Knowing All


After School Picnic

The sun shined brightly on the blond headed boy, making Troy squint when he smiled at him. The light breeze blew strands of Troy's hair into his eyes as he sat on the blanket, straightening it out so the blond could sit beside him. The grass was a healthy green and lush making the blanket a bit bumpy as Ryan moved about, moving closer to the brunet. They decided to have a picnic outside, a little break from the busy last weeks of school before graduation.

Troy stood up straight as he took out the food from his bag, "We have turkey sandwiches," he announced, "And juice boxes for a bit of refreshment," finished regally, mock bowing.

Ryan laughed, liking this little role play, "Well, sounds like quite the menu," he smiled, more confidant than he was on their fist date.

Troy bit his lip trying not to laugh, not wanting to ruin their perfect little reenactment, "Well, I can't take all the credit, the lunch ladies gave me extra."

Ryan smiled widely, "A little Troy Bolton charm must have did the trick."

Troy pulled Ryan on his lap, wrapping his arms around the blond, "Maybe I should try it on you sometime," he purred into his ear, kissing his neck.

Kissing him on the lips, Ryan broke away, "Seems like you already did," he said against Troy's lips. The brunet smiled down at Ryan before kissing him again. They exchanged heated kisses, Troy pulling the blond against him.

"Oh God, get a room boys," Sharpay drawled behind them. Troy and Ryan broke a part, Ryan blushing while Troy glared at the blonde girl for interrupting them. He grabbed Ryan by the waist, intending on not letting go.

Gabriella giggled, "I'm sure we'll be saying that to you and Chad soon," she walked beside Sharpay, standing over the two boys still hugging each other on the blanket, "Where is Chad, anyway?"

"He's around here somewhere," Sharpay said, more concerned on what they were going to eat, "Tell me we are not going to have …turkey sandwiches," she said the last two words with distaste, "What? You couldn't at least get lemon chicken?" she asked annoyed.

"It's the thought that counts," Ryan said, gazing at Troy, who kissed him again. Sharpay rolled her eyes while Gabriella cooed over how cute they were.

"Please," Sharpay continued, "Next time, let me handle the food," she turned over to Gabriella, "And where is Chad?" she asked the brunette girl annoyed.

"Um, I just asked you that," Gabriella looked at Sharpay confused.

The blonde girl sighed irritably, "You can never get good help these days," she walked further into the park.

Gabriella glared at her back, putting her hands on her hip, "I don't work for you!" Yet, she ran after Sharpay anyway.

Troy looked down at the blond in his arms, "What was that about?" he asked, looking at the girls' retreating forms down the park.

Ryan laughed, "Sharpay says she's trying out Gabriella as a friend," he put his head on the brunet's shoulder, playing with the hem of Troy's shirt.

"I didn't know you could have friends on a trial basis," Troy responded stilling Ryan's hands and intertwining them with his own.

Ryan shrugged his shoulders, "With Sharpay, you can get anything on a trial basis," he looked down at their hands and sighed softly while Troy rested his chin on the blond boy's head.


Ryan looked up at Troy, "Did you hear that?"


Troy turned around and Ryan slide off Troy's lap. Chad's head poked out from the side of the big tree behind them. "What the hell are you doing?" Troy asked, quirking an eyebrow and Chad's straight hair. "And when did you comb through you hair?"

Chad glared at the shaggy brunet, "For your information its blow dried, I always comb my hair." He looked around, "Where's Sharpay?"

"Hey, are you wearing a dress shirt?" Ryan asked, noticing a bit of his collar peak out behind the tree bark. Chad quickly slinked back behind the tree.

"Get out of there will you," Troy said, annoyed at Chad's odd behavior, "Before we call your girlfriend over here."

"Fine," Chad's voice came from behind the tree, "But you HAVE to promise me you won't laugh," he said sternly.

"Alright," Troy resigned, quirking a smile at Ryan, who silently laughed, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Promise," Chad said, still behind the tree.

"Sure," Troy said, not really committing put appeasing his best friend for the moment. That is, before he actually saw Chad.

Chad stepped out behind the tree, clad in a light blue dress shirt and dark blue tie, black dress pants and shiny black shoes. His hair brushed his shoulders, he glared at Troy, who had to bite his cheek not to laugh.

"Don't. Say. A. Word." Chad stated, narrowing his eyes at Troy, who couldn't hold in his laugher anymore and burst into complete laughter. Ryan had the decency to bite his lower lip, his eyes shining in amusement.

Troy stood up, "Oh ho, ho," he moves over to pat Chad's back, "I have to say something." Chad really wanted to punch his face in.

"I think you look great," Ryan said, "And I'm sure Sharpay will love it," he smiled.

Chad blushed slightly, "Aw, little Chadwick is blushing," Troy teased, Chad glared at him, swinging a fake punch in his direction.

"Shut your mouth," Chad tried to punch Troy again but the shaggy brunet was too quick.

"Who's the one matching now," Troy laughed, Ryan shook his head at his boyfriend's childish behavior, but Troy was having too much fun.

"I swear if you don't shut the hell up," Chad growled, suddenly he spotted Sharpay and Gabriella walking toward them.

Troy sat down by Ryan, "Front row seats to the show of a life-time," he chuckled low in Ryan's ear.

The blond nudged him in the side, "Be supportive," he said, Troy rubbed his abused side.

"Chad," Sharpay sounded surprised, she walked up to him and ran her fingers through his now straight hair, "I liked it better curly," she said simply, and kissed him on the cheek, causing Chad to blush.

Gabriella giggled, "Lookin' good Chad," Chad blushed again.

Sharpay narrowed her eyes at the brunette girl, "Watch it hussy."

Gabriella tried not to laugh, "I-I'm sorry didn't mean to hit on your man," she laughed.

Troy laughed as well, "Yeah, she's been doing that a lot lately," he said, remembering her date with Ryan.

They all sat on the blanket, Ryan in Troy's arms, Sharpay in a lawn chair, refusing to sit on the "dirt," Gabriella and Chad on either side of the couple, with Chad sitting at the foot of Sharpay.

"They were so obvious," Chad said, as they discussed the secret relationship of Troy and Ryan.

Troy glared at him, "We were not—"

"Oh, it was only a matter of time," Gabriella said knowingly, Sharpay rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, like you knew anything, Miss Know-it-all," Sharpay scoffed.

Gabriella crossed her arms, "Well sometimes people just know things," she replied stubbornly, "And sometimes no wants to be—"

"Knowing all," Ryan said suddenly.

"What?" Troy looked down at Ryan in his arms. Everyone turned to the blond boy, wondering what he meant.

"Sometimes knowing all is not really worth it," Ryan replied simply, choosing to close his eyes as he snuggled into Troy's chest.

Troy was content with his boyfriend's answer. Gabriella nodded her head in agreement.

"Damn straight," Chad said, then he looked around suddenly, "No offense or anything," he half-smiled, not really caring. Troy glared at him as Chad smiled cheekily.

"Who wouldn't want to know everything?" Sharpay asked confused.

Gabriella sighed, "Some people never change," she said shaking her head.


GAH the cheesiness of this ending turned me yellow…yeah that's the end ...or is it? No, no it is lol I have some ideas for one-shot sequels but not a sequel chaptered fic. I'm kinda sad but relieved that I actually finished this. When I started this story I was writing because I couldn't find a humor story about Troy and Ryan getting together. And for some reason I kept coming across stories that made Chad mean and Gabriella this jealous mean ex-girlfriend …I guess I wanted to put something out there that was different…maybe not that realistic lol but different. Hope you guys enjoyed it and if not give me some good feedback on how I can improve I could definitely use it.

I'll be editing this story especially the beginning chapters I probably have errors all over the place. So any "updates" from this story is just me editing chapters nothing new I promise :D

I guess I'm just focusing on my other story now and I'm going to start a new story it's a Tryan AND a Chason …don't freak out it's not that weird lol but it'll be set in college so look out for that.

And Thank You so much for the reviews especially those that reviewed for every other chapter or every chapter! For anyone that reviews I will reply to each of you! You guys are awesome!