Disclaimer: Full Metal Alchemist (c) Hiromu Arakawa

"ENVY, faster! You bastard, stop teasing... Envy!"

Alphonse Elric slowly and deliberately banged his head against his desk. He ground his teeth and wished for the millionth time that the walls were soundproof... How in the world was he supposed to do his homework when his brother and his boyfriend were carrying on in the next room?! His face flushed even more as heard Ed voice a particularly loud moan.

And it wasn't as if he could yell at them to knock it off; he was embarrassed enough just to hear them, much less talk about it the next day!

"Harder, Envy!"

Okay, that was it. He pushed his chair away from his desk and got up. He stomped to the door and reached for the doorknob... He grimaced and slunk back to his bed, feeling like a chicken. He sat with his back against the wall and stared at his neat, plain room, wondering what he was going to do. He had to get his homework done, but the nights Envy came over (which was pretty much every night, although not at the same time) he knew the evening was shot to hell, if you'll excuse his language.

He changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and got in bed, switching out the light and pulling a pillow over his head. It was no use. The 'thump thump thump' seemed to reverberate in the room.

"AH! Envy!"


Al scrunched up his face and tried to smother himself in his pillow. Not really. But this was just insane! Don't get him wrong, he was by no means a homophobe. He was completely supportive of his big brother's sexual preference, and didn't see any problem with it. But Envy was insatiable! And Ed didn't seem to mind at all. Oh no, he didn't mind one bit. They saw each other at school, as Ed was a junior in advanced classes and Envy was a senior in normal classes, and then Envy would come home with Ed after school. If he had work, he would come by around ten. Sometimes they didn't have sex, which Al silently thanked the heavens for, but most of the time, they did.

If Al wanted to keep up his grades, he would have to either stay after school in the library for hours (which didn't really work, as then Ed would think that was a good idea and come with him, and since Ed was going Envy would go, and then Envy would spend the entire time whining and trying to seduce Ed until Al wanted to scream) or get Ed to go over to Envy's place once in a while. But, that idea didn't really work, as Ed always felt guilty if he left Al home alone. Their mother died when they were younger, and their dad was always away on business trips, so it was it was just Ed and him in the house for months on end.

Al didn't mind too much, though. He knew his father had to work to support them, and he and Ed took care of each other. Although there were times when he missed having a parent home, because then maybe Ed wouldn't have his boyfriend over every... single... night.

"Ne, Edo, want another go?"

Al groaned loudly, not caring if they heard them, and buried himself in a nest of sheets, blankets, and pillows in a futile effort to block out the all-too-familiar noises starting up in the room next door.

It was going to be another long night.

There are definitely not enough GreedxAl stories. And to me it's the perfect compliment to EnvyxEd. Both have hot homunculus semes, and cute Elric brother ukes. XD So I'm going to write one with both pairings in it. Enjoy!