A/N: Heyy guys! It's me, Inuyashagrl101 and I'm back with another story for you! This story is a lot different then my last one and I hope you guys like it! Well, here's the dreaded disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or anyone else for that matter Now that that's taken care of, let's get to the first chapter!


Kagome Higurashi-17

Inuyasha Takahashi-18

Sango Tanaka- 17

Miroku Yoshida- 18

The Senior Trip, Chapter 1




The ebony haired girl got out of bed and shut off her alarm clock. ' Another boring day' She thought as she got up and went into her private bathroom. She got out of her pajamas and hopped in the shower. Once she got out, she changed into a white denim mini skirt and a hot pink t-shirt that said 'Pretty in Pink' on it in white across the chest. She dried her hair and brushed it and her teeth. She put on pink eye shadow and clear lip gloss. She looked in the mirror and blew a kiss to her reflection.

This girl was gorgeous and she knew it but she didn't act like she knew it. She had ebony black hair that went down about 7 inches from her shoulders. She had deep chocolate brown eyes that anyone could get lost in. In fact, this girl was very popular and even had her own male fan club. Her name was Kagome Higurashi and she could get almost any guy she wanted, except one…..Inuyasha Takahashi. Kagome and Inuayasha were bitter enemies since they were in 5th grade. They're always insulting each other, fighting and playing pranks on each other.

Kagome looked through her closet and put on her white wedge heels that had white ribbons that wrapped up her legs to right below her knees. She got her yellow backpack and ran down stairs to the kitchen.

"Kagome dear, do you want any breakfast?" Ms. Higurashi asked

"No thanks mom" Kagome said "I'm leaving"

"Alright dear, have a good day" Ms. Higurashi said. Kagome walked out the door and got into her white convertible. She put the key in the ignition and started to drive to school. She pulled up to Shikon High and parked in the student parking lot. Kagome got out of her car and locked the doors.

"Hey Kagome!" Sango called running up to Kagome

"Oh, hi Sango" Kagome said smiling, "Where's everyone else?"

"I don't know, I didn't see them yet" Sango replied shrugging

"Oh well, let's go" Kagome said shrugging as they both entered the school. As soon as the doors opened, everyone's eyes went to Kagome and Sango. They both strutted down the main hall like they were on a runway. As they were walking, Kagome heard a few cat calls and wolf howls, but she just ignored them and smiled.

"Feh, I don't know what the big deal about them is" Inuyasha said leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He watched Kagome and Sango strut down the hall to their lockers.

"Are you kidding me?" His best friend Miroku said, "They're the hottest girls in the whole 12th grade"

"Feh, I've seen better" Inuyasha scoffed as he went to his locker

Kagome was unpacking her backpack and getting her books for her first class, which was science.

"Hey Kagome" a male voice said from beside her

"Oh, hi Koga" Kagome said smiling at him, "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing I was wondering if you were doing anything Friday night?" Koga asked

"Sorry Koga, I'm busy that night" Kagome said shrugging, "Maybe some other time"

"Ok, I'll see you around" Koga said in a disappointed voice as he walked away

"Kagome, you really need to go on more dates" Sango said as they shut their lockers and started down the hall to their first class

"No I don't Sango, I get plenty of dates" Kagome said

"No, you get offers but you always turn them down" Sango said

"That's because I don't like any of the guys in our fan club like that" Kagome said, "Let's just drop it" she said as they both entered their first class. Kagome looked around the room and saw two seats open in the back. Kagome sat down and Sango sat next to her. For popular girls, they were very smart and they both got straight A's.

"Oh, hi Kagome!" Ayame said as she sat in front of Kagome

"Hi Ayame" Kagome and Sango said in unison. They were all talking for a few minutes, until the teacher came in.

"Good morning class, today's assignment is to take these notes and do this worksheet" Mr. Yamamoto said as he handed out the worksheets.

"Great, more joy" Kagome said under her breath. She started taking the notes on the board when Inuyasha walked into the room.

"Glad you could join us Mr. Takahashi" Mr. Yamamoto said

"Yeah, I sort of lost track of time" Inuyasha said scratching the back of his neck

"Well, just take your seat and get the assignment from one of the other students" The teacher said pointing to the seat behind Kagome.

'Great, now I have to sit by her' Inuyasha thought as he sighed and sat in the seat behind Kagome. Kagome glared at him as he walked by and she could feel his golden eyes staring at her back.

'Great, now he's staring at me for no reason' Kagome thought as she continued to take notes. The bell rang, and everyone rushed out of the room. Kagome took her time and waited for Sango and Ayame.

"Com'on Sango and Ayame we've got places to go" Kagome said

"What? Late for your shift at the strip club?" Inuyasha said laughing softly to himself

"You know, I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works" Kagome said rolling her eyes and walking out of the room with Sango and Ayame.

"Let's go Miroku" Inuyasha said as they both went to their next class.

2 hours later

It was lunch now, and Kagome, Sango, Ayame, Eri and Ayumi were sitting at their normal table in the cafeteria. Kagome's male fan club walked over and was sitting with them too. Her male fan club consist of Koga, Bankotsu, Sesshomaru and Hojo.

"Hey Kagome" All the guys said in unison

"Hi boys" Kagome said cheerfully

"So, Kagome aren't you excited about the senior trip?" Eri asked

"Yeah, we're going to Rome this year!" Ayame said happily

"Yes, I'm excited, I wonder who I'll get for my room mate" Kagome wondered while taking another bite of her salad

"I'd laugh so hard if you got Inuyasha for your room mate" Sango said laughing at the thought

"Don't say that!" Kagome said, "You'll jinx me"

"You have to admit, it would be funny" Ayumi said giggling softly

"No, it wouldn't be funny, it'd be a living hell" Kagome said eating her salad

"Yeah, for you, but for us it's be hilarious" Sango said

"You know what else would be funny?" Kagome asked

"If you got stuck rooming with that perve that has a crush on you, what was his name? Oh, Miroku" Kagome said laughing. Everyone else joined in on the laughter.

"Ok, that's so not funny" Sango said crossing her arms and blushing lightly. The bell rang and everyone cleaned up and got ready for their next class. Kagome and Sango went to their lockers (which were right next to each other) Kagome got her books and headed for her math class.

' I hate these next three classes because they're the only classes I have with Inuyasha alone' Kagome thought as she sighed and walked into her math class. She entered the room and all eyes went to her. Kagome smiled and flipped her hair as she sat down. The boys in the room whistled and gave cat calls as she sat in the back of the room. Kagome sat down and crossed her legs as the teacher walked in.

"Alright class, today you have to do the 20 problems on the board" Mrs. Kimura said. Kagome started working, when she saw Inuyasha walk into the room.

"Late again, Inuyasha?" Mrs. Kimura asked putting her hands on her hips

"I guess so" Inuyasha said shrugging

"Would you like to tell me why?" Mrs. Kimura said

"Uhh….well…" Inuyasha said looking at his feet

" Inuyasha, sit down and give your mind a rest" Kagome said smiling as everyone giggled lightly.

"Kagome" The teacher warned

"Sorry" Kagome mumbled as Inuyasha sat down two desks in front of her.

' Oh Kagome, you'll be surprised what I have I store for you' Inuyasha thought as he laughed at what he was planning to do…

To be continued…

A/N: Well, what did you think of the first chapter? I don't know if it's good or not, so I hope you guys will review and tell me if I should continue with this story or not. Pleeze review!