
Dedicated To: I Know ALL

A/N: Yay! squee God, I love writing this… I even have most of the plot worked out…!

Enjoy! (or at least TRY to…)

.Chapter One

It's funny how things turn out… and if you look back on it, you might think it was Roxas' fault that they lost contact… but it's not. I'm not saying it's Axel's, I don't think it was either of theirs. Roxas, I know for a fact, wrote Axel hundreds of letters, but never got around for posting them for fear of how he'd reply. Would he laugh in the poor blonde's face? Would he show them off to his college friends and make fun of him? No. Roxas wouldn't let that happen. So he shoved them all the bottom of his drawer next to his secret stash of cocaine and, of course, sugar.

But, Axel wasn't like that… was he? Roxas didn't even know! He didn't even know him that well really… A year? That's about it…

Yes, a year was nothing. How could poor little Roxas expect himself to know everything about a person, especially Axel, in one measly year? It was completely impossible, as he now realised.

Roxas really though he knew him… He though he could trust him to write back. He though he loved him. But it didn't matter what Roxas thought. Nobody cared.

Roxas had become more withdrawn as time when by and he received no contact what so ever from the red-head. He was worse then before he'd met him. He merely kept to himself; didn't really bother anyone, back then. Everything changed when Axel took a shining step into his life, stealing a main part in the blonde's life story. Roxas opened up to him, eventually. He showed him the real Roxas. The on he hadn't ever properly revealed before. I think they actually, genuinely fell in love.

But then it all changed. Axel left me to go to college. He promised to keep in touch, but he didn't. No letter, no phone call, no email and certainly no visit. Nothing.

Well, Roxas was just as bad really… He never actually got round to posting the letters he wrote to him, nor clicking the send button for the numerous emails he typed. And when he picked up the phone and began haphazardly dialling his number he always found that he had to rush of somewhere; he always had something else to do, somewhere else to be.

But Roxas knew he was lying to himself. He was simply scared. Scared to find out the Axel had moved on or that he'd forgotten out him. That would be too much to bear for poor Roxas.

Roxas groaned and turned over onto his other side; this wasn't the first sleepless night he'd had. In fact, it was one of many. Roxas was certain that it wouldn't be the last. Very sure.

On Roxas' beside table there was a photo album, the gleaming, black leather cover was covered in fingerprints which was only proof of how important it was to the owner. If you were to have a nose inside you would find many photographs, what else? I mean, it was a photo album… Yes, to most people it would seem like a normal photo album, nothing special… But, to the owner, it was a vast expanse of joyful memories yet, at the same time, they were heart-renching. If you were looking for them you would see marks on most of the pages. Stains from teardrops.

One particular photograph stood out from the rest. It was on the very last page and the artwork was particularly good. An intricate chain of autumn leaves bordered the photograph, weaving in and out of them were the words:

Even though leaves will

Renounce their hold on the world

Don't let go of me;

Don't leave me behind…

Axel & Roxas

The photograph in the centre would mean nothing to most people, in fact; many people would turn up their noses in disgust. For in it there were two boys, they couldn't look more different if they tried… One was very tall and fairly lanky looking. Shockingly red spikes covered his head; his eyes were a piercing shade of green. Underneath his eyes were marks, they could be scars or possibly tattoos, in the shape of upside down triangles. A broad grin lit up his whole face. He was standing behind a blonde with his arms wrapped around the neck of the same blonde.

The blonde stood just over a head shorter than the red-head so the tips of his messy spikes only just tickled his friends chin. His skin was fair and slightly tanned, going perfectly with his startlingly blue eyes which were gazing up at the red-head, gleaming with a perfect smile.

Green eyes met blue. A perfect contrast.

If you were to turn back to the very front of the album you would find a note reading:


I hope this keeps the memories fresh in your mind.



Then on the front cover, in tiny gold writing, there was an inscription:

Axel & Roxas

If you were looking at this you really should know who these people are; otherwise I would think you very nosey indeed.

Axel was the tall and , I must admit, rather dashing, red-head and Roxas, of course, was the smaller, charming, blonde.

Roxas stared blankly at the photo album. He's found it on the day he'd last seen Axel; on the day he'd left.

After curling up on the sofa with his sister, Naminé, for a while, he had headed upstairs to find this very same gleaming black, what appeared to be a, book. He'd opened it at the first page and read the short note scribbled on the inside cover. It made his eyes smart and he could feel tears welling up at the back of his throat. Though it ashamed him to admit it, by the time he'd reached the end, salty tears were flooding down the page. As he read the writing around the photograph he felt his heart jolt.

But the was four years ago. A lot had happened since then, for one, he'd finished High School and gone to the big scary land of university.

Starting University should have been a great turning point in Roxas' life. The best part of it. With lots of girl –or guys- alcohol and parties. Then of course there was the work but most people didn't really give two shits about that.

Yes, university was all about drinking, getting drunk, meeting someone then having se- sandwiches… yes, having sandwiches.

But, for Roxas, it wasn't anything like that. He didn't want to make friends. He didn't want to go to parties and get drunk. He didn't want to meet people and have girls hanging off him left right and centre. But Demyx had other ideas…

Roxas met Demyx on his very first day at university because, Demyx just happened to be his room mate.

Almost three years ago Roxas was dragging a very heavy trunk up a whole lot of stairs. He paused at the top of the third flight to catch his breath. He looked behind him to see where the rest of his family had got to, only to notice that they were nowhere to be seen. He sighed, deciding that he'd find them later, and started dragging the annoyingly heavy trunk up the next flight of stairs.

After only a few steps a clumsy, dirty-blonde came charging down the stairs; crashing headlong into Roxas. They both slipped back down all three and a half flight, the weighty trunk landed rather unceremoniously on Roxas' left foot.

Scowling, Roxas removed his now throbbing foot from under the trunk. He chose to ignore the stuttered apologies until he felt the clumsy bugger latch onto his leg , refusing to let go until his apology was accepted. Roxas sighed and muttered that it didn't matter. He even went as far as to hole a hand out to help his new 'friend' up.

Roxas learnt that his name was Demyx – "but you can call me Dem… if you want to…" – and that he loved music – listening and playing – that they were in fact room mates and that there was a very handy lift near by that went right up to the corridor their room was on.

And that was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Although Roxas was reluctant to show it, he counted on Demyx a lot. Despite his annoying habits of trying to hook Roxas up with numerous people and playing music at about three in the morning, he was a very good listener. In fact, he was the type of person that would do an advice column or something.

Actually, Roxas was feeling really quite lonely at the moment. Demyx was out, probably with his long term boyfriend Zexion. Roxas felt an unhappy pang deep within his chest whenever he saw the couple together. Not because he had stronger feelings than friendship for either of them, because he didn't. No, it was because he seeing how happy they were together, the way they acted around each other, the look they'd get if their partners name was mentioned in a conversation… It reminded him what it was like when he had Axel. The looks that they'd exchanged, the soaring feeling every time his name was said… Everything.

Roxas sighed again, threw the covers off – ignoring the rush of cold air when it hit him – and went into the shower. As usual, he popped a CD in the player just before nipping in and turning the shower on.

He worked his usual peach shampoo into a lather, remembering how Axel used to rest his head on top of his own and tease him about using a girl's shampoo; even though he was enjoying the smell even while saying it.

The blonde mentally cursed himself for letting his thought wander back over to the red-head like they nearly always did. It had been four years since he last even heard of him for god's sake! It wasn't like he was suddenly going to appear randomly on the door-step! Heh, yeah, imagine that…

Roxas opens door

Axel: Surprise!

Roxas: What the FUCK!?

Roxas slams door

I think not. That reeeally wasn't going to happen…

Over the music Roxas could hear the faint sound of voices knocking. Curiously, he wrapped a towel around his waist, thinking it would probably be Zexion bringing Demyx back so he could get at least an hours sleep.

He walked over to the door, turned the key in the lock and swung it open.

The sight that beheld his eyes made him gasp and yelp at the same time – quite an interesting noise for those that have never heard it before – and grab his towel closer to him.

The person standing in the hall blinked and shuffled uneasily.


A/N: Aww… Poor Roxie-kins… xD

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed it!

Oh, and if you have any request of things you want to happen I would be delighted to hear them! hint hint


Much Cookies,

