Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from the Zelda franchise.

Complete summary: Zelda is tired of waiting for his hero, and Link is tires of only facing random battles. See what happens when they both make a wish upon a shooting star, as it falls to earth. Zelda is kidnapped (little surprise there) by a tall dark man from the desert, while Link's life is spared by this man, leaving him to fight a very skilled dark woman; The story takes place 7 years after The Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask

The Legend of Zelda: Children of the Stars

Chapter I: Shooting Star

Seven years after the Ocarina of Time (and Majora's Mask) ending:

Hyrule Castle

Princess Zelda laid on her royal bed staring at the night sky through the window, her mind lingering on thoughts of Link and their past adventures.

She missed him. That was no secret, not for anyone but Link himself.

That night she wished to see him again, pacing around restlessly through the castle's corridors, looking for something to do.

He was a free spirit, only at ease when in movement or fighting evil. She knew he wouldn't stay. Not in the castle, nor in a single place for more than a day or two.

A light in the sky caught her attention:

A shooting star slowly crossing the night sky. It's light as bright as the moon.

She ran to open the window and witness the strange event. There she made a wish to the dying star.

"Oh! Star of wonder, Star of light;

Shall your shine my heart's dearest wish grant;

Bring my hero, my love back to me;

Bring to me my prince to sway away my sorrow."

At that very moment the falling star divided in two.

For another person, hundredths of miles away, had made a wish at the same exact time…

Lost Woods

The hero of time ripped his sword out of the Wolfos corpses and let out a sigh of relief.

Took a seat on the ground and stared at the night sky.

He had been looking for adventure until those Wolfos appeared and started attacking him.

Now he was relieved… but it wasn't enough.

Not by a long-shot.

He longed the thrill of going through mazes and puzzles all the time, the felling of adrenaline rushing throughout his body whenever he faced a new Boss.

He even kinda missed ol' Ganondorf's sinister laughter.

But he knew that was the past, Hyrule was at peace now and heroes weren't needed any more.

A sudden light in the sky caught his attention; rose to his feet while staring at the strange light.

Then one of Zelda's old tales struck him: "If you make a wish – in the proper manner – to a shooting star, it shall become true."

Without second thought he stated in loud voice:

"Oh! Star of wonder, Star of light;

Shall your shine my heart's dearest wish grant;

Give me adventure, never-ending, everlasting adventure;

To live my life full heartedly."

To his disbelief the star changed course and divided in two lesser pieces. While he observed the two star fragments fell to earth.

"That's it!" he said to himself "My great adventure has just begun!" and started laughing until his stomach hurt so much he started to cry.

Gerudo Fortress

Nabooru sited lazily at the heart of the training grounds waiting for something to happen.

The idle life she led now that Ganondorf was gone was killing her. Even Stealing from Hylians stopped being a sport, Link always appeared to save the day, leading her sisters back into the desert empty-handed.

She was wondering how to get him out of the way when a sudden and loud explosion broke her concentration, and the following tremor sent her tumbling down to the floor.

As sudden as it started, everything went silent again. Yet she felt something was wrong… very wrong.

Her legs carried her out of the training ground and into the watch tower, where many of her sisters were already… all staring toward the same direction: The Spirit Temple.

She tried to teleport and found it to be an impossible task.

An instant later she was hurrying back to the temple, following a Poe across the sand storm.

When Nabooru arrived at the temple, she couldn't believe her eyes: All that remained of it was a bunch of rubble surrounding a big crater in the ground.

At it's bottom laid a big, black, round rock.

Not knowing what to expect she draw her dagger and stepped closer.

She was but a step away from the rock when it starter sizzling, whirling and cracking; A big crack formed on it's surface and vapor shot out of it, blowing big chunks of the stone.

As soon as the vapor cleared out she took one more step and peered inside the rock.

What she saw inside, no-one would believe.

AN: Ok, I know you hear this a lot, but please review.