Chapter Seven

Rain Crystal: I'm not dead! I know it's been too long since I've updated and I offer my sincerest apologies. I know I keep saying that I'll try to update faster, and I am, but sometimes it gets to be a bit difficult. Still I feel I should apologize for the lengthy delay. Anyone who is sticking this out deserves a medal!

On that note I would like to thank my many lovely reviewers. A HUGE thanks to TwlightatMidnight, PhoebeTheQueenOfDragons, EvaSilvia, SlvrTempest, Mystical Aquafina, Jadei123, kagster, Alavigne13, InOcEnT-schoolgirl, n8uregirl, hansbmd, double-trouble-no1, Bloom1000000, Armaan, Reader, smiles420, anna custis, Levianore-AtthaZala, and Ballad.AsuCaga.

Now without further ado…

It was 6:30 in the evening meaning that Stella's party was only half an hour from starting. Flora was currently standing in front of her mirror examining the outfit she had chosen for herself. This outfit consisted of faded piper jeans with a white tank top. She would have been satisfied with this if it weren't for the countless bruises covering the length of her arms. She quickly ran to her closet and pulled out a pink zip-up hoodie and put it on over her tank top.

Closing her closet she walked toward her bed, sighing as she plopped onto the uncomfortably stiff mattress. Her heart began racing in her chest as she realized what she was going to do. Flora's father would never allow her the pleasure of going to a party after all, people would be there. She quickly shook her head in an attempt to push those thoughts out of her mind before distracting herself with the task of pulling on her pink platforms.

Going to her dresser one last time she did a quick check of her appearance in the mirror. She reached for her brush and ran it through her brown hair before deciding to just leave it as it was. Before she could do anything else she heard the sound of the doorbell which had immediately caused her to jump.

Flora made haste as she ran out of her bedroom and down the stairs. She ran quickly through the living room and upon reaching the front door threw it open. She was both surprised and relieved when she saw that her visitor was none other than Layla.

"Hey Flora," Layla greeted with a friendly smile.

"Hello," came Flora's quiet reply.

Flora was relieved to see that Layla wasn't very dressed up. The dark skinned girl was wearing a pink and green horizontal stripped racer back tank top with flared jeans and green flats. Stella had told the girls to dress casual but Flora was concerned that she had dressed too casually until just then.

"I was wondering if you'd like a ride to the party," offered Layla.

"I wouldn't want to trouble you…"

"It isn't any trouble at all," Layla replied insistently, "Are you ready to go?"

"I guess so."

"Then let's get going."

Flora followed Layla to out of the house and to her car, a green Neon. Getting in on the passenger's side Flora noticed the cream colored interior and, the most important feature of the car, the impressive stereo system. She had noticed that Riven had also had a rather expensive looking stereo in his car causing her to assume that it was a must-have for any teen's automobile attending Alfea. While riding with Riven she ended up listening to The 69 Eyes and now she was wondering what Layla would have her listening to.

She soon received her answer. Layla keyed the ignition causing both the car and the stereo to jump to life, playing the song 'No One' by Alicia Keys. Flora smiled slightly to show her liking of the song and to assure Layla that she wouldn't have to worry about her saying she had terrible taste in music. In fact, listening to the soulful lyrics and soothing voice of Alicia Keys made Flora feel more relaxed for some reason.

"Um… Layla?" Flora said nervously.

"Yeah?" replied Layla. She was glad that her companion was taking initiative to start a conversation.

"Are you sure you want to be friends with me?" the brunette inquired, fiddling with her fingers worriedly.

"Of course I am, Flora," replied Layla with sincerity, "In fact, I think the others want to be your friends too. You seem like a very sweet girl."

"I'd really like that," Flora said, blushing slightly, "Thank you."

"I'm glad to hear it. It's really hard to watch someone go through tough times all alone, especially when they seem like such a friendly person," stated Layla caringly, "You have people you can talk to now and I'd bet Helia would be there too if you needed it."

Flora smiled at the mention of Helia. She was glad that Layla and the others wanted to be her friends but for some reason she was even happier that Helia did as well. She hadn't felt this kind of warmth since her mother died eleven years ago and it seemed so foreign now. But more than anything it was comforting.

Layla noticed from the corner of her eye that Flora had visibly relaxed after their heart to heart. The dark skinned girl was glad for this. Flora always seemed so uptight and miserable. It was about time that somebody stepped in and helped her and Layla had made the decision to be that somebody.

Flora's eyes widened when they pulled up to the place Stella called home. It was more a palace than a house. To get there Layla had drive through a fancy looking gate, then drive up a lengthy driveway before finally allowing the valet to park the car for them. Continuing toward the three story mansion Flora observed the perfectly pruned shrubbery and a garden that was obviously maintained by a professional gardener. Flora was in awe of the property while Layla seemed unfazed from visiting often. The dark skinned girl pressed the doorbell before flashing Flora a comforting smile.

Shortly the door flew open to reveal a happy, radiant Stella. Though she'd said the dress was casual Stella always had to look her best. That being the case the modelesque beauty decided on a mini halter dress that was navy blue in color. With the dress she wore silver strappy heals and long, diamond earrings. She also wore her blonde hair in a high pony tail.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" Stella exclaimed hugging first Layla and Flora, "Come in!"

Stella quickly ushered the girls inside where there was already a sizable group participating in various activities. There was a Wii hooked up to the plasma screen as well as numerous other games set up in the gaming room. There was plenty of furniture on which people could sit and chat with friends. And, of course, there was music blaring from a rather impressive stereo system to which a number of people were dancing. The song currently playing was 'Rock'n Roll' by The Sounds.

One, two, three, four
No I want more
And five, six, seven
It's not okay

Why do you taste so good?
This time I'm really hooked…

But the thing that stuck out the most to Flora were the various alcoholic beverages that were present.

"I'm guessing your parents are out of town," stated Layla who had also noticed the booze.

"That's right," replied Stella with a nod, "And you know what they say: when the parents are away the children will play!"

"I guess you're right," Layla agreed.

Shortly after that exchange the trio was joined by Musa and Bloom. Bloom was wearing a white cutoff sweater with a blue mini skirt and had her red hair tied in a low pony tail with the exception of her bangs. Musa had decided on a pair of low-rise black jeans and a fitted red tank. She'd also chosen to wear her blue-black hair down.

"Hey guys!" greeted a cheerful Bloom.

"How's it going?" Musa greeted equally cheerful.

"Um… hi," said Flora shyly.

"Hi Flora, I'm so glad you came," stated Bloom sincerely.

"Really?" asked the surprised brunette.

"Of course!" exclaimed Musa reassuringly.

Flora smiled brightly. It was comforting to hear that Stella, Bloom, and Musa felt the same way that Layla did. Perhaps she would be able to relax and have a good time, even push her father out of her mind for a while.

"Hey Flora, have a drink," said Stella as she handed her a plastic cup, "Cheers!"

Flora nervously sipped at the foreign liquid. Doing so made her nervous as her father spent many an evening drinking before coming home to issue her nightly beating. Now here she was being encouraged to get drunk herself. She looked to her new friends to see just how the liquid had effected them. Stella had found Brandon and was making out with him in a corner. Layla, Musa, and Bloom had decided to dance to 'Kiss Kiss' by Chris Brown. So far there had been no violence so Flora figured that it probably wasn't the alcohol that made her father so angry and that whatever was in the cup was safe to drink.

Meanwhile a small group of uninvited guests had entered the room. Included in that group were the Trix who were all dressed in micro mini skirts, bandeau tops, and five inch stilettos. Icy's ensemble was midnight blue, Darcy's was royal purple, and Stormy's was burgundy.

They weren't their alone either. With them was a tall boy around the same age as the Trix. He had shaggy auburn hair, an athletic physique, and piercing black eyes. He was wearing a white muscle shirt under a blue jacket with a pair of blue jeans.

"Told you they'd be too drunk to notice that we're here," stated Icy confidently.

"Looks like everybody's having fun," observed Stormy grinning.

"Yeah but the fun's almost over for one of them," stated Darcy glancing at their male companion.

"Which one of these bitches is Flora?" he asked, impatience evident in his tone.

"That's her over there," replied Icy pointing to where the brunette was standing by herself, "What do you think, Brody?"

"Not bad at all," said Brody with a sick grin, "And you're sure she's a virgin?"

"Please!" Stormy began before Darcy elbowed her in the stomach.

"What Stormy means to say is 'would we ever lie to you'?" said Darcy before Stormy could go on her 'that girl couldn't get laid if she tried' tirade.

"Guess not," replied Brody shrugging his shoulders.

"Looks like the amateur's had too much already," observed Icy with a smirk, "That's your cue, Brody."


Brody left the Trix behind and made his way toward a drunken Flora. It was obvious that she'd had a bit too much as she was wobbly and looked as though she were dizzy. All it took was that one drink to get the inexperienced girl totally wasted.

"You alright?" inquired Brody with phony politeness.

"I'm a little dizzy," Flora replied.

"Maybe you should lay down for a while," suggested Brody with a grin, "You know, until you feel a little better."

"Maybe you're right," Flora agreed. Her judgment was impaired by the alcohol causing her to trust in this complete stranger.

"Let me help you out," offered Brody, This is just too perfect!


Brody lifted Flora bridal style and carried her out of the gaming room. He continued through the living room and up the stairs. He didn't stop until he'd found a vacant bedroom. Laying Flora on the bed he went to close the door so that no one would figure out what was going on.

Slowly Brody removed his jacket and then his shirt, throwing them on the ground carelessly. He then climbed on top of Flora and looked down at her. Green eyes widened with fear as she could feel her hoodie being pulled off of her. Next was her tank top revealing many dark bruises. Brody smiled sickly noticing the dark markings.

"Looks like somebody roughed you up pretty good," observed Brody not even attempting to sound concerned.

His words caused Flora to freeze up. Her secret could be exposed if this guy chose to tell people what he saw. That wasn't all Flora would have to worry about though…

"There's no need to be so afraid," Brody said with a cocky grin, "I won't hurt you much if you're a good girl…"

Flora began struggling but it was no use, Brody was simply too strong. Pinning her to the bed he pressed his mouth to hers, forcing his tongue inside and jamming it down her throat. Unfortunately that was only the beginning…