Disclaimer: I obviously do not own Transformers.

Authors Note: Take it easy on me fellas, this is my first Transformers fic and I know for a fact that I will get things wrong. If I do get things wrong, please tell me instead of torturing me with offensive reviews.

Okay peeps lookie here 'these mean thinking' and italics are used for radio/autobot connection communication.

Authors Note 2: This idea came to me when my dad and I were driving around doing errands, so I hope you enjoy.




I shoved my head under my pillow, trying to block out the noise coming from the kitchen downstairs.


I grabbed the blankets that made there way down to my knees, due to tossing and turning during the night, and shoved them over my head. Which was still currently under my pillow.

'Just ignore it, parents are always up before me, they will get it eventually...hopefully.' I thought to myself.


'Any moment now...'


I gave a long tired sigh when I heard the phone stop. I once again relaxed into my mattress and gladly accepted the feeling of sleep wash over me. I shifted just a little bit, trying to bury myself deeper into my comfortable bed. The phone didn't come back to life, which I was greatly appreciated for.


I forcefully threw the blankets off and my pillow went flying off my head as I got up. I glanced at my clock before I reached for the door.

9:30 am

I groaned to myself. I opened my door and started down the stairs in nothing by a plain dark green t-shirt, blue boxers and my socks. I headed into the kitchen where the current disturbance was kept. I glanced into the family room as I passed by, expecting to see my parents but I was met with an empty room. It looked the same as last night, usually I would see my father at the t.v. watching the morning news, and my mother would be up making breakfast or starting on the house chores. The kitchen itself looked the same as last night. Dirty dishes where still in the sink from last nights dinner, which some were covered from home made maccaroni and cheese. The kitchen was always cleaned up when I got up in the morning, but of course that was always around noon on a Saturday.


I picked up the phone and pressed the 'talk' button. "Hello?"

"Sammy?" A women's voice came over the other end. I blinked in confusion.


"Sammy dear, I'm glad that you're awake at this time." I continued to blink, now I was completely confused.


"Yes honey?"

"Where are you?"

"Oh, your father and I left early this morning to start on our Christmas shopping. You know, just wanted to get to the Christmas goodies before anybody else does." My mom laughed on the other end. I glanced back at the clock, this time it was nine-oh-five...in the morning...on a Saturday. "I wanted to wake you up and ask if you wished to come but your father said to not disturb you."

"Yeah, tell dad I said thank you." I said over the phone, my voice was a little more expressive than what I thought it would be.

"Oh Sammy stop that, what's the matter dear? And don't say 'nothing' like you always do, I'm your mother I know when something is wrong with my child."

"Well, since I'm not allowed to say 'nothing' I don't know what to tell ya mom. Considering the fact that it is now...nine-oh-seven on a Saturday morning might make anybody who is used to sleeping in until noon on this particular day might make anybody a little cranky."

"Oh Sammy I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

I heard my fathers voice on the other end of the line. "Will you just tell him why we called and have him come down here and pick us up?"


I sighed, it's not like I left. "Yes mom?"

"The main reason why I called is because your father and I have gotten ourselves into a bit of a pickle."

"Great set of words there mom."

"Yeah I thought so too, you know I've always wanted to use that line but I never really had the opening to use it until now." My mother laughed.


"What? Oh right, Sammy?"

I sighed once again. "Yes mom, I am still here."

"You know your fathers car?"

"You mean the 1963 Austin Healey that sits out in our front driveway all the time when not in use? No mom, I have no clue what car you're talking about."

"Yes that one, well...when your father and I came out of the store...the steering wheel was gone." I was silent for a moment, pondering over the new information that I had just received from my mother. I wondered if that's how the Autobots felt, when they just received a bizarre comment or something else that didn't make sense from us confusing humans. The only downfall for me is that I do not have access to the World Wide Web and can have the answer in less than a heartbeat. So I asked the question all fleshlings would use when confused.


"The steering wheel to the car, it's gone."

"It was stolen."

"You father said it was stolen."

"Wh-why would anybody just want a steering wheel? I said through the phone as I headed back up to my room to get changed. "Why not just take the whole car?"

"Oh please Sammy don't give anybody ideas."

"There's nobody here!" I said loudly while looking around, proving to myself that there was indeed, nobody in the house but myself.

"Oh I don't know Sammy, people are weird."

"Yes, they are." I said while rolling my eyes. "Okay I'm getting dressed now, are you and dad at the mall?"

"Yes, your father is talking to the officers now. How long do you think it will take for you to get here?"

"Well...if I drive, forty-five minutes. If Bee drives probably no more than ten minutes." I heard my mother give a sigh over the phone at the mention of my Autobot friend. The introductions to the destroyers of the backyard came quite a shock, but actually they took it well after a few days.

"Sam you know how I feel when you let lady-bug drives."

"Bumblebee mom."

"Bumblebee I'm sorry same thing they're both insects."

"He's an Autobot mom."

"That's not the point here Sammy, it's just that I'm afraid that the two of you will get into an accident and get seriously hurt. That car drives pretty irrationally if you ask me even if it is a super advanced robot from Japan."

"It's Cybertron mom."

"Same thing."

"Bee is one of the safest drives I know." 'At high speeds' I thought to myself. "He would never hurt me nor would any of the other Autobots. You don't need to keep worrying, learn to trust the Bee. He trust you and dad."

"Yes well that is very kind of him. But still I am your mother and I have my maternal instincts that will never turn off."

"Oh lord please help me." I said while rubbing my face.

"Oh Sammy stop that, I'm serious. What was that one who ran into that power line a few months ago? What's his name...screwdriver?"

"His name's Ratchet."

"Oh same thing they're both tools. You know he could have caused a very serious accident, he could have landed on the neighbors house or worse."

"I agree with you mom, but it was their first time here on Earth. We all were in a bit of a rush, and to an Autobot a power line is probably as big as a hair to them." I said this while trying to put on a pair of pants. The ones from yesterday to be exact.

"Sammy I have to go assist your father, he has...the look."

"Oh no, is he confused? Is he about to blow a gasket?"

"I am assuming so, tell Bug to drive safely."

I shook my head slightly, why bother correcting her if she doesn't get it the first hundred times. "Oh mom, one question before you go?"

"Yes Sammy?"

"What time did the mall open today?"

"Five, the first day they bring in Christmas objects they open early. But only for today."

"Oh...what time did you get there?"

"Four-thirty, wanted to be the first to get the goodies. Took a while for your father to get up though."

"Yeah tell him I said thank you from the bottom of my heart and I love him to death. And that I will try extra, extra hard from now on to get home on time and to do my chores on time and I will even wash his car...when you get it home."

"What about me?"

"No, you were going to wake me up early." I said playfully with my mother.

"Oh come on Sammy."

"Fine, I love you too mom."

"Aww, love you too sweety. I will see you in a bit then, please be careful today."

"Like always, bye mom."

"Bye Sammy."

I pressed the 'talk' button once more and the phone when silent. I placed it on my dresser and proceeded to look for a clean decent shirt from the floor. I picked up a plain red short sleeve and placed it over my head. I tied my shoes to my feet and headed back to the kitchen. I grabbed a banana from the kitchen counter and headed to the back door leading to the back yard. Bumblebee was allowed to stay in the back yard and stretch if needed, but wasn't allowed to stand up. The trees we planted around the fence weren't tall enough yet. I expected to find Bee either in car mode, since he is always up before me and ready to take me to the destination I or my parents wish for me to go to. Or casually sitting in the middle of the back yard with his legs stretched out in front of him and with his hands behind him holding himself up. The sight that was brought to my eyes as I stepped out of the house made me stop in my tracks, and I dropped my banana.

Without any further thought, I dashed back into the house and went straight for the living room. I came to a sliding halt on my knees in front of a box we kept up against the wall. I opened the lid and scrambled through what seemed like mountains and mountains of junk, until I came upon what I was looking for.

A camera.

I quickly turned it on and headed back to the backyard. A little more quietly now, hoping to not disturb what made my day in my backyard. I opened the door and looked around the corner. A smile was placed on my face to see the victim had not been disturbed and remained in the position I previously saw it in.

I tried to hold back the laughter that escaped my mouth, this was too good. I brought the camera up to my face and I peered into the lense. The camera focused on it's own, giving a small green light at the bottom of the screen signaling it was ready to capture a picture. I pressed the button and heard the camera take the image. To my great amusement, the object did not move. I gave an excited dance in place, quite enjoying myself at the fun I was having. I walked over to a different position to get a different photo.

"Oh I can't wait to share these with the others." I said to myself as I clicked the button on the camera once again. Who knew an Autobot would recharge on their stomach. This now gave me my answer to the question I was pondering over, but was either too tired to find out for myself, or just forgot all together. Did Autobots move around while in recharge? And the answer was...yes, they did. I have proof.

I looked at Bumblebee for a moment, taking in this new position. This said new position was to recharge on ones stomach, with right arm out, left arm above head, right leg bent and left leg stretched out as possible. Oh the joy of having a super advanced robot in your back yard. My once roomy, spacious, green grassed area, now seemed like it was no bigger than a kiddie pool. I knew time was short and that I couldn't keep my parents waiting for long, so I had to wake up the sleeping Autobot.

"Bee?" I said from where I was standing. I've never actually caught Bumblebee recharging before, he's always awake when I come out to greet him.

His foot moved slightly, but that's all I got out to prove he wasn't dead.

"I have an Autobot fast asleep in my back yard, who also twitches. I feel so safe right now." I said to myself while still watching the sleeping Bee.

"Hey Bee come on, get up!" I said louder this time.


I sighed again, 'why me?' I though to myself.

"Bee, my parents are stuck at the mall we need to go pick them up. Dad's car got broken into and the steering wheel is gone."

I watched as Bee moved more this time, but instead of getting up. He shifted over, leaving me with my mouth hanging open in disbelief. He turned over to his right side so his back was facing me. I looked at the doors that made his so called 'Bee wings' as Mikaela and I would call them. I looked down at my foot, and picked up a small stone and threw it.

I heard a 'thunk' before the Autobot jerked up and looked around, his optics soon came to rest on me as I stared up at him. He brought his hand up and gave me a small sheepish wave. I waved back.

"Good morning Bee, have a nice sleep?" The Autobot shook his head, giving the signal of a 'yes' that he learned here on Earth.

I'm walking on sunshine, woooah, and don't it feel good?

I laughed at Bees choice of song. "Well at least you got some decent sleep, come on we have to go pick up my parents at the mall." He tilted his head a bit, showing he was confused.

Where are we runnin' now?

"Someone decided it was funny to steal the steering wheel off of my dads car." I watched Bee get up, resting on his knees since he couldn't fully stand up. He nodded his head and transformed back into the Chevy Camaro and opened the driver seat door waiting for me to get in. I walked over and sat down in the seat, I pulled the seat belt over me as Bee closed the door and the engine roared to life. Out of habit I placed my hands on the steering wheel even if Bee was driving. A few times I have forgotten and received quite a few strange and scared expressions from other drivers and pedestrians.

"Ready to go Bee?"

I like to move it move it, you like to MOVE IT!

With that said, Bee pulled out from behind the house and we made our way to the freeway which would lead us to the mall.

Okay guys what did you think for a first Transformers fic? I think it's an okay start. But only time and reviews will tell how well this is going. So, if you would pretty please press the review button that would make my day. The more reviews the faster I can get the next one up for all of your enjoyment.

Songs: "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. "Where are we Runnin'?" by Lenny Kravitz. "I like to Move It" by Sacha Baron Cohen from the Madagascar Soundtrack

One more thing, yes or no if you wish for Jazz? I personally do not care but I know a lot of you out there are upset with the death of Jazz. So just tell me in advance :)