Disclaimer: Full Metal Alchemist © Hiromu Arakawa


Al stopped writing and flipped his paper upside down, setting his pencil beside it. He stretched slightly and looked around to see who else was done with the exam. Only one other people was. That or he just flipped his paper over and went to sleep because he didn't know anything and knew there was no point in trying. Al hoped that wasn't the case.

He glanced at the clock and saw there was still a half hour left. He pulled out a biotechnology text his brother had lent him and picked up where he left off. As a sophomore, Al had to wait until he got all his required classes like History and Language out of the way before he could take an elective course like Biotech, but that didn't mean he couldn't get a head start. He read for another twenty minutes, until the teacher began talking.

"As the majority of you are done, you may talk quietly until the bell rings."

There were sounds of scuffling and motion as students turned around in their seats to talk to their friends, comparing answers from the statistics exam. Al continued to read quietly. Advanced Placement Statistics 1 had mostly juniors and seniors in it, and he had made few friends. He only looked up when a small object landed on his desk with a light tapping sound.

He tilted his head and picked up the folded piece of paper, smoothing out to find a note. His brown eyes scanned it quickly, then widened. He looked around and saw a brown-haired senior two seats up and over one smiling at him. His messy brown hair stuck out from under the backwards-facing baseball cap he war, and he had a teasing smile. Al smiled confusedly and turned back to the note.


your like the one soph in the class, rite? cool

are you free this sat? rite back.


The blonde picked up his pencil and scrawled a reply, passing the note back to the brunet.

Yes, I am a sophomore… Um, free to do what?


Al saw Danny read his response and grin before writing his own, passing it back when he was done.

go somewhere, duh. it'll be realy fun if you go. want 2? i have a car.

wuts your #?


Al hesitated. Did he really want to go out with a bunch of people he didn't really know? He could invite Ed, but… He didn't want to seem like a baby. Ed had made friends besides him, like Envy and Greed and others. Al should make new friends too, and stop tagging behind Ed so much. He nodded decidedly and quickly wrote a reply, giving it back to Danny.

Okay, I'll go. My number is 555-5735.


Just then the bell rang, and everyone began to gather up their stuff. Al slipped the biotechnology textbook into his backpack and hoisted the strap on his shoulder, turning to go. As he exited the classroom, he felt something small pressed into his hand, and looked up to see Danny waving at him before leaving to go to his next class. Al unfolded the note as he walked to his locker, trying not to bump into anyone accidentally.

sweet. i'll call to get directions. c u then )


Al blinked and smiled. He had made a new friend. With this in mind, Al smiled brightly and switched his AP Stat textbook for AP History. He closed the locker, twirling the combination, and headed for the east wing.


"Ne, Nii-san?"

"Yeah?" Ed looked up from his AP Calculus homework to see his little brother standing in the doorway.

"I'm going to go out with some friends Saturday night, is that okay?" Al walked over to sit down on his brother's bed. Danny had just called, saying that he would come by around eight Saturday night, and that they would be with some of his friends, who were all supposed to be really nice and eager to meet him. They were supposed to go out for pizza and then to the arcade. Al was excited, but a bit nervous as well.

"Yeah, of course. Who are the friends?" Ed asked, just out of curiosity.

"A friend I made in my AP Stat class and his friends."

"Sounds fun. I'm going to stay over at Envy's place that night, then, okay?"

"Okay!" He felt better, knowing that Ed would be having fun with Envy while Al was having fun with new friends. …A different sort of fun, of course.

"Alright, that's all I wanted to ask." Al hopped off his brother's bed and gave him a hug. "Thanks, Nii-san!"

Ed laughed and hugged back. "No problem, Al! You don't have to get my permission, though."

"I just wanted to let you know," Al smiled.

"Thanks," Ed smiled in return. He reluctantly turned back to his AP Calc, knowing he still had more problems to do. "I hate junior year…" He whined, before continuing the problem he had been working on.

"Next year you'll be a senior," Al pointed out.

"Yeah," Ed brightened at the thought, then darkened once more. "Envy'll be gone, though," he said moodily.

"Maybe he'll go to the local college?" Al suggested, trying to keep his brother's spirits up.

"Yeah, maybe… I really have to get this done. Sorry Al." Ed smiled and tried to focus on calculus.

"Night, Nii-san, whenever you go to bed."

"Night, Al."

Thank you to those who reviewed. :3 Love you guys so much! It seems like no one has heard of GreedxAl before… Oh well. This fic'll put it on the map. Mwahaha! By the way, I still need a title for this thing. It's weird having it just be 'Untitled'. So if anyone has any ideas, drop a review or message me.

Sorry the chapters have been so short thus far. They'll get longer, I promise. Especially the next chapter, for it is… The Date!