked man growled, and ran towards them, the other one tried to stop him, but he was already charging at the three figures. The old man looked at the one in the brown cloak and he nodded, the brown cloaked man lowered his hand and when he raised it a column of earth shot up and took the silver cloaked man with it.
The silver cloaked man groaned and when he looked up he saw another column shoot up, with the old man on the edge of it, smirking at him. Then the blue cloaked man jumped down, as he fell he raised his hand and spheres of water shot out towards the silver cloaked man, but he saw it coming for as the ball of water came down he raised his and a ball of electricity shot out, it collided with the water and it burst mid air. The blue cloaked man gasped as the electric ball hit his shoulder and knocked him out of the air, he hit the wall of earth and groaned. The black cloaked man had jumped on the column and ran towards the blue cloaked man as he was getting up, the blue cloaked man looked up and shot another ball of water at him.
Meanwhile the brown cloaked man jumped down and when he landed he shot spikes of earth at the silver cloaked man, when the silver cloaked man tried to shoot electric balls at it they bounced off harmlessly so he had to leap over them. The brown cloaked man smirked, he raised his hand and a smaller column of earth slammed into the silver cloaked man, he fell with a grunt and when he was trying to get up the brown cloaked man made a spear of rock and was going to impale him. However the black cloaked man saw this and he switched targets, he propelled himself at the brown cloaked man and wrenched the spear out of his hand, and as he spun around he took the spear and impaled the brown cloaked man, who took a few steps back and fell off the column towards certain death.
The old man growled, and he pointed his hand at the metal objects and he waved his hand around, then he made a gripping motion and thrust his hand upwards, when he did the metal objects shook slightly and shot out of the ground, flying through the air like dangerous torpedoes. The metal torpedoes flew through the air and launched themselves at the silver and black cloaked men, the silver man grunted and leaped in the air, firing electric blasts at them to knock them away. The electricity knocked out a few of the metal poles, but they still flew towards him each primed to rip and slash him. The black cloaked man's hand frothed with a bluish light and he fired it at the silver cloaked man, the blue light transformed into a barrier protecting him from the sharp objects, which bounced of the shield around him, and the shield dispelled after taking the brutal punishment.
The sliver cloaked man fell to one of the columns, the black cloaked man ran up to him and the sliver cloaked man removed his hood, Volkmar Gamlxltoe growled at the old man and fired a blast of electricity at him. The old man smirked and raised his hand and a bluish light surrounded him, bouncing the blast off his shield. Volkmar narrowed his eyes and grabbed one of the sharp metal poles and jumped towards the old man, the old man sidestepped the attack and grabbed his own metal pole and he and Volkmar began to duel, for an old man he was extremely agile and did all sorts of twists and spins. Volkmar swung his weapon and the old man blocked it, but as the old man spun he fired a bright white blast at Volkmar, he took the hit and flung backwards. Volkmar got to his feet and examined his arm; the outer cloth was nearly frozen solid. Volkmar looked back at the old man who swung his weapon expertly, taunting Volkmar.
But a red burst of light caught both there attentions, the black cloaked man had overpowered the blue cloaked man who was now unconscious on the ground. The old man's eyes widened and he sneered at the black cloaked man, but when the old man looked up he started to grin. When Volkmar and the black cloaked man looked they saw two girls on the cliff opposite of them, one girl was a brunette and the other was a red head. The old man pointed his and at them and made a beckoning motion, then all of a sudden the red head was being pulled towards the old man. The black cloaked man yelled out and began to leap towards the old man, Volkmar was running towards him, but by then the red head was being pinned to the craggy column of earth by a series of floating sharp poles. Volkmar stopped and the old man smirked, but then the black cloaked man had jumped behind him, a sharp pole in his hand, ready to strike at the old man. However the old man disappeared at the last minute, and reappeared behind him and as the black cloaked man fell he grabbed his head and hoisted him high above the ground. The old man looked at Volkmar and smiled a deranged smile; Volkmar's eyes widened and he ran towards the old man, his metal pole ready to strike, but then a spout of water shot out and slammed into Volkmar, knocking him to the ledge below, and the blue cloaked man reappeared next to the old man.
The End of All Things
The black cloaked man twisted in the old man's hand, but it was no use, his grip was too strong. The red head looked at the black cloaked man, and he looked at her, their eyes met and sadness and fear echoed in his eyes, and then in a flash of white the black cloaked man was frozen completely. The red head screamed and the old man smiled satisfactory and dropped the frozen body off the ledge, the red head screamed again and leaped off the edge towards the frozen body.
Volkmar was only getting up when he saw the brunette call out to him; the brunette named Mia Fey pointed to the two falling bodies. Volkmar gasped and fired a blue light at the two falling bodies; the light slowed their descent until they landed softly on the ground. The red head crawled towards the frozen body and examined the person's face, whose hood had came off before he was frozen, the moment she saw his face she broke into tears. Volkmar and Mia ran to her and they both saw the body as well, Mia covered her mouth and began to sob while Volkmar looked as if someone has stabbed him in the back. The red head wrapped her arms around the frozen body of Alexander Lionheart and embraced him one last time.
Then all of a sudden Alex's body began to glow bright white, the old man and the blue cloaked man stared at the glowing, frozen body. Then a pin point streak of energy shot at the old man and slammed into him, as it did the column they had stood on collapsed, taking the blue cloaked man and the metal suitcase with it.
A moment of silence
The old man desperately tried to break free of the light, but it began to consume him and soon, just when the light and the old man were high into the air, the light exploded, destroying the old man trapped by it. The wave of light shone brightly over the three of them below it, and soon the light began to cover everything in a warm radiant glow, soothing the hearts of the noble and heroic, as if signifying an end of a disaster… or so they thought.
A forbidden secret
If the three people had examined the rubble of the giant column they would have saw it. The metal suitcase, the bearer of a dark nightmare, a destructive secret that would ravage everything they believed in; was still intact buried in the earth, waiting for someone to find and release it's contents.
(End: Angels of Sorrow, Guardians of Fate – Fate of the Unknown)
All in:
Phoenix Wright
Guardian Angels
The Story is not over