There is Hope (part two)

Hey ya'll! Please note that this is not really a new chapter...just a simple continuation of the last one because its well...a long one. I believe you'll enjoy the second part as much as i enjoyed writing it. This is basically what we've all been waiting for...someone is returning to someone else. So please read and see how it all comes down together from the very beginning. (I do not own dbz or the song that is in the following chapter.) Oh and please be aware this is very emotional so if you can't take it, don't read it. I almost started crying and I'm the one who wrote it! More chapters to come! I repeat, more to come, not completed just yet guys!!!

It was now a time to come together, to be one and share laughs, cries, smiles, and frowns but the little one, couldn't share these wonderful oppurtunities among his friends and family. Not without knowing that one person who everyone missed and desired to have in their arms. He knew his mommy and brother were sad but didn't know why...and he had been left from the picture of the loved ones. It was after all, daddy this and daddy that. He may have been small sure, but to doubt one's abilities and to go without giving reasons, was harsh and cold. The little one would be found curled in his bed under the deepest and warmest blankets. He'd often find himself drifting, dreaming and imagined what his life would've been like when Goku was still alive, still in sight and reach of his tiny hands and fingers. He loved dear brother Gohan and mommy, but he wanted a father more then anything. He wanted someone who would always have time to play with, eat sweets and take long naps with. But I think most importantly, he wanted to know where his roots grew. He wanted to know, if his father had love for everthing...else.
Was Goku afraid or was he just to plain cruel of a father not to care? Truthfully, Goku was clueless about a second son. So many misunderstandings.

Gohan sat calmly against an oak tree nearby the woods...the place where he had seen him in seven years. Now, was he really going to let this sink in? What if it was all a fake, a misconception to get him and the others to grow up for once? Could it have been a lie? But then, why would it be? How often did Goku lie to his own family? How many promises had he made and broken? What if it all was a dream...everything, even cell? For God sake, he could have been in his bedroom dreaming about all this, waking up in the biggest disbelieve. But then on the other hand, this all could be true...his father could be coming back. Gohan stood smirking, looking up into the darkened atmoshere and made that choice, that single thought out choice. He'd make the best of it, he'd show his father how much he's grown from that quiet, hopless boy. He'd also make sure, reality or a dream, that his mother would be in her glory once more. Thats all he really wanted and if it was a dream, the memory of it would last for only so long. He'd make sure he'd see the moment of her tears falling from her cheeks as he'd slowly pull her into him. He was ready for his return and later that night, he'd break the news to his he had seven years ago.

Later that night...

"Goten honey, have you seen your brother?"

"Gohan? No, I haven't mommy. Want me to go find him?" Goten asked drawing the ideal father he never knew on a large white sheet of paper.

"No, I'll go find him. Listen, mommy wants you to go get into the bath then into bed. You have a busy day it?"

"Oh, alright. I'm going." Goten replied calmly.

"Good boy."

Her dark eyes roamed around the rooms of the house, searching every place she thought he'd be..but he wasn't. She sat and thought a bit trying despertely not to worry, but that was her "thing". In the dark deep hidden corner of her mind, a familair place peeped through the clutter and it was then and there, she knew where her oldest baby was. It was the place of where he found her..the place of where she'd go to think and find herself once more but it was late and she couldn't figure out why he was
She picked herself up and sprung out the comfort and safety of her home, quickly picking herself up everytime she stumbled unto a rock or broken branch. She'd never realized how difficult it was...traveling on foot to an area far from civilization but thats where he was..he had to be there. But...why? The darkness around her grabbed and nipped at her from all around. She heard noises and saw blinking eyes watching her as she ran faster. How on earth had she gotten down to that beautiful place on her own before? It seemed impossible, but as she ran, she began to slow down to a slow walk and eventual stop. It touched her just then, "There will always be darker paths that you'll take to get to the light, but you will never find it unless you go through them with the hope of touching it".

In the distance, she could see that light..the light she needed to see. It was the moonlight kissing the river's surface. It was beautiful to see it again...Perfected beauty. It hadn't changed from her first time sitting by the river side and feeling his warm touch. She walked to the end of the woods and searched around, distracted many many times. And there she saw him...her boy standing quietly where she stood. She hesitated on moving, he would have instantly sensed her if she had and she didn't want him knowing just yet. She simple watched him.

"How'd you know I'd be here?" He asked without turning towards her.

"How can I not?"

"By not." He replied.

"Ah, reverse phycology..hate it when you do that."

"Its my job, we're made to annoy." He replied jokingly in a creepy tone of voice.

"What's the real reason your here? Is something bothering you, Gohan?"

" Yes, it appears my mother is spying on me."

"I'm serious."

"No mom, I'm fine, honest. I just never noticed the stars until now. They're so beautiful."

"Yes they are," She said, " They always have been dear."

" No, just look at them for a minute... I mean they're beautiful...just like you, mom."

"And you look like your...father, Gohan."

There was a bit of silence

"You honestly want to know why I'm here?"

"That would have been nice to know before."

Gohan turns to her, smiling and she saw the light...she saw it again... that light. It was in his eyes again...from so many years ago. It was there.

"I'm here for the same reason why you were."

"What is that-"

"Its dad, mom. He hasn't changed...but it was like meeting him for the first time."

"Gohan what are you talking about? Are you coming down with the flu or, oh, you must have a stomach ache!" Chichi said shaking his shoulders.

" Mom, I'm not able to get sick, remember?"

"Then are you dizzy, anxious? Anything?! Tell me what's gotten into you!" She begged.

"Are you serious? I haven't even told you yet and your already going crazy on me? My gosh what's this world coming too? Hahahaaha." He replied trying not smile.

"Told me? Told me what Gohan?! Come on, this isn't funny."

"Remember the day I found you over here? If you've forgotten then there really is something wrong with you."

"No, I doubt I'd ever forget that but what does that have to do with us now?" Chichi replied confused.

"I didn't believe what you had been telling me and everyone else about dad. I..." he said looking away, "...I didn't know how. You had always told me so many encouraging things while I was a child but, I honestly didn't understand or believe it. I'd try to figure everything out on my own..that was a waste. Now I can look towards the sky and know we're being protected by something, someone. Someone who's never given up on us even when we'd give up on everyone else...and that amazes me. What I have to tell you...isn't easy. Words will never be able to explain what I'm feeling and have to tell you", he said, looking back to her. "I saw him. He's coming back to us."

The words went through her like a sharp blade piercing her tender heart, her breath grew soft and her body became an empty frame. She unconciously walked to the water's edge as Gohan kept his eyes on her. She wanted this to end...this was a lie, it had to be...maybe a dream. Looking down, she stepped into the shallow, cold crystal clear water, never lifting up her head. She then closed her eyes, feeling a touch on her was Gohan, who in her mind, wasn't. They kept quiet, Gohan on the verge of speaking, watched her. She gently swirved her left foot in circles, creating tiny tear like ripples in the water before she looked up and noticed a lonely star that seemed like it was moving into the blanket of stars in the distance. The grip Gohan held got tighter, waking her from her daze.

"Mother?" Gohan asked.

She scrabbled out of the water and ran into Gohan's arms, sqweezing him and he instantly knew that for her, being overwhelmed...was now a wonderful feeling to experience. She looked up once more, thanking the heavens for everything she'd ever been blessed with. She now wanted nothing more then to have him...that desire and determination was now restored. She held him tighter as she looked up into her son's eyes. Damn, her eyes began to burn with heavyness and moisture...this was something she thought she'd never experience again but deep down she had faith...she had hope. Wiping her her soft cheeks with her sleeve, she smiled greatly, giggling like she did when Goku got down on one knee and asked for her hand.

"Gohan, my dear sweet, sweet baby...thank you so much for always helping me through this mess. I honestly could not have gone this far without you, you have always been there to keep me smiling, laughing, you've wiped away the tears that never even past my eyes. You are one hell of a warrior boy! I love you so much ... so, so much! Yes, my husband is coming back!! Yes!"

"Does that comfirm that I'm not sick with the flu, stomach ache, dizzness or anything else?" He said teasingly like a cranky child.

"Yes, yes it does."

Gohan smiled for a bit until he realized something he forgot to mention. Goku, was only granted twenty-four hours with them...with her. Now what? Surely he wouldn't tell her now, not now that she's smiling again...but...he'd die if he had to hurt her for the third time. He decided.

"Hey mom..."

"Yes dear?" She asked.

He simply looked at her effortlessly. Emotionless, he forced his lips to open with words he knew should never have been spoken... his heart was just to gentle, to pure.

"Never mind...its nothing." He softly whispered looking away.

"Oh, alright. If your sure." She replied looking a bit concerned. "When is it he's coming, Gohan?"

"That I can't tell you, sorry."

"You can't? Why not?" She begged.

"Be-because I can't." He replied as she snarled at him.

"You better tell me boy...or your goose is cooked. he...coming?!"

"I...can' mom. But believe me, its sooner then you think."

With a tiny, simple, peice of metal shaped to a pointed tip and a long soft blood-red color of string, her heart's endless tearing hole was sewed back as one beating piece. He was really returning to her. He wouldn't be this "ghost" or "guy with a halo over his head." It was going to really be the actual full blooded man she onced loved and still does with every fiber of her being. The torment of not having him around seemed like it was a decade into the past, while still being so close to her because now...she had the torment of being patient. That night, would certainly be a memorable one because like Gohan said, it was sooner then she thought. Chichi that night after coming home, sat at her bedroom window knowing she'd never fall asleep, wondered about why Gohan said something about the stars being so...beautiful. Sure Goku was coming back, but what did he have to do with the stars?

Like a broken record, Gohan's words circled over and over in her thoughts. After awhile of failing, she sighed and started to stand up as a hint of light touched the side of her face, causing her to look towards the dark sky. There were millions of them just...falling from the heavens, bright, darker, huge, small. They looked like a city of people moving in one giant direction...they looked like the same thing of when she and Goku saw them for the first time together. Tears flowed down her cheeks as those times ran through her. She felt the earge to look further into them and when she did, she saw that one...the only one that shined from the other metors stones...this one had the largest glow, circling it over and over like a bow on a present. It was fast too and she almost could feel a sense of warmth coming from it...a familar warmth. Falling into the distance, torwards Kami's lookout, she was determined to seek it out and begged for some flying assistance...

She quietly went to the boy's room as she did that time ago, and awoke Gohan from his slumber.

"I take it you saw them, didn't you?" He asked whispering.

"Saw what?"

"The metor stones." He replied. "I'm not suppost to be doing this...but I'll take you...if you really want to now."

"How did you know I'd be..."

"I can't say anything, but you'll see soon enough."

"Oh joy, the other part of the guessing game." She replied as she sighed.

" The guessing game? When was this ever...Ah, I guess you could say that. Come on lets go before we wake up Goten."

"Thank you, Gohan. Your so helpful."

"Its what I do best I guess hahahaha." He replied blushing and rubbing the back of his head.

Outside, the metors continued to fall into the earth's surface as the crickets chirped quietly into the night. Chichi was wrapped in clothing made from the finest cotton around from head to toe and her hair was pinned in a tiny bun. Her eyes were heavy but looked like a new borns face. She was ready to see him.

"Alright Gohan, lets go."

"Your sure you want too? I mean...right now?"

"Positive. I've waited long enough. We all have."

"Right then." Gohan replied as he picked his tiny mother up into his arms and raised his feet off the solid ground beneath them. And slowly they began to disappear into the dark atmosphere heading towards the North, where someone awaited them...awaited her. Below them, was the river, West City, Krillen's Home, caps Corp, and everything they came to know and love.

(Mariah Carey "We belong together")

I didn't mean it when I said

I didn't love you so

I should have held on tight

I never should have let you go

I didn't know nothing,

I was stupid, I was foolish

I was lying to myself

They got closer and closer to that special place high off the ground. There, no one could bother them and thats what made her smile...but not all completely for there was a down side to this. All her pain returned to her...the confusion, the promise, the crazy dersperation that could have forced her into a mental instiute. The fact he had to keep disappearing on her whenever she'd finally gotten close enough to hold him. He'd only allow her a touch and nothing more. It seemed again that he was a stupid jerk. Would she love him? Would she forgive him and welcome him back for what it was that he caused their family? Would Chichi Son take Goku Son back into her life? Could she? How so? What would her life be like...wouldn't he want it to be like it never happened, like he never died? Never did such a carless thing? And what about Goten...he was a new born son without a father. Would he accept him into his heart? So many little time. Damn.

Her feet touched the edge of the lookout before she stepped into balance and instantly her eyes met with...darkness and an emtpy place. No Goku in sight...anywhere.

"Mother listen to me. I need you to stay right here until I get back. Do not go through that door do you hear me?"

"Excuse me, who do you think your talking..."

"Shhh, be quiet!" He replied covering his mothers mouth with his sleeve." I just said you have to be quiet and stay here. I'm not suppost to be doing this remember?"

"Just where are you going?" She asked abruptly.

"I can't tell you."

"Oh fine. Just hurry back okay?"

"Right. I'll be back." He replied running near the tiny building on the platform into the darkness until she could see no more of her son. A few minutes pass. From the bottom of her stomach, she shook slightly from the chill well, she thought anyway but she knew thats not what caused her to shiver. She was scared. What would he be like in person? What in the world did she look like this late at night? Oh God that annoyed her. Waiting and waiting. About an hour or so passed by her slowly, breaking her spirit. Gently she sat along side the edge and swifted her legs back and forth like a child expecting she'd just fall asleep. No chance by that, not one because she was about to get a wake up call.

I couldn't have fathomed

I would ever be without your love

Never imagined I'd be sitting

Here by myself

Cause I didn't know you

Cause I didn't know Me

But if I knew everything

I'd never felt

Behind her it walked slowly, its feet weightless and soundless as it got closer letting its breath pass quietly through its lips. So many feet of distance was in between them, keeping them seperated by air and darkness. Slowly now, slowly. She stared down over the side and stared at the city lights.

"I don't want to be in love." She said aloud.

In that sudden moment, his arms wrapped around her collarbone as he bent his left knee near her lower back. His breath glossed her ear as she heard him whisper softly and gently to her.

"Are you sure about that? I personally think I'm a very loving person." Said a familar voice.

She closed her eyes and allowed him to hold her for the longest moment. The sense of touch were her eyes and she could see he was still the same at heart...and he never aged a bit. He still had that tall, hot muscular caremel toned body, his hair and eyes dark as the night around them, his skin soft and clear. He was still so handsome to her and she didn't expect anything less. She slowly laid her head back in his chest and peaked into his eyes noticing he had a "fire" to them. She also noticed his halo...that bright circular metal thing floating around his head to represent his death. Damn.

"It seems you haven't changed Mr. Son, inside and out. And it certainly took you long enough."

"Your still mad at me so I won't resent that. You have every right to be angry with me...go ahead and slap if you'd like, but you know it won't change anything from the past. One reason I came back is to talk to you Chichi, wrather your angry or not."

"Okay, then start talking. Or should I go first?" She replied rudely.

"I still love you Chichi... and I know you do too."

"Goku", She said stepping away from his arms. "I just need to know the reason why you went and did that stupid...stupid sacrifical crap and don't you dare say "it was for the earth" bullshit because I don't want to hear that! If you say it, I will slap you!"

Goku walked up to her calmly with the look of a puppy and simply stood on his knee, grabbed her hand and placed it against his face.

"Then slap me. Slap me as hard as you possiblely can because...thats the real reason to why I did it. I had too Chichi...I didn't want to deep down inside because I was so scared. I'm not invinciable you know...I'm not. I have my weaknesses and not being with you is one of them. I did it for you and Gohan. I love you both so much...but I really love you, Chichi. Your everything to me and I didn't want to lose you. I wish it was me to be the one to suffer for seven years but I can't change my fate...I can only change my future. When I died, I lost a part of you and damn it hurt bad as hell. So go ahead and slap me."

"Your an idiot. You should have thought better about that choice before doing it!"

"You haven't slapped me. Why?"

Her eyes flinched in surprise as her hand began to shake against his cheek. He wanted her to slap him...he was being for real. But why couldn't she, why didn't she? She said she would, so why didn't she? She loved him still to much too.

"I will. I'm just letting you speak first...thats all." She replied, stuttering.

"Really, what for? Why should you care hate me, don't you? Your mad so..."

"I..don't hate you..."

"You don't?" He replied playing her in a serious manner.

"No, I don't. I love you." She softly answered.

The feeling that I'm feeling

Now that I don't hear your voice

Or have your touch and kiss your lips

Cause I don't have a choice

Oh what I wouldn't give

To have you lying by my side

Right here cause baby

"But...I do need to know something. Actually, I need to explain something."


"Remember that night? The night of us together before our wedding?" She asked.


"Remember what you told me...what you promised me? The promise you broke?!"

"Chichi, what do you see around you?"

"A dark sky, a building, Gohan in the distance..."

"What do you see closer towards you?" He corrected her.


"Tell me, what were the exact words I said?"

"Remember Chichi, that I will always be with you to the end of eternity no matter what happens to me. Remember that this is my promise to you and only you." She stated.

"Am I not standing by you right now? Was I not there on that night we met up again for the first time? Was I not there when you were with Bulma? I never broke that promise because I was there with you all that time. I was that shadow around the corner. I was that noise you'd hear in the distance. I was that person who kept giving you reminders. Plain reminders to remember the promise I made you. I was the one who said "Just remember."

"But you...but were?"

"Yes. Even when I wasn't in sight, I was always watching over you. I even saw Gohan grow and wish I could have been there in person."

"Why didn't you come back sooner? Like when you came here the first time?" She asked.

"Its not possible and its not permitted in other world Chichi. I'm sorry all this happened, I would do anything to eraze it all but I can't. And like I told Gohan, it wouldn't have eased any pain if it had been him in my place. He's so young and deserves that time to live..I think back and wish it could have been without the pain. I'm blamed for many things, but I truely take it all upon my shoulders now."

"Oh Goku, how can anyone stay mad at you?"

"Hey, I said I was a loving guy didn't I?" He replied in a goofy way.

"I love you Goku. I love you so much."

"I've loved you then, I love you now and I will for the rest of eternity. I promise you that." He whispered softly as she began to cry tiny tears.

When you left I lost a part of me

Is this so hard to believe

Come back baby please 'cause

We belong together

Who else am I gonna lean on

When times get rough

Who's gonna take your place

There ain't nobody better

Oh baby baby

We belong together

There they stood, the two of them staring into each other's eyes, letting everything sink in. She was so happy again..finally. She understood everything. He never did it on purpose, he really cared all along and he stood by her in the places she'd never believe. She also understood what Gohan had been saying, he was only being protective of her, trying to help her through her pain. What a child she raised, couldn't have had a better son, ever. But man, she was so overwhelmed. In the end, its proved she wasn't crazy, she wasn't seeing things, she wasn't imagining things. He had been there along...for seven years. She looked at her husband then and just continued to cry, she had two stong wonderful men in her life that was willing to give their lives for not only her, but the earth too. He held her closely and tightly in his arms as he pulled her into his chest. She could hear his heart beat and knew it was real. She looked up into his eyes after he lifted her head with his right hand and smiled at her. With all silence gone but their beating hearts, he slowly lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers and never let her go. Her heart pounded like the first time they kissed and she loved that feeling. He was just to amazing for her beliefs and understandings. No other man like him in the entire world. She finally had her dreams.

So, in the end, there was hope, there is hope and will forever be hope in the eyes of many.

I can't sleep at night

When you are on my mind

Bobby Womack's on the radio

Singing to me "If you think you're lonely now"

Wait a minute this is to deep

I gotta change the station

So I turn the dial tryin' to catch a break

And then I hear Baby face "I only think of you" and its breakin' my heart

I'm tryin' to keep it together but I'm falling apart

I'm feeling all out of my element

Throwing things, cryin tryin' to figure out where the hell I went wrong

The pain reflected in this song

Ain't even half of what I'm feeling inside

I need you, need you back in my life baby

(Repeats a few verses)

So there you have...the end of this chapter...there are still more chapters too! Wow! I think I almost started crying as I wrote this because I could really see all this happening. Well anyways, comment and I'll see you very soon for chapter seven!