"What has this village come to?" That was a question that a lot of foreigners pondered when they looked at the leaf village. It was once such a grand and powerful village. The best of the best and now, it was the worst of the worst. It was so bad, that no other village seemed to find the need to claim it as their own.

Konoha wasn't what you would call a peaceful village. Peace was nothing more than a distant dream for the villagers. Ever since the death of the fourth Hokage this village had been ripped into a civil war; one part of the village believed that Naruto, the container of the Kyuubi, should live in luxury while the other half believed he should be locked up, in fear he may become spoiled and power hungry.

No one knows who killed the first victim but, something everyone knew was this: neither side was willing to back down.


Haruno Sakura looked through the glass of the hospital window with a small frown on her face. This twenty year old was stuck in the hospital until this storm passed. She was more than capable to go out in this storm and fend off any enemy shinobi if there is any, with an ally with her but, she there weren't any healed shinobi in the hospital. So, here she was: stuck in the hospital watching the rain, with her wide-forehead pressed against the glass.

It was a very violent storm. Rain pit-patted its way down from Konohagukura's gray sky. The thunder rattling the air was the only shed of light in the deserted streets. It was days like this when it was dangerous to walk out by yourself. Not because of the rain but, because of what was hiding behind the ally ways and street corners. Shady shadows with weapons ready attack at any moment: shinobi with no emotion in their eyes not afraid to raise their katana and strike you.

So, here she was stuck indoors.

Sighing she heard the annoying hum of the fluorescent lights overhead. Tilting her head towards the floor she closed her jade-colored eyes. There was a soft conversation of some of the other nurses outside. They were all worried about their kids at home and if some shinobi came barging into their house and tortured their kids.

Sounds crazy right? Sadly it's very realistic. Sakura knew some parents whose kids this happened to. She even knew some shinobi and medic-nins who were beat when they were younger.

Slouching she rested her elbow on her red table as she scanned her office. She was, the Vice President of the Medical Department…in this side of town anyway.

"Sakura-chan! You're needed in room 210," said a nurse as she rolled open the blue office door. Brushing her brown hair from her yellow eyes the nurse crossed off something on her clipboard with her chewed up blue pen.

"Got it," said Sakura as she stood up from her leather seat. Only after the nurse left, did she leave her office. Before she started walking down the many white hallways, she turned around and locked the door. She did have a lot of important documents in there.

Walking past many rooms along with talking nurses and some shinobi in wheelchairs she scanned the room numbers for 210. '205, 206, 207' thought the pink-haired kunoichi reading the signs.

Just then two nurses stormed in the hallway. Both of them were pushing a cart with medicine of all kind, jingling on. Their faces were flustered from running as their yellow hair was scattered across their faces. The nurses' hair was waving along in the air as their hat that was supposed to firmly in place fell to the ground. Yet, they didn't make any motion to stop and to pick it up.

"Excuse us," huffed both of the nurses at the same time as everyone in the hallway, pressed their back against the wall, not wanting to get hit. Soon the two running women came to a sharp halt and turned towards a nearby door.

"Hurry up Kimiko! Open it!" exclaimed one of the nurses as the other left her cart and ran towards the door. Her cerulean blue eyes were dancing with anxiety as her legs moved up and down, almost as if she needed to go to the bathroom.

"I am! I am!" snapped the other blonde as she swung the door open. Without another moment, the two dashed in, with the blue-eyed nurse going in first. Soon you could hear angry shouts and orders given out by a familiar voice.

"Quick! Nami give that one to me!" demanded a loud female voice.

"Tsunda-sama….?" Went Sakura as she hovered over to the room slowly. There was the pretty blonde with her back facing Sakura. In front of her was a bed, where a patient lay. Her hand was outstretched waiting impatiently for the medicine. You could also see a faint green glow from in front of her, meaning she was also using a certain medic jutsi. There were three nurses around her. One had was holding a moist towel as she immediately placed it on the patient. The other two nurses were the ones from outside as they desperately tried to find the right medicine Tsunda was asking for.

Sakura glanced at the sign that was on the wall. Room 210. The kunoichi slowly looked at the floor. There was a trail of blood and it splattered to the bed. There was also two bloody kunais that were carelessly dropped by the sink. Blood started to pump through Sakura body in a rapid rate, seeing this, as she walked in the room, taking off her charka controlling gloves. "I'm here Tsunda-sama,"

"What took you so long?!" snapped the blonde turning around with her honey colored eyes flashing. "Come on and help me here!"

Immediately Sakura dashed towards the fifty year-old woman's side. When she saw her patient her olive-colored eyes widen in horror. There, covered in blood, was a shinobi about her age. His jounin jacket was opened up as blood seemed to pour out of his body. Cuts and scars could be seen through his ripped shirt. The boy's face was as pale as paper, while his onyx black eyes were in a half-eased position.

"Suh..Sasuke!" gasped the medic-nin taking a step back. She couldn't believe what happened to him. The Uchiha boy was one of the best shinobi they had! How could he get this hurt?

"Stop starring! Help!" snapped Tsunda-sama with a bit of blood on her cheek. After a moment or two Sakura did some hand signs and a faint green glow come from her hand. Placing her petite hand onto the Uchiha's flesh she could hear him moan a bit.

'Hang on there Sasuke' thought Sakura as she felt sweat start to form on her back. Her eyes were in a half opened state as she added more pressure onto the cuts. If there was anyone she cared about in this whole damn village it was this shinobi right here. Sakura always knew how much war could hurt a person yet, even when she was a gennin all she could do was get in the way of her teammates: Uchiha Sasuke and Inzuka Kiba. Once, Kiba almost died and she cried. That was all she did in those days cry. Cry for the death of her little sister; cry for almost losing her comrade; and cry for this war to end. Only when both of her teammates were in grave danger could she pull herself together.

It was that moment she realized that crying isn't going to help and that you actually have to do something to make a stop to this war. That you have to do something to protect the ones you love. And that was what she was intending to do right now.

"We need some herbal medicine now!" snapped Sakura turning around. With a quick nod the two nurses desperately started looking around on the cart for the medicine Sakura requested. The brunette medic-nin was simply wiping away the dried blood on the Uchiha's body.

"Hurry!" urged Tsunda-sama to the two nurses as Sakura noticed the blood stains on her fingers. Clenching them into tight fists she could feel tears burning to come out. Feverishly, she fought them back.

'No time for tears! Tears don't help anything!' scolded Sakura to herself as she looked at the Uchiha boy. She couldn't stand seeing him so helpless. She never saw him so…so…dead…

"I said now!" hissed Sakura getting angrier by the second. Snatching the towel from the nurse's hand she started dapping it on Sasuke's cuts. "You're going to be okay," whispered the medic-nin to the Uchiha in a gentle tone.

"We ran out!" exclaimed one of the nurses.

"WHAT?!" yelled Tsunda and Sakura at the same time.

"They were supposed to be delivered today but the rain…" trailed off the nurse pushing her fingers together in an innocent manner. There was no need for anymore words. Not even the boldest of shinobi would go out in this rain alone knowing that there could be assassins everywhere they turned.

"G-Gomensai," muttered one of the nurses tilting down to the floor, followed by another pained moan by Sasuke.

Sakura just looked out of the window. Rain thundered down as a flash of lightning hit. This weather was unforgiving and hopeless. 'Just like this war' she thought with a sad expression on her facade.

Slowly, she looked at the raven-haired boy. His charcoal eyes were closed now and the bleeding had stopped. Yet, he was still hurt and still needed serious medical attention. His face was so blank…almost like a ghost. His breathing was soft and steady saying that he was fast asleep.

"I'll get them," stated the Haruno girl standing up.

"What! Of course not!" yelled the elder medic-nin standing up from her chair, knocking if over. Her amber eyes blazed with disapproval. "Do you not know what could happen to you?! The same thing that happened to Sasuke!" scolded Tsunda-sama pointing her index finger at the wounded shinobi.

"I am!" said Sakura firmly as she turned around and grabbed her gloves. She then, sprinted out of the room ignoring the distant calls of Tsunda-sama and some other people. As she pulled her brown gloves on she looked at her bloodstained fingers. A gentle look in her green eyes came as she urged to go faster through the hallways.

When Sakura slammed open the doors of the hospital the rain hit her hard. With only five minutes of running she was completely soaked. Her pink hair was sticking to her face like glue and along with her pink outfit. She could feel the water go in between her toes, seeing she didn't hesitate to step into the murky waters.

Everywhere you looked, it just screamed a setting for a horror movie. The rain was so hard that you could hardly see the outline of the buildings. There wasn't a single light glowing out of the window at least. Sakura knew that they were all probably huddled up in their room with a small candle stick, trying to push the fact that someone might barge in their house any second.

Instinctively she lowered her charka level as she came closer to the south part of Konohagukura. That was where the shinobi who thought the Kyuubi container should be spoiled. A deep frown twitched onto her face. Just thinking of those traitors made her want to kill someone. Couldn't they see that if they did that, the container would get power-hungry!

"What was that?" she muttered to herself in a soft tone turning her head to the right. She could have sworn she saw an outline of a shinobi. Seeing nothing there Sakura looked back in front of her. She wasn't going to be easily fooled. No, she was just more alert. Just saying that it was just her imagination would cause her, her possible death.

Picking up her pace, she started to add charka to her steps, causing her to go twice as fast. Still on her toes, she saw the building where they stored the medicine. It was a modest building, one that could be easily over seen, which was the whole idea behind it. The enemy would have never guessed that one of the most important buildings was a simple brick building with two windows and a wood floor.

Skidding to a stop she wrapped her fingers around the ice cold, bronze handle.

"Damn," she muttered as she pulled the handle door back, only to see that it was locked. Taking a step back she looked up hearing the sound of the rain seeing that there was a cover. Looking out back into the rain, she saw nothing. Only a damp memorized map that could lead her back to the hospital. To Sasuke.

Sakura felt something twist and turn inside her. Closing her neon-green eyes she felt tears flowing down her face. The thought of Sasuke dieing because she couldn't do anything tore her up inside. She could just imagine his pale face right now and how cold his skin felt against hers. The only thing that made her sure that he wasn't dead was the fact of his pained moans and his slow breathing.

"DAMN!" she screamed in frustration while raising her fist behind her head and slammed it forward, causing the wood to shatter into a million pieces.

Stumbling back, she saw what she did. There was now, a big hole in the door, so anyone could easily slid in it. They would, however, have to make sure to watch out for the rigid edges and splinters though. Something inside of Sakura was scolding at her for doing such an awful thing. Now, the enemy could get a hold of their medicines! But, another voice seemed to be yelling "Hurry up! Sasuke's in trouble!"

As Sakura took a step forward, her clenched hand went straight to her face, as she blocked someone's kick. Instinctively, she grabbed the mystery ninja's ankle and twisted around, causing them to go fall on the ground. Without missing a beat, Sakura focused charka at her fist and ran towards her attacker.

"Kya!" she screamed as her fist landed on the pavement, causing cracks to form on the earth.

She missed.

As the dust subsided she turned around desperately trying to find her opponent with a determined look on her facade. As she turned towards the in front, she felt an incredible amount of pain in her stomach. That was quickly followed by her head getting hit on the brick wall.

Coughing up some blood she looked up at her attacker. It was someone who supported the absurd idea of spoiling the Kyuubi no doubt. The guy in front of her had long brown hair and his Konoha headband was wrapped around his forehead. He was wearing a white outfit too. But, what confirmed that this wasn't friendly fire were his eyes. "A Hyuga," muttered the Haruno standing up, with one hand against the wall, supporting her weight.

Yes, there was no doubt about it. His eyes were a ghostly gray. There were also veins popping out along the sides of his eyes too showing that he was using his Byukagun. The Hyugas were what the villagers called the "rain ninjas". With the help of their blood limit they can easily through days like this, unlike their victims. Survivors say that they usually like to fight in the rain where everything is a blur. That's when you are weakest.

"Hn," went the Hyuga as he charged again at the kunoichi with another punch. Without a moments hesitation she dipped down, and did a slide kick that was easily dodged by the Hyuga. As Sakura stood up, she saw one of the Hyuga shinobi's fingers coming towards her. Eyes widening in horror she slide to the right, just missing her skin by millimeters.

Relief pulsed through her body at this. He was aiming for the charka point that sent chakra from her chakra system to her right fist, her dominate hand. At the edge of her eyes she could see that she was almost in the rain.

'So that's his plan' thought Sakura narrowing her eyes. He was trying to push her into the rain, where she was weakest. 'I have to stay out of the rain'

Just as Sakura turned her head towards her opponent she saw two fingers going straight towards her shoulder. Blood pumped through her body as she jumped out of the way. Landing sideways on the wall, she jumped there as her fist met the Hyuga's cheek.

Landing with, two fingers on the ground, she watched as the mystery Hyuga went flying back and disappeared into the rain. But, before she could let out a sigh of relief she heard a 'poof'. Frightened she turned around to see the Hyuga trying to enter the door.

"Oh no you don't," hissed Sakura as she grabbed him by the collar pulling him back. As she did so, she felt his fist come crashing towards her stomach. Her grip loosened on his white collar as she held her stomach. Collapsing on her knees she felt some crimson red blood slide down her mouth. Taking one hand from her stomach she took out a kunai from her weapons pouch and threw it towards the Hyuga.

Standing up slowly with a smirk, she was sure it was going to hit him in the head. He was too busy trying to open the door to even notice the sharp object going straight to his head. Her smirk quickly disappeared when she saw a flash of green, and the kunai missed.

When that did happen, the Hyuga turned around with his eyes like an animal's just before it was going to pounce on its prey. Before Sakura knew it, she felt a throb of pain in every part of her body. Closing her eyes she desperately waited when the stinging would end.

Only when she felt her entire body hit the ground did she dare flutter open her pretty green eyes eyes. 'Damn. He's going in again,' she thought bitterly trying to get up. Only, she couldn't move. No, she couldn't feel her entire body. And it wasn't only because of exhaustion.

"Mission complete," said a foreign male voice from behind Sakura, mixed with the rain.

"I also think you should look at this," said the Hyuga not looking back as another shinobi came by, picking Sakura up. She couldn't get a good image of the shinobi though. When he picked her up, everything went black.

Sakura felt her body lean against something cold and hard. With her eyes still closed, she clenched her numb fingers into a small fist. It smelled like dirt and garbage and she knuckles didn't feel silky blankets, no instead, there was something hard and unwelcoming underneath.

Fluttering her eyes open, Sakura raised her head up and scanned the room still in a sleepy state. Once her vision became clear she could see the uninviting room more clearly. The walls were a grey colored brick along with the floor. There also was a small shattered window, with the glass laying forgotten on the floor and a light bulb as their only source of light. Turning to the right, Sakura could see metal bars.

Stumbling up, the Haruno girl could feel something around her neck. "Huh?" she questioned as she brought her fingers and laced them around the collar. It was black and had the number "16" in big, bold white letters along with a blinking green light.

This was defiantly not her bedroom.

"It disables you from using your chakra," came a familiar voice. Immediately Sakura's head whipped from where the voice came from. It was the Hyuga she fought from before!

"Where am I?" asked Sakura in a harsh tone as she gripped onto the metal bars, glaring at him. "And who are you?"

"Hyuga Neji. And you are in a prison cell underneath the main house, Haruno Sakura," answered the brunette boy using her name.

"How do you know my name?" demanded the Haruno girl shocked.

"You're the Vice President of the Medical Department from the other side. Of course we know who you are," sneered Neji, placing his hands on his hips.

Sakura's grip tightened as she glared harder at the cocky shinobi. Grinding her teeth together she started to pull the bars outward. Slowly the they started to bend 'causing Neji to smirk.

"Why are you smirking?" asked the Haruno annoyed as she focused more chakra on her hands.

Without warning, blue static appeared out from the black metal collar causing Sakura to loose grip of the metal bars and fly back. When she hit the cold hard ground her hands went straight for the collar struggling to get it off.

"We put on a set of how much chakra you could use so you don't escape," said the Hyuga answering the unspoken question.

"Is she awake?" asked a female voice followed by footsteps.

"Yeah, she's awake TenTen," went Neji turning towards the kunoichi.

The female who entered had her silky brown hair tied up into two buns. She was wearing a white shirt with a strip of pink going down her chest along with the hem of her over-sized shirt. The kunoichi also wore a pink pair of pants and pink sandals.

"Bah. I was hoping she would still be knocked out. I just got Lee to shut up about how great he did on the mission by telling him that he could have killed her on the way here," said the brunette placing her hand on her hips. A frown appeared on her lips as she did so.

"Heh," smirked the Hyuga with a slight smirk on his face at this.

"Well, Hatake-san wants us to bring her up," said TenTen as she fiddled with the lock with a bronze key.

Something inside Sakura stopped when she heard the name 'Hatake'. She had heard rumors about this shinobi. People called him the Copy-Cat Nin because one of his eyes has the sharigan in it(much to Sasuke's displeasure). He was supposed to be one killing machine.

Once TenTen opened the door, Neji entered and grabbed Sakura by the forearm. Dragging her up the stairs like a dog, he ignored Sakura's struggles.

"Hey! I said stop!" exclaimed the pink-haired prisoner as TenTen went ahead of them in the stone spiral stairs. "I said let go!" snapped Sakura as she yanked her arm away from the Hyuga.

Taking a step back from the stairs she breathed heavily with her eyes tilted to the ground. Neji had one foot on a step and the other on another. He and TenTen were just looked at Sakura, TenTen with a worried expression and Neji with a bland one.

"C'mon, let's go," said Neji with his hand coming towards Sakura. The kunoichi simply slapped it away.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you? No!" she exclaimed stomping her foot down on the ground like a child.

"You really are hot-tempered," muttered the Hyuga as he stepped down to her eye level.

"Yeah! I am! What are you going to do about it," dared the Haruno girl narrowing her eyes.

"This," answered Neji as he bended down. Without warning he grabbed her by her knees and threw her over his back.

A small giggle escaped TenTen's throat as Sakura started throwing her arms around and kicking.

"Let me go! Let me go!" she repeated the stubborn kunoichi-her attempts for escaping still failing miserably- as TenTen opened the door for Neji to pass through.

The bleak dungeon disappeared. The stone walls were replaced with paper walls with carefully drawn paintings of flowers. The floors were made out of straw and the only light were from above. They were dimly lit from a paper circle.

"You're almost as loud as Naruto. We could hear you from the living room," said a lazy male voice.

Opening her eyes she could see a silver-haired jounin with the usual jounin outfit. His right eye was covered by the Konohagukura headband. He was also wearing blue, fingerless gloves that were running through her hair while one was stuffed in his pockets.

"Hatake Kakashi…" Sakura trailed off, her eyes not leaving the jounin in front of her.

"Looks like we've finally caught you Haruno Sakura," grinned the masked ninja.

Swallowing the saliva in her mouth, Sakura wasn't sure exactly what to say. They were looking for her. Why? Probably because she had a high status in the medic area.

"Why do you wa-" Sakura was cut off by another voice.