Title: Experimentation
Character: Benitora
Pairing: BenitoraxHotaru , mentions of Akira/Benitora
Rating: Pg-13 for some language
Prompt: 06. head in the clouds
Warnings: None
Summary: Hotaru gives Benitora random smooch.
Notes: This fic is a short dialogue piece and really just meant to be a silly Hotaru moment.

The sudden lip lock that Benitora found himself in wasn't nearly as surprising as the person who had done it. It was only when Hotaru finally pulled away that Benitora regained the presence of mind necessary to flail and overreact. "What the hell was that for?"

"I realized I never kissed someone before and figured I should fix that."

"Shouldn't you be doing that with a girl?"

"Akira's always saying that you cry like a girl and Kyo will kill me if I touch his woman, so…"

"You couldn't have picked Akari?"

"Whenever I try to figure out if Akari's a girl, it gives me a headache." It probably didn't take much to give Hotaru a headache, but Benitora nodded in agreement anyways. "Don't worry. I won't do it again. It's boring."

"Errr well, sorry for being boring."

"It's not you," Hotaru said with a shrug as he started to walk off, obviously having lost interest in the entire thing. "Though, Akira said you were good," Hotaru shrugged as he said it. "Guess he was lying."

As Hotaru left, Benitora found himself seething. "I am going to wring that icy bastard's neck."