Hallway, just outside of Bobby and John's room
Bobby had his hand on the doorknob, expecting it to turn easily but instead it stopped short.
"John! You fricking prick, unlock the door!" Bobby yelled, slamming his hand against the door.
After what seemed like a long and agonizing wait, he finally heard somebody shuffling toward the door and unlocked it.
The door only opened a few inches; John's head peeking out. "Um…yeah… Listen, Drake, you mind being somewhere else for like an hour?"
"What the hell are you talking about? Let me in!" Bobby started to shove his way inside only to have John shove him back out. Bobby stared at his friend incredulously, wondering what had gotten into him.
It was then he finally noticed that John was half-dressed in baggy sweatpants, his shoulders covered in sweat, cheeks flushed, hair mussed. He looked like he had been working out but not in the…uh…'traditional' sense.
"What are you doing in there?" Bobby asked, uncertainly. He thought to himself how much bleach it would take to scrub clean the mental pictures he had twirling in his head.
Was he jerking off in there? Uh…gross… He better not touch my stuff… He must be doing that, right? Because Rogue would never… Nah… She wouldn't… Not with him…
"An hour, okay? I'll owe you big…" John said, looking behind him for a second. "Uh…maybe we should make that two hours… You know what, can you just find someplace else to sleep tonight? All right, good…"
Before Bobby could argue though, the door slammed shut in his face but not before he caught a glimpse of a stray glove lying on the floor and heard a girlish giggle coming from inside the room.
Bobby just stood in front of the closed and now locked again door, stunned and at a loss for words.
Alternate scene: Bobby and John's room
Bobby was sitting at his desk, trying to figure out the last math equation on his homework assignment.
The door slammed open, startling him that he almost fell out of his chair.
"What the fu…" Bobby stopped short when he saw John and Rogue stumbling into the room, their lips locked on each other's.
They part quickly when they realize they have an audience.
"Hi, Bobby," Rogue greeted him, giving him a small smile.
"Hey," Bobby replied. He realized how lame that just sounded and turned back to his homework, feeling his cheeks turn hot.
Bobby could hear John whispering to her, "I'll be right back."
John walked into their shared bathroom, searching through the cabinets, while Rogue sat on his bed with her legs tucked underneath her.
Bobby glanced over at her – she was dressed casually in a grey long-sleeved shirt (he was pretty sure that shirt was John's) and blue shorts, her long hair down and tousled over her shoulders, and, for some reason, barefoot. Ever since she learned how to control her mutation, she had taken to wearing her shoes less and less – he had asked John about that one time, John just shrugged and said something about feeling the carpet between her toes made her happy. Bobby was about to ask her if that was true when John came out of the bathroom, holding a small box of something Bobby couldn't make out.
"Got it." He stuffed the box into the pocket of his track pants as Rogue scrambled off of the bed, holding out her hand for John to take. "See ya, Drake."
"Bye!" she called out before turning her attention back to John.
Bobby nodded in response, watching the way they held hands and she leaned against his side, heads close together as they walked away. He turned back to his homework and sighed heavily.
Back to solving that stupid equation about what time stupid George will arrive at stupid Chattanooga…
Alternate scene: Hallway, just outside of Bobby and John's room
Peter and Warren were walking back to their room when a pair of outstretched legs stopped them.
"Bobby?" Peter said, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Why are you sitting there? Isn't that your room?"
"Locked out," Bobby said simply.
Warren gave Bobby a strange look. "I don't get it…"
"It's not a joke." Bobby sighed then pointed to the blue string tied around the doorknob. "See that? It's a signal."
"Signal for what?" Warren asked.
"They're…doing it…" Bobby flushed as he said the last two words.
"Who's doing what? I don't understand wha…" Then like a light bulb over Warren's head had suddenly lit up, a knowing look came over his face. "Oooohhhh!! You mean John and Rogue are…" He wriggled his brows – as if saying the actual word would be something like saying you-know-who's name in the wizarding world.
"Somebody better explain quick because my patience is wearing out," Peter exclaimed, still completely lost. "John and Rogue are what now?"
"They're…you know…" Warren wriggled his brows again, trying to get Peter to take the hint.
"Jesus Christ, Peter! Am I gonna have to paint you a fricking picture?" Bobby said, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.
Peter was about to defend himself when the three boys heard it as clear as a sun-shining day.
"Oh, fuck! Right there! Oh, God…oh, God… Don't stop… Yes! Yes! YES!"
They all blush, cheeks as bright as any ripe tomato.
"Um…so you guys wanna play some…uh…video games?" Peter asked, trying to break the uncomfortable silence that followed Rogue's fierce proclamation on John's abilities.
"Let's go…" Bobby scrambled to his feet.
A/N: So…for some reason, I just noticed all my dividers within all of my stories are gone. I'm gonna go back to fix those so please bear with me while I do that slowly but surely. :)
What a pain in the ass though…