HEY EVERYONE!! Whatz up? Well, this is my third fic, second DBZ one though, I hope u guys like, oh and I'm gonna have 2 new characters, pictures already drawn and everything!!!!!!



Bulma cracked her eyes open after a long, relaxing slumber. She closed her eyes again, not knowing what woke her up and not really giving a damn.


She opened her eyes all the way, now awake. Someone with a death wish was nudging her hip. She groaned as she rolled over onto her back and saw her husband getting ready for another nudge.

"What do you want Vegeta, didn't you get enough last night?"

He chuckled, "As if I could, but I'm hungry."


"Go make me breakfast. I'm sure the brat is up already and you know what happens when a hungry Trunks gets left in the kitchen alone."

Bulma's eyes widened and she quickly got out of bed and threw on a robe. Trunks had a nasty habit of going through EVERY cupboard looking for something to eat, then passing out on the ground after gorging himself.

Vegeta smirked and stretched out on the bed again. Although he would never say it to her, he was quite happy with his life. Even though he might never be able to surpass Kakarott, it didn't seem that important anymore. He was more willing to get stronger to protect his family, the goal of beating Kakarott nothing more than an excuse to hide his feelings now.

Bulma got to the kitchen just in time to see the little warrior going through his first cupboard.


Trunks visibly jumped, then whipped around with a bag of potato chips in his hands. He quickly hid them behind his back, "Oh, 'morning Mom."

She gave him "the look", you know, the look every mom gives when she knew you were up to something, "Ok Trunks, hand over the chips and no one gets hurt."

"Um, no."

"Trunks..." She started to advance on her son, who was already backing away.

He got around the kitchen table, then hopped over it so they were on opposite sides.

Bulma narrowed her eyes, she hated playing this game with her son who, even though he was eight years old, could easily out run her, not to mention he was about 1,000,000 times stronger than she could ever be.

Yeah, being married to a Saiyan had its perks, not counting great sex. Saiyans had a longer lifeline than humans did, by about, oh say, a couple hundred years. She had asked Vegeta how long a Saiyan could live, but he only said no Saiyan had died of old age, ever. Almost every Saiyan had died in battle, few by disease. However, he did say the oldest Saiyan to die was around 200 years old, and since Vegeta had known him personally, he could honestly say he didn't look a day over 35.

And it seemed that it was only limited to the male half of the species. Female Saiyans were supposed to age like humans until they "mated", as Vegeta called it. Saiyans had an interesting ability to share their "life force", another Vegeta term. The woman stopped aging like the man did, and it stays like that until he died, and since their "bond" is broken, the woman ages normally until she "mates" again, which was surprisingly rare for Saiyans, according to Vegeta.

That was one of the perks, Bulma had stopped aging the day she and Vegeta, well, you know. But with Chichi, Goku's wife, it had an on/off effect, since Goku was getting killed every five minutes. So sometimes she would age, and sometimes she wouldn't, so she was about 32 physically. But you have to keep in mind, she wasn't at full physical maturity when she and Goku got married, and it's at that point where the non-aging effects take place.

And, besides being 29 for a long time, she did have added strength, nothing compared to the strength of the fighters she lived with mind you, and she was married to a super-strong alien prince which came in handy sometimes, like now.

"Trunks, if you don't give me that bag and come over here right now, you'll be sorry."

Trunks smirked, obviously Vegeta's son, "Aww, come on Mom. What are you gonna do, spank me?"

Bulma smirked too, well, she was married to the guy. "No. I was going to have you eat every bag of chips in there. Every. Last. One." She opened another cupboard, filled with a couple hundred bags. (What? She lives with 2 SAIYANS!!!)

Trunks didn't look like he would argue.

She closed the cupboard, much to his disappointment. "But, you did come up with another way of handling this," She placed both of her hands palm down on the table, facing him, "And since I'm in no way capable of taking care of it, I'll have your father do it."

"Have me do what?" Vegeta was leaning against the kitchen door, having just walked in.

Bulma gave him a passing glance before setting her sights on her son again, "Well, it seems that this morning Trunks feels like a long sparring session, don't you Trunks?"

Trunks gulped, not exactly feeling up to getting his butt beat by his dad that morning, "Mom, I-"

"You what, brat?" Vegeta had pushed himself away from the door and was standing right behind his son.

Trunks, much to his chagrin, tensed up quite a bit when Vegeta put a hand on his shoulder, but Vegeta only needed one to get his point across.

"Well, I was going to put this in a...a...a lunch! Yeah, me and Goten were thinking about taking a...a...a little hike, and since we could find like, berries and fish on our own, we decided to each bring one thing. Me chips, and him sod-," He looked up at his father briefly, "Um...water! Yeah, Goten was gonna bring water, and sports drinks! Yup, lots and lots of sports drinks."

Bulma shot a skeptical look to Vegeta, who just shrugged, 'Oh yeah, like he's going to be a lot of help.'

"And when exactly were you going to run this by me?"

Trunks looked Bulma, Vegeta, then back to Bulma again before letting his eyes wander down to his shoes. "Well, I was gonna ask you when you got up," He gave her the puppy-dog eyes, "And I was gonna have everything I was gonna bring all ready so you wouldn't hafta help me."

Bulma rolled her eyes and looked at Vegeta, who was obviously trying not to laugh. "Well, I will say you have a great imagination in tough spots sweetie. But I think I'll call Chichi and arrange a picnic instead of your little 'hike', what do you say?"

Trunks just looked at his mom, not sure that she wouldn't yell at him yet, "You sure Mom?"

She smiled, she was actually in a good mood that morning, "Of course I'm sure."

"You aren't...mad at me?"

Vegeta's hand tightened on Trunks' shoulder, "And why wouldn't she be mad at you brat?"

He looked up at his father warily. "Well...um..."

"Um nothing, brat. You make a mess, she yells at everyone, mostly me. But I'm not mad." He released Trunks' shoulder and headed for the door. But right before he left, "Oh yes, call Kakarott's younger brat and tell him to wear his sparring clothes." He looked Trunks right in the eyes, "And don't forget to wear yours. You know how much your mother hates for you to mess up your clothes."

And with that heart-wrenching display of fatherly affection, and that sexy, wicked laugh of his, he was off to, well, wherever he would go without eating first.

Trunks let out an extremely relieved sigh and sat down at the table.

Bulma cocked a brow and gave him an expectant look. He looked up at his mom, confusion clearly written all over his cute, soon to be damn sexy face before her eyes motioned downward.

He looked down, blushed slightly, then slid the chips over to his mom.

"Thank you sweetie. Now, I'll whip up something for you, and your father if he ever decides to grace us with his presence again, then I'll call Chichi and arrange our little get-together. Oh, and I think I'll call Master Roshi too, I think that your Uncles Tien and Chowzu are visiting so we'll have a real get-together, ok?"

She didn't really need to say anything about Piccolo, wherever Gohan went, he went pretty much.

"Ok Mom."

Bulma stuck her head in the fridge to see what she had to work with. A couple dozen eggs, more like 50 dozen, 10 packages of flour tortillas, a couple pounds of bacon, a couple pounds of Italian sausage, a couple bricks of cheddar cheese, hmm......

"Hey Trunks, how does breakfast burritos sound?"

If the idea of a picnic didn't get the kid all lit up, then the mention of breakfast burritos had him practically luminescent.

"That sounds great!"

"Ok then, it'll be about 20 minutes."


She turned around, her arms laden with food.

"Oh, and Trunks?"

"Yeah Mom?"

"Could you please stop glowing, you're inside remember, and it's kind of bright."

He turned himself, well, down, "Sorry."

"That's ok," She laughed, then started cooking.

Vegeta did eventually show up, and downed about 100 burritos, and they were pretty stuffed. After cleaning up after breakfast, Bulma called Chichi and Master Roshi and arranged an "old-gang" family picnic.

Hey ppls, whatz up, what'd you guys think? Write long, nice reviews, lie if you must!!!! (LOL)