Title: Mind over Murder

Author: greenrandomness

Rating: T

Warnings: Violence

Summary: A woman Shawn goes on a date with accuses him of stalking her a month later. When the woman is found dead, Shawn is the police department's only suspect and the evidence just keeps piling up against him.

Authors Note: Here's the epilogue folks! It's all over now. :D

Disclaimer: Only the story line and any characters you don't recognize are mine…anything else belongs to the creators and owners of Psych.

Chapter 10- I'm Blinded by the…Hideous Lime Green Hawaiian Shirt?

Shawn couldn't see anything; his eyes didn't want to open, but he could hear everything. The sirens, the cars, the voices, he could hear it all; he just couldn't do anything about it. He didn't have the energy to do anything more than lay there and listen, and even that as a stretch. His head pounded with each breath, and the cold air on his feverish skin felt fantastic. Everything felt shaky and weak as he tried to concentrate on what was going on.

"He has some serious bleeding here." An unfamiliar voice announced. Shawn groaned as the man pulled up the bandage. "It looks like the wound is infected."

"When was he shot?" Another asked, her voice seeming far away as if she where down a long tunnel.

"A-a-about a day ago." Gus's voice replied softly, his words were unsteady with panic.

"Finally!" Shawn yelled internally, "Someone I know." He tried to say something, but all his lips could form was a muffled groan.

"It's okay, Shawn, calm down." A soft voice told him, a hand resting on his forehead soon joined it. 'Juliet' was the name that his brain supplied, and he sighed contentedly as her cool hand soothed his aching head.

"We need to get him to the E.R." The first voice told someone, and they all must have agreed because a second later he was moving.

He felt his world shifting, and suddenly he was hovering. The brief sensation ended when he felt himself being set back down again. Although they had tried to be gentle, he still moaned as the jolt set his side on fire.

"Give him ten milligrams of morphine." The woman told the others. Shawn felt the needle slide in, heavenly warmth followed. He heard the doors start to close through his drug-induced haze, but something stopped the door before it could click closed.

"I'm coming." Gus's voice announced, although Shawn was having trouble focusing on the voices, let alone the words they were actually saying.

"Then get in here, kid." A gravelly voice from the front of the vehicle ordered. Shawn could hear Gus climbing in beside him only seconds later. The feeling of weightlessness increased, as the world seemed to float further away

"Just a little longer, Shawn." Was the last thing he heard as the noises of consciousness finally faded away. He never heard the sirens as blissful nothingness enveloped him.




Was the only sound that met Shawn's ears as the world opened up to him again. Groaning, he flung his arm over the side of the bed to try and hit the snooze button. When his hand met nothing but air, his brain realized that something wasn't quite right. Rolling over slightly, he pried on of his eyes open and looked around.

The sterile white and pastel blue environment was definitely not his room. The only things brightening the place up were two bunches of balloons in the corner, and a vase of flowers on the windowsill. The eerie quiet, punctuated by the steady tone of a heart monitor, just screamed hospital. It screamed it so loudly that he was surprised that no one had complained about the noise yet. The uncomfortable bed gave it away too, he decided as he shifted slowly, being reminded of his injury when it ached.

So he was in a hospital…but which one. That was the problem with the hospitals, they all looked the same, even to the hyper observant. Swinging his eyes around, he finally located something he recognized. His father.

The man was seated in a chair on the right side of the bed. He hadn't seen him before because he had only looked to his left for the alarm clock that would had been there had he been at home. Shawn turned carefully to look at his dad.

He looked, worn and worried. His skin was pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes. Obviously, he had been here for a while given the state of his rumpled, utterly hideous shirt and wrinkled shorts.

Henry Spencer was leafing through a magazine, obviously not reading the articles, when Shawn's throat clearing interrupted his not-reading.

The man looked up, his eyes suddenly bright. "You're awake." He half whispered, his voice slightly scratchy.

"Were you at the track when I was on the run, or did you just want to blind me when I woke up?" Shawn asked with mock seriousness, and a brief gesture indicating the horrendous lime green Hawaiian shirt his dad was wearing.

"For your information," Henry frowned, dropping his magazine onto the side table and crossing his arms. "I was in the shower when the hospital called, it was the first thing I could find." He explained with a voice that had lost the happily shocked tone it had held only seconds before.

Shawn cringed, throwing a hand over his eyes, and started to moan. He withered on the bed slightly, and tossed his head backward as if in great pain.

"Shawn? Shawn?" Henry asked, jumping up and standing next to his son. "What is it? Should I call the doctor?" He reached for the nurse call button, and pressed it quickly, hoping they would hurry up.

"Why?" Shawn pleaded, his voice tormented and shaking, as if he were about to start sobbing.

"Why what?" Henry asked, pausing in his panicking, and looking down at his son in confusion.

"Why, oh, why did you have to give me the mental image of you in the shower?" Shawn asked, dropping his hand from his face and grimacing. "I mean really, are you trying to traumatize me?"

"Shawn." Henry ground out through clenched teeth, but before he could say more he turned away and took a deep breath. Looking at his son again, he gruffly replied, "I think I like you better when you are unconscious."

"That's just harsh, dad." Shawn grinned, sitting up slowly, just as the nurse walked in.

"Do you need something, Mr. Spencer?" A tall brunette with her hair pulled back into a bun asked Henry, but a second later her eyes took in Shawn sitting up in the bed. "Oh, you're awake."

"I am?" Shawn asked his dad, mock astonishment in his voice. Henry snorted, and crossed his arms, which lead Shawn to believe that he wasn't going to answer. Turning back to the beautiful nurse, he nodded his head, "I am."

"I'll go and tell the doctor." She replied with a big smile and began to walk away, but as she did so Shawn's hands flew to his temples.

"Wait!" He cried, reaching a hand out to her. "I'm seeing you…you're…you're…walking back over to my bed."

"What?" She asked, walking back over just as he had foretold. He threw his head from side to side and started to hum 'Sexy Back'. "Is he okay?" She whispered, looking at Henry with wide eyes. She was about to go and get the doctor when he answered.

"He's having a 'vision'." Henry replied, rolling his eyes and standing up. With a stretch, he sighed. After one last glance at his son he turned toward the closet.

"A vision?" She asked, her voice soft with awe as his hand suddenly shot off the bed and into the air, his other hand began to move as if it were writing. Slowly they moved closer together, and finally he was pantomiming writing on his own palm.

"Yes. A vision!" Shawn interrupted, opening his eyes and first looking at his hands before looking at her. "I saw you."

"Me? What was I doing?" She asked as Henry walked to the closet. He slid the door open and grabbed his jacket off a hanger. Closing the door, he slipped it on quickly.

"You were writing something on my hand." He paused as if in contemplation. His right hand flew to his temple as he closed his eyes. "It was a number…your phone number!"

"You had a vision of me giving you my number?" She responded slightly skeptical, her voice hinting at her disbelief. Henry shook his head and then continued walking in the direction of the other end of the room.

"My visions are never wrong." He proclaimed, holding his hand out to her. With a laugh she shrugged and grabbed a pen off the side table, deciding that it wouldn't hurt to comply with his 'vision'.

"I wouldn't want to ruin your track record." She laughed again and smiled as she began writing her phone number on his hand. By the time she finished, Shawn's father was already at the door.

"You'll never learn." He sighed, rolling his eyes and walking out into the hallway.

At his dad's word's Shawn's head shot up, and he looked at the man's retreating figure. "Never learn what?" He asked, "What are you talking about? Dad? Dad? I know you haven't left." He sat up straight and tried to look around the doorframe from the bed, "Dad?"


Author's Note: That's the end guys! I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think :D