I think this shall be the last chapter now.

Vic and Helcyr were sat in a tree watching for Garfield to arrive. "Think he'll be able to handle this?" Vic whispered.

"You underestimate him Vic. He can handle more than most." Was Helcyrs confident reply. Richard and Raven were sat opposite the tree in a patch of grass. They were to be the vegetarian's initiation test. Helcyr had once again engineered it, which meant it would be hard to spot and more than likely hard to handle. Garfield had just left the school and started walking up the field. Helcyr crossed her fingers as her sister and Rich started to talk in loud voices. "Yeah I know about Terra but what about Jinx?" Raven started.

"Maybe Argent?" Richard suggested holding back laughter at the other boy's confusion.

"What's going on guys?" Gar asked sitting with them.

"We're taking bets on who Victor likes." Raven explained.

"I thought he liked Helcyr?" Gar asked.

"Yeah. Now." Rich told him meaningfully.

"You don't think he'll cheat on her?" The hapless teen was confused.

"He already is." Gar couldn't see through Ravens faultless façade.

"What!" He yelped. "Why don't you tell Helcyr?" That was her cue.

"Someone say my name?" She asked from right behind Gar. "You ok Gar?" She questioned the green looking boy. Garfield looked from Richard to Raven before saying, "Vic's cheating on you. Please don't hurt me!" Helcyrs eyes found the floor as she sat down heavily.

"I'm what?" Came Victor's voice.
"You heard." Gar said turning away from the larger teen.

"Yeah you're right." Vic said roughly placing his hand on Gar's shoulder.

"You mean…" He started before his eyes narrowed and he punched Vic.

"Whoa Gar." Richard exclaimed pulling him off of Victor.

"You passed." Vic said grinning as he sat up.

"Don't tell me Helcyr made it up again." Garfield said shaking his head helping Vic up and dusting him down apologetically.

"Nice one." The girl said shaking his hand before standing behind Vic.

"Welcome to the team." Raven grinned eyes sparkling as she left her place by Richard.

"See you tonight. We'll meet you guys in the entrance hall." Helcyr called back as the sisters walked home leaving the boys standing.

It was the evening of the party and the sisters had decided on almost identical dresses. They were both floor length with split shoulders, the only difference was the colour. Raven was wearing her customary deep purple whilst Helcyr had opted for midnight blue. The pair had met Kori on the way in her short sleeved, emerald green dress that went down to the girl's shins. Together they stepped into the entrance hall where they could see their respective dates. The boys had chosen suits in the customary black except for Gar whose suit was a very dark green. Without a word the girls stepped to the boys sides and entered the hall. Garfield and Kori headed straight for the dance floor and started to dance the other four headed for a table to watch. Before long Raven and Richard had left to dance to leaving Helcyr and Victor at the table. "Come on Vic." She said after a few minutes silence.

"Huh?" Was his ever-intelligent reply.

"Dance." She said shortly grasping his hand.

"It's ok. I know it's not your style." Vic told her graciously.

"Come on Vic. How else am I supposed to show you off to Terra without speaking?" She asked raising an eyebrow grinning. "Now come on." Laughing he gave in and followed her to where the other four were dancing. Blushing slightly she placed her head on his shoulder as he took her hand and placed the other hand on her hip. She could feel Terra's eyes burning holes in her back but for once she didn't care. Raven and Rich were twirling each other round happily and they both knew Terra hated it. Gar and Kori were enjoying a slow dance together and seemed to be feeding off the blonde girls jealousy.

They'd been dancing for an hour when the four left the dance floor. Raven and Helcyr collapsed into their seats red-faced and watching Gar and Kori with smiles on their faces. "We'll go get drinks." Victor volunteered with Richard following.

"Having fun." Came the ever-unwelcome voice of Terra.

"Actually yeah." Helcyr said grinning up at her. "You?" She added politely.

"Not since you paired up Gar and Kori no." The blonde complained.

"Oh sorry 'bout that. Didn't realise." Helcyrs voice still held that polite 'I'm not going to hate you' tone.

"Didn't realise what?" Terras jealousy had given way to curiosity. Raven was watching her sister interestedly; she knew Helcyr was planning something but what?

"That Gar was your property." She answered still smiling serenely as she stood staring Terra in the eyes.

"He's not my property." Terra told her quietly.

"Then what's your problem?" Helcyr asked the girl.

"I don't know." Terra shook her head before walking away to stand by the door.

Smirking Helcyr sat back down.
"What did you do?" Raven asked.

"Remember when dad taught us hypnosis?" Was the cryptic reply that set Raven laughing.

"Nice one Cyr." Raven said in between gasps of breath as the boys joined them.

"Thanks guys." Helcyr smiled taking a drink.

"What did Terra want?" Vic asked putting his arm around Helcyr. His only reply was both girls looking at each other before bursting back into laughter. "No I'm being serious." He pleaded as Helcyr leaned on him still laughing.

So Trigon is good for something...Hypnosis.

Can I just add that this fic is now finished. For those Helcyr lovers (brneyedgirl) I am now writing a fic (where they all have powers) even Helcyr. I hope you look forward to reading it and as always review people! Review!