Title: Mind over Murder

Author: greenrandomness

Rating: T

Warnings: Violence

Summary: A woman Shawn goes on a date with accuses him of stalking her a month later. When the woman is found dead, Shawn is the police department's only suspect and the evidence just keeps piling up against him.

Authors Note: Here is the first chapter, I hope you all like it, and although it isn't all written out yet, it is completely planned.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 1- The Spirits Say I Should Stalk You


Officer Henry Spencer walked into the kitchen after coming home from work to see his son sitting at the table. Not thinking anything of it, he walked to the cabinet and grabbed a glass. As he was filling it from the tap, he realized something was wrong. Shawn hadn't moved or said a word since he had entered the room. Putting the glass down on the counter, he went and sat next to his son at the table.

"Shawn?" He asked, placing a hand on the twelve year old's shoulder to get his attention.

"Hmm?" Shawn replied unenthusiastically, his stare never leaving the pale wood of the table.

"Hey, look at me." Henry demanded sternly, when Shawn looked up he asked, "What's wrong, kid?"

"It's nothing." Shawn shook his head and turned his body away from his father. "Really."

"If it was nothing, you would be out doing something, not moping around in the house." Henry reasoned, turning his son back to face him.

"Maybe I just find the table fascinating." He replied, looking at it again. "It's really well made you know."

"Just tell me what's going on." Henry insisted gruffly, ignoring his son's attempts to change the subject.

"Well…"Shawn sighed in surrender, before looking up at his dad. "There's this girl and—"

"A girl?" Henry replied his interest piqued.

"Yes, dad, a girl." Shawn responded with an exasperated sigh. "She's the prettiest girl in school, and she doesn't even notice me."

"Have you tried talking to her?" He asked, crossing his arms confindently as if he already knew the answer.

"Yes…err…well kinda." Shawn sputtered, turning red, "I keep chickening out." He continued in a half whisper, his face beet red.

"If you are really that interested in her, Shawn, you'll find a way to talk to her." He told his son, looking him straight in the eyes.

"You think so?" The boy asked, his hazel eyes wide.

"Do I ever say anything I don't mean?" Henry replied, meaning it to be a rhetorical question.

"Well..."Shawn began, looking up at his father mischeviously.

"Shawn." Henry warned, stopping his son before he could comment.

"Of course not dad." He said in an almost sickly sweet tone before he pushed himself away from the table and started to walk towards the phone in the living room to call Gus.

"Hey." Henry called, causing Shawn to turn around, "A bit of advice." He started, making sure his son was paying attention before he continued."Girls are more trouble than they're worth."

Shawn just rolled his eyes in response, and scoffed, "Dad, that's the lamest advice you have ever given me." before walking out of the room.

Present Day

Shawn and Gus walked out of the late October chill and into the hustle and bustle that the Santa Barbra Police Department on a Friday. Both men were wearing jackets, which they took off as they entered the building; it may have been fifty degrees outside, but it was at least seventy inside the station.

"Dude, who was hotter in Saved by the Bell, Tiffani Thiessen or Elizabeth Berkley?" Shawn asked as they cleared the door and the congestion that often surrounded it so close to the weekend.

"Definitely, Tiffani Thiessen." Gus responded after a few seconds of thought.

"I dunno I was always an Elizabeth Berkley kinda guy myself..." Shawn added, but his sentence faded as he heard a commotion at the front desk. Turning to face the noise, Shawn was distracted by what was going on.

"Officer, I'm serious!" A blonde woman cried, slamming her hand on the desk loudly. It echoed in the suddenly silent room like a gunshot, as everyone looked to her in surprise.

"Ma'am, I know that you are distressed, but if you have no proof that this man is stalking you there is nothing we can do about it." The officer replied, speaking in a soft voice to try and calm the woman down. He knew everyone was staring at him, and it was only making matters worse.

"Please, You have to help me!" She sobbed, grabbing the officer's large hand in desperation.

"I wonder what's going on with her." Gus whispered to Shawn.

"The spirits are curious…"Shawn whispered and then continued excitedly, "Let's check it out!" before strolling over to the blonde woman's side.

"Ma'am I am doing all I can, if you will fill out the report, I might be able to do more." The flustered officer tried once again to reason with the woman, but was getting nowhere. Looking over her slender shoulder, he saw Shawn making his way over and sighed with relief.

Shawn closed his eyes and held his index and pointer fingers to his temples once he was a foot away from her. "I sense that you need some help…. the spirits they are trying to contact me…" Shawn spread his arms wide, "stalk her…no I don't want to stalk her!" He cried before pausing, as if he was listening, "oh…not stalk her, stalker!" He concluded in exaggerated realization as he opened his eyes. "You have a stalker, and I can help."

The petite blonde woman only stared in shock at the man beside her, taking a deep shaking breath, she backed away, "It's you, oh god it's you." She mumbled holding her brown leather jacket tighter together.

"Samantha?" Shawn asked in shock as he recognized the woman in front of him, "wait…what?" he asked once what she had said had sunk in. "Do I have something on my face, Gus?" he inquired, looking to his friend as he began to feel around his cheek and nose area.

"You know her?" Gus gasped, ignoring his friend's question, but before the fake psychic could answer, the blonde woman beside them cried out loudly in fright.

"Oh god, it's him officer. The man I was telling you about." She babbled as she leaned across the desk and clutched at the unfortunate officers uniform. "He's the one who's been stalking me…you have to help me!" She yelled, before releasing her grip on the man and backing away slowly until she was against another desk.

"I think I'm missing something here." Shawn announced, as every police officer in the station stared at him in astonishment.


Author's Note: There's the first chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it. Please review if you did, and review if you didn't…just tell me what you think :)