Oliver walked into the Stewart residence Friday night without knocking, as usual. Jackson was on the couch eating cheese fries that looked delicious.

"Oh wow!" Oliver said, plopping down next to him. "Where's that from?"

Jackson mumbled something around his fingers and the food, but Oliver couldn't make out what it was. He reached out to try some, but Jackson immediately slapped his hand away.

"OW!" Oliver yelled, snatching his hand back. "God, I just wanted one!"

"Hey Oliver," Mr. Stewart said, walking into the living room. "Miley said she'll be ready in ten minutes."

"Kay," Oliver said, distracted. He had to try some of those fries! He tried to reach around Jackson, but the boy had a sixth sense or something. Eventually, he gave up and reached into his pocket for his emergency stash of M&Ms.

Twenty minutes later, Miley came into the room. She was wearing a red silk blouse thing and a knee length black skirt. She looked nice.

"Hey Miles," Oliver said. "You look nice."

"Thanks Oliver, so do – boy, are you wearing jeans?"

"Yeah, but with a dress shirt. My mom said it counts. Doesn't it count, Mr. Stewart?"

"Don't involve me in this!" Robby Rae said quickly.

Miley took a deep breath. "No, it's okay, Oliver. Let's go."

The pair walked out to Miley's limo. They were using it since they had to go to the Hannah concert after.

"Thanks for doing this!" Miley exclaimed.

"No problem," Oliver said. "I hear this place has amazing garlic bread! I'm so excited."

Miley rolled her eyes. "Boy, don't you ever think about anything other than food?"


Lilly examined herself in the mirror. She was wearing a denim skirt and a dark blue short sleeve shirt with a yellow tank top underneath. She had completely straightened her blonde hair and left it loose. She was also wearing her locket, three different rings, and an assortment of bracelets.

The doorbell rang and Lilly groaned, trying to squash the butterflies in her stomach.

"Lilly, your date is here!" she heard her mother yell. Grabbing her purse and a light corduroy jacket, she dashed down the stairs, coming to a halt in front of her mom.

"Bye Mom, love you!" she said quickly, then grabbed Chad's wrist and dragged him out the door.

Chad laughed as he was propelled towards his car. "Are we in a hurry?" he asked.

"No, I just – my mom can be embarrassing at times," Lilly said, blushing.

Chad grinned, walking around the car to open her door for her. When she was seated, he leaned on the edge of the open door. "Hey," he said quietly.

"Hi," Lilly answered, her eyes darting around nervously.

Chad smiled again, closing the door and going to take his own seat.

"I was thinking we'd go out to dinner and then maybe see a movie? Or we could go to Troy's after dinner, he's having people over. You decide."

Lilly thought it over. The idea of sitting in a dark theater with just Chad was exciting but a little too nerve-wracking. She tried to think of what confident Miley would do in this situation, but in the end, the comfort of the fact that Ryan and Sharpay would be at Troy's won out. "I think Troy's, if that's okay?" Lilly asked.

"Sure, no problem. Now, do you like Chinese food?"

Lilly tried to relax. "Definitely!"


Okay, so maybe the jeans were a bad idea, Oliver thought as the waiter at Alesandro's sneered at him. "The bread sticks better be amazing," he grumbled as he stared at the prices on the menu.

Miley smiled. "This place is so romantic," she said. "Isn't it, Oliver?"

Oliver almost rolled his eyes. Girls were so weird. He coughed instead. "Sure…didn't you come here with Jake once?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to talk about Jake. I want to make new memories," she answered.

That made sense to Oliver. Jake had been kind of a tool. He still didn't understand Miley and Lilly's whole feud over the movie star. Seriously, those two boneheads had fought and he had ended up being the one who had to take Lilly home and watch the season one DVD of Supernatural with her until she relaxed.

"Probably a good idea," he answered. "I think I'm going to have the ravioli. Or the spaghetti. Mmm, spaghetti. Or the chicken. I love chicken. What are you getting, Miles?"

"I'll get a salad," Miley said demurely.

"What?" Oliver answered. "Dude, I eat lunch with you every day, I know a salad won't be enough."

"Well, I'm not that hungry," Miley insisted.

"You're always hungry!"

Miley looked annoyed. "Oliver, I want to eat a salad!"

"Okay, sheesh, relax."

The waiter came and Oliver and Miley placed their orders. When Miley turned back to the table as the waiter walked away, Oliver was pouring sugar down his throat.

"Oliver, WHAT are you doing?" she hissed.

"I got hungry!" Oliver defended, ripping open another packet and inhaling its contents. "Oh god!" he muttered, shutting his eyes. "Sugar rush!"

"Oliver, stop, that is so embarrassing!" Miley growled.

"I'm sorry Miley. Anyways, I'm excited about the concert! Are you excited? I love being Mike. Mike is from the hood. Hood Mike."

"Oliver, breathe. You're on a sugar high."

"No! I love Mike. Mike is so cool. I based him on Eminem. Do you like Eminem? I had some M&Ms earlier. Because Jackson wouldn't give me his fries. I wanted fries. Pretty, pretty, cheesy fries."

"Why me?" Miley said, glaring at him from across the table.

"Don't be mad, Miley…You know how I am about food!"

Miley's phone rang.

Oliver watched her pick up, wondering if it was Lilly.

It wasn't.


Dinner with Chad was surprisingly nice. Although Lilly didn't think he'd be winning any academic prizes, the guy was down to earth, sweet, and had a great sense of humor. He filled the awkward pauses, made silly comments about the other patrons at the restaurant, and taught Lilly how to use her chopsticks.

"I can't believe you've never used these before!" he commented, grinning goofily and then using one chopstick to knock the piece of chicken that she had just spent two minutes picking up back onto her plate.

"Jerk!" Lilly groaned. She stole a dumpling off of Chad's plate, sighing in delight as she savored its flavor. She wondered why she had dreaded this whole thing; she had thought she would spend the night thinking about what Miley and Oliver were doing without her, but instead, she was genuinely enjoying herself. It was actually nice to meet new people, to learn about new things. It was fun to talk to someone who didn't know her opinion on most things already. It was fun to be surprised by what someone else said, instead of to expect it.

Huh. How about that?


'Mike' grinned as he walked into 'Hannah's' dressing room. He seriously looked awesome as a thug. The oversized red track jacket made his arms look broader, and he got to wear rings and an arm band and all kinds of man jewelry and seriously. He looked so fly.

Miley/Hannah looked frenzied, trying to straighten her wig and apply lip gloss at the same time. She smiled when she saw him. "Did you see the first set? What'd you think?"

"It was awesome, Miles!" he replied. "Keep it up!"

Miley grinned again. She looked at him appraisingly. "Oliver, what's your beard made out of this time? It better not be armpit hair again."

"Relax, I bought a real fake beard. From like, a hair shop."

Miley began to respond, but was ushered away by a PA, announcing it was time for her next song.

Oliver decided to find something to eat. Dinner had involved a very meager portion of ravioli and between his appetite and Miley ignoring her salad and eating off of his plate, he was still pretty hungry.

He made his way out to the refreshments table and then stopped short. A seriously hot brunette was standing in front of the table, devouring a cupcake. He cleared his throat, moving to take a cupcake of his own, then turned back to smile at the girl.

Their eyes met, and Oliver immediately realized it was Mikayla, another popstar. Wracking his brains, he tried to remember if she and Miley were on good terms. From what he could remember, they were.

"Well, hello there," he said smoothly. "I'm Smoken' -erhm Mike. Smoken Mike."

She looked at him suspiciously for a moment, but finally smiled. "Mikayla! Nice to meet you!"


Miley bowed after her second set, relieved to be almost done but so pumped. She honestly loved the rush of performing and was always humbled by the sight of so many fans.

She went backstage to take a quick breather, stopping short at the sight of Mikayla and Oliver. They were sharing a bean bag seat in the corner, and it looked like they were exchanging phone numbers. How could he? What kind of guy picked up a girl on a date with another one?

She stormed over. "Hi guys," she said tightly.

Oliver looked up and grinned. "Hey, Hannah. You remember Mikayla right?"

"Yes, I do. Hi, Mikayla. Excuse Mike and I for a second," she spat, grabbing Oliver and dragging him away.

"Oken, what do you think you're doing," she hissed.

"Did I do something wrong? I thought you two liked each other this week?"

"God, that's not the point Oliver! Don't you think it's a little inappropriate to pick up a girl tonight?"

"What? Why?"

Miley threw up her hands in frustration. "Because – I mean I thought tonight was -," she trailed off.

Oliver just looked confused. "Is this about the fact that she's a rival?" he asked after a moment. "I really do think you're a better musician…"

Miley opened her mouth, and then shut it. Of course! Oliver was trying to make her jealous!

Well, Miley would show him. She slapped on a smile. "Thanks, Oken, that means a lot," she said. "Sorry I overreacted like that! See you later." She tossed her hair dramatically, letting him get a whiff of her perfume, and then flounced off to finish her concert.


Lilly sat on the floor at the foot of Troy's couch, watching breathlessly as the psycho in the mask chased after a blonde co-ed. "Don't go into the woods!" she whispered to the girl. "Stop!" All around her, everyone watched, riveted, as the killer cornered the girl among the trees, leaning towards her and raising his knife to slash –


Lilly jumped a foot into the air at the sudden noise, slowly realizing that her cell phone was vibrating. She grabbed it, silencing it, and then checking the caller ID. Oliver.

Suddenly, it didn't seem so important whether the girl lived or died. Lilly grabbed the phone and excused herself, making her way into a quiet room towards the other end of Troy's house and shutting the door behind her.


"Hey, Lilly. What's up?"

Lilly shook her head in exasperation even as she sat down on the floor of the dark room, her back against the shut door. "Not much, Oliver. What are you up to?"

"Just chilling at this Hannah concert. You okay?"

"Oliver! Yes, I'm fine! I am capable of spending ten minutes without you."

"Four hours so far. Are you still with Chad?"

"Yeah, we're watching movies at Troy's."


"What, huh?"

"Nothing, just… huh."

"Oken, huh always means something."

"No, it was just like a random, huh, you know."

"No it was like a 'huh, that's interesting' type of huh."

"Well, I jus think it's weird that he brought you to a group thing."

"He asked me where I wanted to go. And don't say huh."


"Aren't you supposed to be, I don't know, WATCHING a concert?"

"Miley got pissed at me."


"Who knows? I was sitting there, getting Mikayla's number when -,"


"Why does everyone keep reacting like that? I thought she and Miley were cool now!"

"They are, but why would you get her number?"

"Umm, because, I don't know, she's hot? Plus, Mike and Mikayla sounds so cute." Lilly resisted the urge to burst out laughing at her best friends antics. She had succeeded in ignoring thoughts of Oliver and Miley all night, but suddenly, hearing her best friend through the phone, she missed him desperately.

"Your name isn't actually Mike. And also, I mean, what about Miley?"

"What about her? I didn't like Jake and she still dated him, how does it matter if she likes Mikayla or not? I mean, I'm single, aren't I?"

Lilly sighed, deciding to drop the subject. Miley could deal with her own situations. "Ollie…they're making me watch scary movies."

Oliver laughed. "Plotless slasher scary or psychological scary?"

"Slasher, I guess. It's scary though - you'd be in tears by now."

"Manly men like me don't cry, Lilly."

"Says the guy who once wore fake muscles to school."

"I was a kid then, Lill."

"You're a kid now!"

"Chad taught me how to use chopsticks."

"What is so wrong with forks? I think forks are way overrated. The way they're so shiny and metallic and they have those designs molded on – ,"

"Oliver, I think I better hang up before you get poetic on me."

"Seriously, Lilly, think about it. When has a fork ever let you down?" There was something in his tone, something warm and serious and just a little bit unsure, and just for a second Lilly allowed herself to melt into it without wondering why.

Her breathe caught in her throat. "Never, Ollie," she said, trying to make it sounds like she was just obliging her crazy best friend. Were they still just talking about silverware?

"That's what I thought, monkey face," Oliver said with a laugh, and his tone was back to normal. "Bye Lilly, call me tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure, Oken. Try not to piss Miley off anymore."

Oliver laughed and hung up.

Lilly couldn't stop grinning that night, well after she was back home in bed. Oliver had thought of her when she wasn't there, enough that he called to check up on her. He missed her absence. Not to mention, she had a great date with Chad. Maybe change wasn't all bad.