SMST: Hero Initiative! – By DS Wynne

Disclaimer: SM, R1/2, ST and other genres belong to their respective owners.

Note: This is a multi-genre story.

Part 160


Naruto finds himself sitting in the middle of a plateau in some environment that could easily pass for the American Southwest.

"Where the heck am I?" Naruto says to himself. He then checks himself out.

"And when did I get to be a boy again?"

"Naruto," says a familiar voice.

Naruto immediately turns to see a woman who looked like his mother Usagi…


The Dark Princess smiles as the young teenager.

"No, Naruto. However…I am here to grant you your fondest wish."

Disturbed by the woman's black eyes, Naruto immediately got into a fighting stance.

"Who are you, lady?" Naruto demands.

"I'm a friend, Naruto Uzumaki," the Dark Princess says.


"Of course. I have watched you a long time, Naruto Uzumaki. I have watched you when your parents left you…alone."

"Mom and Pops wanted what's best for me."

"Oh, really? You don't mean to tell me that they couldn't handle…a demon fox?"

"They can handle anything that comes their way! Believe it!"

"My poor, deluded child," the Dark Princess says, as she shakes her head. "If they can handle anything, why couldn't they handle a demon fox?"

"Um, well…"

"But enough of that," the Dark Princess says. "I am here…to help you."


"I will help you have the life you meant to have, if you do a little favor for me."


"In due time, Naruto. In due time…"


"Neo-Queen Serenity, I am glad that you and Superman are here," says the Coluan super-genius—and member of the famed "Legion of Superheroes"—"Brainiac 5". Like all Coluans, Brainiac 5 was green-skinned and a super-genius. However, Brainiac 5 was a genius amongst a race of geniuses, and was the direct descendent of the supervillain "Brainiac"…and his mate the mysterious "Brainiac Moon". Unknown to most people, no one knew that Brainiac Moon was the once of future Neo-Queen Serenity…

"As are we, Brainy," the Neo-Queen says with a wiry smile.

"Um, yes," Brainiac 5 replies, not bothering to hide the displeasure he receives whenever he hears his old nickname. "Anyway, while Prince Ranma, the Neo-Sailor Scouts, the Legion and the rest of our allies are cleaning up the mess left by the Legion of Supervillains, we can proceed with making sure that the timeline does not collapse from what the Time Trapper was trying to do…

"So…there's a chance we can win, Usagi?" Superman asked. He was still a bit shaken from being merged with his…misguided, youthful self…

"Clark, there is always a chance," the Neo-Queen says. "Otherwise, none of us would be here…"

After going through areas of what could only be described as scenes taken from the British cartoon "The Yellow Submarine", the three arrive at what appeared to be-

"A wall?" Superman asked.

"Superman, you have to think like a fifth dimensional being," Brainiac 5 replies. "What could be possible is…and is not."

"Like 'Shrodinger's Cat' in Quantum Mechanics."

"Basically…if you look at things on an elementary level, yes."

Superman rolls his eyes. Even when he was just "Superboy", Brainiac 5 can be so insufferably smug about his so-called 'superior' intellect…

"Needless to say, Reality is how you make it," Neo-Queen Serenity says, as she stabs the sky-blue colored wall with her staff.


A doorway shaped in the form of a key appears.

"Wait, isn't this-?" Superman begins to say.

"Yes," Neo-Queen Serenity says with a sigh. "I know how to tap into the Cosmic Unconscious, thanks to the actions of 'The Key'."

"The Key" was a JLA villain that sought to access realities that included those that could not exist logically, including the world of dreams, the mind and other times and dimensions…

"Long ago, in an effort to be happy, I committed the sin of using the Key's techniques to reshape Reality. I…justified my decision by using the actions of an insane time traveler as the excuse I needed to be happy. As a result, a new Reality was created, but, in the process, I set the stage for the death of my parents…and the near-destruction of one my sons."

Superman comforted his ex-wife.

"I don't know what you mean by all that, but I know that you had the best intentions at heart."

The Neo-Queen held and squeezed Superman's hands.

"Thanks," Neo-Queen Serenity says with a gentle smile. "You know, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if our marriage had worked out in the end."



"If you two don't mind, time IS of the essence," Brainiac 5 says.

"Sure, Brainy," Superman says with a smile.


"We SHOULD get going," the Neo-Queen says with a giggle.

"Correct," Brainiac 5 says. "Now, let's go get the 'Miracle Machine'…"

The three enters a room filled with several machines and weapons that the Legion has captured over the years. Right in the center of the room was a large, white cube.

"The Controllers perfected the device built on pure Willpower, based upon the research of the Guardian of the Universe named 'Rankiko'," Brainiac 5 says.

"Rankiko", born in the 24th century, was the daughter of the Guardian Amazon "Liana" and Ranma Saotome…

"And thus, a machine that can make thought into reality is born."

Superman looks at the device. It appeared to be designed like an advanced Tesla Generator.

"So, I can use this to stop the Dark Princess?" Superman asked.

"No, not this one," the Neo-Queen Serenity says. "This machine is permanently deactivated. YOU, with you 'super-memory', have to make a new one from scratch."

"Fine, but I'll need the materials to build it-"


A green, Asian-style pagoda appears in the room.

"What-?" Brainy says.

The doors of the pagoda open up…

"Um, excuse me," begins Rose Tyler, as she sticks out her head. "I'm here for Superman?"

"Hurry up!" Akane yells inside. "It's starting to get cold in here!"

"What?" Superman asked.

"Sorry about that," Rose says. "My companion is pregnant, and is a bit…cranky. Unfortunately, she's the only one with an available TARDIS…"

"And you are…?" Brainiac 5 asked.

"Oh, just a traveler of Time," Rose says. "My friends and I are monitoring the situation, and seek to contribute to the cause."


Sailor Cosmos touches Rose.

"It's good to see you again, my darling Rose," Sailor Cosmos says.

"Mom, I REALLY wish you didn't do that," Rose says. "You're making me think that I died between MY time and this one."

"No, it's me doing the 'Mom' thing."

"Ah, I see."

Sailor Cosmos then turns towards Superman.

"Go with her, Clark…and be the hero we need," Sailor Cosmos says, as she moves in to kiss her former husband.


"Now, go get 'em, Smallville."

"Thanks," Superman says, as he turns to enter the TARDIS.

"Be seeing you," Rose says, before she closes the door before the TARDIS disappears.


Neo-Queen Serenity sighs.

"Well, I better get the royal nursery ready," the Neo-Queen says.

Brainiac 5 turns towards the queen of Crystal Tokyo.

"What do you mean?" Brainiac 5 says.

"I'm pregnant."


"My dear Brainy, I've long since mastered my body to the point of getting pregnant with just a kiss…as long as tongue is involved."



"I almost have it," Sumuru says, as he completes the Rubik's Cube puzzle.



"Sumuru-?" Susan says, as she was nearly blinded by the light.

Activating the cube did away the mortal guise of Sumuru, Susan and the wheel-chaired man…

"Well done, Knight of Pluto," says the man dressed in a body suit made out of light and silver. An intricate pattern that was similar to a circuit board covered the fabric of the suit…

"Metron," Sir Pluto, as he checked himself out while gripping his Time Key staff. Unlike a typical Sailor Scout, a knight wore partial armor similar to the style of the armor worn by Spanish Conquistadors.

"We're back to normal," says Sailor Pluto, as she checked out her Victorian era Sailor clothes while gripping her own Time Key staff. She wore her skirt long, below the knees and covered the ankles.

"Indeed," Metron says. "We must find my Cosmic Chair, if we are to help the Moon Princess."

"Right," Sir Pluto says, as he turns to his love. "Are you ready to leave here?"

"I am, my love."

"Before we go, let us help one of our fellow prisoners leave his confinement…"

And with a tap of Sir Pluto's staff unto the ground-


All three were gone.

Meanwhile, outside…


Power-Woman slammed her fist into the original Wonder Woman's masked face, as the two of them went through several buildings in the process.

"Diana, wake UP!" Power-Woman says, as she held her stepsister down. For the last hour, the All-Star Squadron—a collection of teams that fought in World War II—were battling the New Furies, the Tiger-Men (led by Prince Kalibak, son of Darkseid), and more Parademons and Justifiers. Although the assembled group of heroes was making progress, as they penetrated Darkseid's defenses, time was NOT on their side.

"This is NOT you!"

"For Darkseid!" Wonder Woman says, just before she knees her stepsister in the knee.



"This…is…outrageous!" Rev. Glorious Godfrey yells, as he, Mokkari and Simian watched as the battle takes place outside what was formerly Command Bunker "D", now called the Evil Factory. They were also monitoring Sailor Cosmos, as she casually walks towards where Lord Darkseid was being confronted by one of their escapees.

"Why haven't you activated your 'Omega Sanction' program?" Godfrey asks. "We could have more servants to defend our masters by now!"

"I'm trying," Mokkari says, as he typed away. "But all I am getting is a…'Smiley Face' on the screen-"

"Wait, why did it turn red, why does it look mean while smiling, and why does it say…'Have a nice day'-?"


Suddenly, wires and cables from the computer come to life, as Godfrey is snared.



"Urk-!" Godfrey says, as the life is choked out of him.

Unknown to all, Usagi had placed a meme unto the Internet called "Demonseed Elite". A long time ago, when the Internet was being introduced to the masses, a technological computer scientist went crazy, as he literally "jacked" himself directly unto the Digital Web. When his body was found, there was nothing left but a husk. However, from that, a new entity was born. Now, this entity, called Demonseed Elite, scours the Digital Web, waiting to kill anyone that it deems as "lame". What Sailor Cosmos did was insure that the Demonseed Elite, under the program "DSE(dot)exe", would notice Mokkari, Simian or Godfrey, as they try to activate the Unternet platform.

And it will not stop trying to kill these three, until all three are DEAD.

"Run!" Simian says, as he turns around.

Mokkari runs after Simian.


Demonseed Elite materializes in the "meat world" in the form of an orange monster truck. With the song "Crazy" (as sung by Patsy Kline) blares, as the monster truck revs up its engines.


And off it goes.

Meanwhile, Sailor Vegeta was having trouble dealing with Dark Mary Marvel…and not in a good way.



"Pervert!" Sailor Vegeta yells, as she took a swing at Mary, while giving chase through the ruined city.

"Aw," says Mary, who was still being used as Desaad the Psychophant's body. "Unum and Tigra were more receptive to my 'feelings'."

"Well, I'm not a pervert!" Sailor Vegeta says, as she grunts.

"So…what are YOU going to do?" Mary asked.


Now, Sailor Vegeta was in her "Super-Saiyan 2" form, as her spiky hair gets "crispy".

"THIS, you bimbo!" Sailor Vegeta says. "GARLIC GUN!"


Saillor Vegeta produces a beam of energy that decimated the landscape.

"Yikes!" Mary says, as she narrowly escapes the full effect of the blast. This distracted her enough to allow Captain Shazam, the present champion of the Rock of Eternity to tackle the lost member of the Marvel Family.

"Ooof!" Mary says, as she was grabbed from behind.

"Mary, you need help," Captain Shazam says out of concern.

"Wow, Freddy," Mary says. "I can tell that you're happy to see me."

Captain Shazam shakes his head. He regretted that his trials of late had distracted him from making sure that Mary was okay…



Akane's TARDIS re-emerged into one of the null spaces that was home to the Council of Pluto. It appears next to a blue, English police box. Standing in the receiving area were Sailors Pluto (Prime) and Jupiter.

"Hey, all," Rose says, as she, Superman, Akane, Nabiki and Kasumi exit Akane's TARDIS.

"Oh, thank goodness you came back," says Sailor Jupiter with a sigh of relief. "We were starting to get worried there for a minute…

"Well, I'm just glad that we are back," Akane says with a smirk. "I'm NOT a taxi driver, you know."

"Akane, you KNOW that your TARDIS wouldn't work without you at the helm," Nabiki says.

"Nabiki, I'm NOT 'The Mistress' anymore," Akane says. "The Master took back his memories from my head."

"But you're still a Time Lord, thanks to what he did to you."

"Yeah, well…I don't like having two hearts anyway, you know."

"Akane, perhaps some tea will calm your nerves?" Kasumi offered.

"I would like that."

"Where…is here?" Superman asked.

"Where the guardians of Time dwell, or, at least, an aspect of it," Sailor Pluto (Prime) says, as she steps forth to greet the new arrivals. "Normally, the Time Lords would watch over things to make sure that this…crisis. Unfortunately, they…are no longer around anymore."

"I see…"

"Ah, Superman," says the Doctor, as he casually walks up to offer his hand in friendship. "It's good to see you again."

Superman squints his eyes.


"Yes, though with a different face."

He then turns towards his great-granddaughters. Having just been told of this was still something he had to get used to.

"Akane, how are you feeling?"


"Ah, just like motherhood…"

Rose turns towards Superman.

"Superman, we were able to assemble the greatest scientific minds on Earth," Rose says. "Unfortunately, that includes Lex Luthor."

"Great," Superman says. "But, with the Universe hanging in the balance…"

"Exactly," the Doctor says. "So, we have to know what you know about the Miracle Machine."

"Fine, but I need assurance that there isn't a way to have that device copied."

"And that is why only YOU will assemble the device. Everyone else will create or contribute a part to the machine."

"Then," Sailor Jupiter says, as she takes off her Green Lantern ring, to give it to Superman. "Let me be the first to contribute to the cause…"

Meanwhile, Kalibak, in his were-tiger form, was fighting Wonder Woman.



Wonder Woman (aka Agrippa) crossed her arms, allowing her to deflect Kalibak's weapon (called a Mega-Rod, which can inflict tons of damage per strike).

"Grrr!" Wonder Woman growls.

"You are NOT the only one who has been blessed by the White Tiger, Tigra," Kalibak says. He needed to defeat Tigra in order to prove himself worthy to lead his "Tiger-Men"…

"So?" Wonder Woman says, as she suddenly spun on her knees to kick Kalibak's legs from under him.



"I don't know how you clowns managed to steal a portion of Byokko's power, but, guess what?"

Wonder Woman's body shifts into her own Were-Tiger form, by way of the power of the Heavenly White Tiger. There were only a few times that Ranma was in the guise of a were-tiger "cat-girl": when she was dealing with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Hinokuni Prefecture, and when she was a member of the Mighty Avengers. Interestingly, when she would use her connection to Byokko to save the life of a girl named Greer Grant, the first "Hellcat", turning her into the modern incarnation of "Tigra"…a female were-tiger. One of the reasons why the Cheetah wanted the power of Byokko was to turn humanity into a race of were-tigers, with her as the Queen, of course…

"You are just a flame compared to MY fire!" Wonder Woman snarled, as she began to use the Cat Fist to devastating effect.


Meanwhile, inside the complex, Sailor Cosmos walks through the throngs of enemies, having used a different route into the Evil Factory. Of course, this did not go unnoticed…




Using the full potential of her knowledge and experience of the martial arts, Sailor Cosmos casually swats away the opposition. Whenever she struck a foe, they would splatter like ripen melons. She then stops in front of the entrance of the section that held Darkseid.

"CHOOSE," Sailor Pluto says, as her eyes glowed.

The remaining minions look towards Sailor Cosmos. They then turn to look towards the door, and then towards Sailor Cosmos again…

"For Sailor Cosmos!" the minions yell, as they raise their weapons in salute.

"Thank you," Sailor Cosmos says. "Now, I need to deal with you former master…alone."

"Yes, Great Sailor Cosmos!" the minions yell, as they ran down the corridor to do battle against their former brethren.

Swallowing hard, Sailor Cosmos kicks in the door.


The large doors, two stories tall, fall in.

In the shadows, Darkseid sits. However, he appeared to be wounded…

"Bravo, Unum," Darkseid says, as he slow claps his hands. "You have proven yourself the undisputed master of the Anti-Life Equation…by conquering your own destiny."

Sailor Cosmos looks to see a desiccated corpse…

"Batman?" Sailor Cosmos says quietly.

"Yes, the so-called Dark Knight thought to end my life by the same means that I ended my son Orion's," Darkseid says, as he gets up. "And by the same means that Kanto tried to do to you earlier."

"With a Radion-laced bullet."


Darkseid pauses for a moment.

"But true gift of the Anti-Life Equation is that you cannot die. You may regenerate, reform or reincarnate. Your fate, like mine, is to always exist…as your love ones die or fade away. After all, you and I ARE an aspect of the Universe itself. You and I will always exist, whether it will be in this Reality…or the next…or the next…or the NEXT. But…you knew this already, even if you tried to lie to yourself. Certainly, you lied to your lover…Tigra, my wife."

Sailor Cosmos squints her eyes.

"Yeah, I lied, because I didn't want Ranma to feel sorry for me. Or, worse, have him choose to share the same burden that I have."

"But you are too late, aren't you? He has become my future."

Sailor Cosmos says nothing.

"Yes, I do know what has been going on. Even if you destroy me, a part of me will exist in Ranma Prime, whether as 'Genranma' or 'Tigra'. Thanks to this new duality, he will become greater than even the Chosun of Jurai."

Darkseid pauses again.

"And when your husband makes love to you, you will know that I am a part of him…as he becomes a part of YOU."

"Then let's end this cycle," Sailor Cosmos says, as she raises her staff. "If I have to have you as part of my husband, then so be it. However, I will be damned if I give you the satisfaction of your victory."

Sailor Cosmos glows, causing Darkseid to shirk.

"What causes Ranma's downfall was when he had killed you," Sailor Cosmos says. "THAT created the despicable future that created 'Genranma'. However, with a little help from my friends…I'm going to change that…"

Suddenly, The Flash (both Barry Allen and Wally West) emerges from within Sailor Cosmos.

"At light speed, time stops," Barry says. "Flash fact."

"I got you, Sailor Cosmos!" Wally says, as he touches Sailor Cosmos.

Almost instantaneously, Wally exchanges Sailor Cosmos for the entity that was chasing the two Flash(s): The Black Racer. An aspect of death, Barry and Wally called out the Black Racer, as they ran through the time stream. Their goal was to attract the Black Racer's attention, so that it could do what the Universe could not do.

End Darkseid's life.

"TERMINAL VELOCITY ACHIEVED," the Black Racer says, as he lowered his scythe, thinking that it was going to strike one of the Flash(s).




A red light exploded outward, as everyone who was being controlled by Darkseid were suddenly freed.

"What…what happened?" Wonder Woman (Diana) asked, as she removes the mask that was bonded to her face.

"A nightmare," Power Woman says, as she helps her sister up.

On the other side of the battlefield, Mary Batson cried. Captain Shazam used the last of his power to force Black Mary to return to normal, thus freeing her from the possession that was Desaad.

"It's okay, Mary," Freddy says, as he tried to comfort his girlfriend.

"It…it was so awful," Mary says. She then looks at Sailor Vegeta.

"I…I'm sorry…"

Sailor Vegeta kneels by Mary's feet.

"It's okay," Sailor Vegeta says gently.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman (Agrippa) scanned the area with her acute senses, as she led her pride (i.e. the Tiger-Men). Having killed Klaibak, she was now the leader.

"What are your orders, Princess?" says one of the Tiger-Men.

"I REALLY wish you wouldn't call me that," Wonder Woman says. And then-


"Ranma," Wally says, as he suddenly stops. "We did it?"

"Did what?"

"We stopped Darkseid for good! But-"

"But what?"

Wally quickly explains to Wonder Woman of Sailor Cosmos' plans.

"Damn it, Usagi…"

"And she wanted to give you this," Wally says, as he hands to Wonder Woman Sailor Cosmos her…Starfleet Communications badge.

Wonder Woman takes the badge and looks at it.

"What does it mean?" Wally asked.

"It means that Usagi is going to sacrifice her life," Wonder Woman says. She then turns to her Tiger-Men.

"Sit tight," Wonder Woman says, as she places her index finger and middle finger on her forehead. "I'll be right back…I hope."


And Wonder Woman was gone.

Meanwhile, in the so-called "Low Umbra", where Oblivion dwells in the abyss…

"Usagi, are you sure you want to be here by yourself," Superman says, as he and The Flash/Barry completes setting up the Miracle Machine. All around them was darkness and shadows.

Sailor Cosmos looks down, as she held her sleeping son in her arms. Earlier, Sailor Chaos was used to attack the Null Zones, in order to prevent the creation of the Miracle Machine. The Flash/Barry arrived just in time to help prevent such a thing from happening. In the end, Sailor Cosmos, with the help of the Sailor Scouts, used her powers to free Sailor Chaos from the clutches of the Dark Princess. In gratitude, and before returning to the Antimatter Universe, Sailor Chaos told Sailor Cosmos that the Dark Princess was holding Naruto captive. Superman, the Flash and Sailor Cosmos, along with the Miracle Machine, traveled to the Abyss, where they found Sailor Cosmos' son seemingly asleep…and without the demon fox inside him. Unfortunately, without the fox, Naruto will die.

"No, I have to do this myself," Sailor Cosmos says with a sigh. "First, I need to help my son. And then…I will end everything that I have caused to happen."

"But you can't do this alone, Usagi," Superman says.


"And she won't," says Ranma Prime.


He then goes over to his wife's side.

"Usagi, you have to trust me more," Ranma says, as he puts his hand on his son's forehead.

"But…it's MY fault all this has happened."

"Yes, it is, but so what? I wouldn't have been married to you THIS long if you did certain things out of malice."

"But it allowed ME to come forth," says the Dark Princess, as she emerges from the shadows. She held an orange flame in her hand, representing the demon fox's essence.

"What have you done to my son?" Ranma demanded.

"I gave him his fondest wish, in exchange for the demon fox," the Dark Princess says. "As far as he is concerned, he has his parents again, from birth to the 'present'."

Ranma takes a peek into Naruto's mind. Within that mind, he sees a reality where Kushina and Minato never died, that the Uchiha clan was never destroyed—with Sasuke as his best friend—and that Sakura was his girlfriend. In effect, it was a wonderful life…

"Ranma, Naruto is going to die without that fox within him," Sailor Cosmos says.

Ranma nods his head, and rises to face the Dark Princess.

"With THIS, I can initiate Oblivion, by giving the Wyrm the power it needs to consume EVERYTHING."

Ranma squints his eyes.

"Give me back my son's essence," Ranma says quietly.

"Or what? You're going to beat me up?

"No, I don't hit 'girls'. Then again, you're not exactly a girl ANYWAY."


"But I'm not going to be the one to fight you..."

Ranma turns towards Superman and the Flash.


"Right," Superman says, as he activates the machine.


The Flash then touches the machine, causing it to vibrate on all fifty-two frequencies of the Orrery.

Superman then yells a single clarion call…

"Am I supposed to be impressed?" the Dark Princess says with a smirk.

"Maybe, but I think I now what Usagi was trying to do, when she contacted the OTHERS…"

Just then, all fifty-two versions of Sailor Cosmos appears, starting with Sailor Moon from Earth-1 and onward…

"On behalf of the Moon…we will punish you!" the different Sailor Moon(s) proclaim.

"No, not punishment," Sailor Cosmos says, as she hands Naruto over to Ranma. "There has been enough for today."

"What do you want to do instead?" asked one of the Sailor Moons.

Sailor Cosmos turns to look at the Dark Princess.

"Let us show her…the LIFE EQUATION," Sailor Cosmos says, as she and the other versions of Usagi Tsukino bring out their respective chalices, and reveal the Silver Millennium crystals.


"The machine…is increasing in power!" the Flash says.

"Of course," Superman says. "Machine doesn't work without a key power source: the Moon Princess. It's she who is the living embodiment of the infinite possibilities of the Universe…"

The Miracle Machine creates a connection between Sailor Cosmos and the Sailor Moon(s) and Ranma Prime.

"Yowtch!' Ranma says, as he held onto his son.

"FEEL," Sailor Cosmos says, as a wave of light envelops the Dark Princess.


In a single moment, the Dark Princess experiences the life Sailor Cosmos has led, with her many loves, including the life she shared with Ranma Saotome…


Usagi was lightly sleeping on a field of green grass near an apple tree. She then senses a familiar presence.

"Ranma," Usagi says with a smile.

"Hey," Ranma says, as he lay near his wife. "The kids are going to go swimming, so that will leave a few minutes for us to tend to ourselves."

The two shares an intimate kiss…

"Do you…regret not going back home right away?" Usagi asks, as she leans on Ranma's chest. "I mean, yes, we have a successful career in Starfleet, but…"

"I know. I thought about our situation long and hard. But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way."

Usagi places a hand on Ranma's face.

"I love you, Ranma."

"I know."


"Ow!" Ranma says, as he holds the area where his 'family jewels' are. "Okay, okay! I love you, too..."

And with that, Usagi and Ranma share a kiss…


Tears ran down the Dark Princess' face, as the Miracle Machine shuts down.

"Ohhhhh," says all the Sailor Moon(s), as they all collapse.


"Usagi!" Superman says, as he quickly checks the women.

"Which one?" the Flash says.


"I…feel," the Dark Princess says. "Love…"

The Dark Princess goes to Ranma, as he continues to hold his son. She goes over to Naruto, and gives back the demon fox.

"Here," the Dark Princess says, as she sniffs. She then touches Ranma's face.

"Huh-?" Ranma began to say, as the Dark Princess kisses him. When she broke the kiss, she turns to the unconscious Sailor Cosmos.

"You are a lucky woman, Moon Princess," the Dark Princess says. She then turns towards the others. "The Moon Princess has earned the right to be the guardian of this Universe. Hopefully, she will not disappoint."

And with that, the Dark Princess fades away.

Naruto opens his eyes, and sees his father's face.


"Yes," Ranma asked.

"Why are you holding me? I'm not a little kid, you know."

"You're not, son," Ranma says with a smile. "You're not."

"Uhh," Sailor Cosmos says, as she sits up. "Did we win-?"

"Mom!" Naruto yells, as he leaps out of his father's arms, and goes to his mother.

"Oh, baby," says Sailor Cosmos, as she held her son.

"So, what does this means?" the Flash says.

"It means that balance has been restored," Superman says. "Before I left the future, the Neo-Queen Serenity told me that her younger-self had to master the Life Equation…from within, thereby balancing the need for control WITH the need for individuality."

Superman then turns towards Ranma, who was smiling proudly.

"And Ranma has learned to temper freedom with structure, which was needed to organize the means to defeat Darkseid once and for all."

"So…Ranma and Usagi possess both the Life Equation AND the Anti-Life Equation?" the Flash asked.

"It appears so."

"Huh. Things will be interesting in the days ahead…"


A week had passed since the funeral of Kenshiro and Ikuko Tsukino had occurred. Ranma watched as Usagi placed bouquet of flowers on their grave marker.

Meanwhile, Ranma watched from a distance.

"It's a shame that all this had happened," Washu says, as she adjusted her sunglasses.

"Tell me about it," Ranma says. "But at least Mom and the others are safe."

"But at what cost? Nodoka, Ayeka and Sasami can't be on Earth anymore. And considering the fact that Tenchi cares for Ayeka, he is thinking of leaving Earth to care for her. Of course, Ryouko will most likely follow Tenchi, if that's the case."

"Well, Tenchi might not be the only one to leave."

"I know," Washu says with a sigh.

"And you?"

"Well, somebody has to look after Yugi, until she is old enough to inherit the Masaki estate, if Yosho decides to leave Earth as well."


Usagi goes over to where Washu and Ranma were standing.

"It's done," Usagi says. "Ranma, look after Shingo and the others while I am gone."

"Of course," Ranma says, as he gently squeezes his wife's hands.

"Why are you leaving?" Washu asked.

"I need…some time to myself, but I'll be back…I promise."

And then Usagi gives Ranma a kiss, while hugging both him and Washu.

"I love you BOTH," Usagi says, before breaking the hug. She then steps back, and places her index and middle finger on her forehead…

"Be seeing you…"


And...she was gone.

Ranma looks up towards the skies, hoping that his wife could find peace within herself…so she can move on.


Author's note: Thank you for reading this story. It went a bit longer than I wanted it to be, but it is done. Anyway, find out what happens to Usagi in "SMST 6A: A Thanksgiving Carol." Take care!