first off, i was kind of freaking over last minute christmas shopping. yea i dont stress about school work but i stress about christmas shopping. LMAO
thenn like when i wanted to post this chapter, my stupid internet suddenly doesnt work!! omg it pissed me off so much.

anywhooo i would like to dedicate this chapter to KASAYYx14, zanessafan19, amethystprincess, and zanessatroyella4evr.

they got correct song title for Chapter 12. The song was "Goodnight and Goodbye" by the Jonas Brothers. They are AMAZING!! i love them so much(:


i dont know when i will be able to update my next chapter, but hopefully soon. I'm on winter break now, but sometimes i might be bleting out some tunes with my cousin as we play High School Musical: Sing It! and SingStar Pop! LOL :D

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything associated with High School Musical or High School Musical 2! I do not own High School Musical: Sing It! or SingStar Pop! either.

Following My Footsteps

Chapter 13- I Really Wish You Knew, What You Do; I Can't Take My Eyes off You


Gabriella slowly walked the vacant halls of West High. Cold air flowing around sending chills throughout her whole body. Mist spread everywhere in front of her face, making it hard to see where she was going.


"W-who's there?" Gabriella's steps echoed throughout the halls as she tried to fan away some of the mist with her hands.

'I told you I would be back, I told you that you were mine….and only mine.'

The voice sounded like it was getting closer. Gabriella started to run. Running away from the voice, as fast as she could, but she was getting no where. The voice continues to sound as if that person is right next to her.

"NO!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Gabriella franticly runs faster, but then as it seems like she is getting closer to the exit, she trips over some lost book lying on the ground.

Gabriella looked up and noticed a sudden chill spread throughout her body as she stared into those piercing brown eyes.


"Good to know that you still remember my name. I would have thought that you might have forgotten all about me since you've been hanging around Bolton so much." Jimmy stepped towards her, as she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping this would be all over soon enough.

"Troy…" Gabriella's eyes started filling up with tears. She was scared, scared of what Jimmy was going to do next. She wanted Troy. She needed Troy.

"Well, Troy Boy ain't here to save you now." Jimmy stood towering right above her, looking down at her as she was still on the floor.

Jimmy bent down to her level, on one knee. He took his hands and slightly lifted her face up by her chin, making her look him in the eyes.

"It's just you and me Gabriella. No one is here to save you." Jimmy then suddenly lunged at her and it all turned to black.

Gabriella's screams filled East High as she suddenly sat up right and then felt someone's hands wrap themselves around her. She felt the longing touch that she has been wanting and slowly opened her eyes.

Gabriella looked at the boy who was holding onto Gabriella tightly, trying to calm her with some soothing words.

"Troy." Gabriella quickly hugged him back and started crying into his chest. She was covered in cold sweat, sitting on a bed in a white room as her eyes slowly became blood shot.

"Gabriella. Shh It's ok. I'm here now." Troy looked at the crying girl in front of him and never wanted to let go. She looked scared, and vulnerable.

Gabriella seemed to have calm down a little as Troy placed soft kisses on her forehead and the school nurse walked towards them.

"Ok Gabriella. I have to take your temperature right now."

Gabriella looked at the name tag on the middle aged nurse as she stuck the thermometer under Gabriella's tongue.

"98.7. You do not have a fever. Excuse me for a moment while I go get your records."

The nurse pulled the thermometer out of Gabriella's mouth and stepped out of the room as Troy made his way back towards Gabriella and held her close.

"Troy. Oh my god. It seemed so real." Gabriella now was holding onto the Troy tightly, never wanting to let go. "What time is it? Where is Taylor? All I remember is everything suddenly going black and I think I fell."

"Yeah. Taylor told me that Mr. Matsui told you the thing about Michael, and then you just went all pale and fainted. She then told me that a second after you fainted, my dad came running up to you guys because he saw what happened and he carried you to the nurse. Mr. Matsui then came and pulled me out of class. I've been here ever since. School has ended already, but the whole gang has been waiting for you to wake up. They are right outside. I bet with all their pacing they made a hole in the ground already." Troy chuckled as he saw that Gabriella broke out into a smile.

"There is that big beautiful smile I wanted to see."

"Troy. That dream…it felt so real.." Gabriella shifted in the bed as she wrapped Troy's sweater around her even more. "I was scared, really scared. I needed you by me really badly."

Troy wrapped his arms around Gabriella even tighter now, and gently stroked her hair.

"Do you want to tell me what happened in your dream?"

"I don't even think you can call it a dream. It was a complete total nightmare." Gabriella rubbed her face with her hands, not caring if she smeared her makeup or whatever. "Troy, can you hand me a paper towel with water?"

Troy did as he was told and handed the wet paper towel to Gabi. She started wiping away some of make up as she took in a deep breath.

"I dreamt that I was walking down the halls of West High. It was really cold, and there was mist everywhere. I kept hearing someone call my name. Then I heard the same person say 'I told you I would be back, I told you that you were mine….and only mine.' And that's when I recognized the voice."

"Jimmy." Troy cut in as he gently rubbed the Gabriella's back as she nodded her head.

"I started running. I kept hearing the voice as it felt like he was right over me. Then I tripped on some book and he just came out of no where. He said that it was only me and him there and that you weren't there to save me. I was scared. I really needed you to be right there by me Troy. Then next thing you know, he lunged at me, and I screamed and I woke up here."

"Gabriella." Troy pulled Gabriella onto his lap now as he started rocking her back and forth; planting sweet kisses onto her forehead. "I'll be there for you. Whenever you need me and even if you don't. I'll be by your side to say everything is all right."

"You're too sweet Troy." Gabriella rested her head against Troy's chest as he played with a couple of the rings on her fingers.

"Well you know, I still never got the chance to kiss you today."

Gabriella smiled as Troy leaned down and captured her lips in a mesmerizing kiss that just made all of her problems go away.


Gabriella broke apart and saw all their friends standing at the doorway to the room.

"Gabriella!! We are so happy you are alright. You scared me so much before when you just collapsed right there." Taylor walked over and gave Gabriella hug as Troy stepped out of their way.

"I'm sorry Taylor. Just the thought that Michael was actually Jimmy's half brother kind of just freaked me out."

"Oh Gabi. We just want to make sure you are ok. You've been through way too much already." The rest of the girls then walked over and each gave Gabriella a hug.

"Yea Gabs. Can't you have just one normal day?" Gabriella looked at the owner of the voice as he made his way over.

"Haha Chad. You don't know badly I wish I could." Gabriella leaned up and gave him a hug as the rest of the guys followed suit.

"Well, we are just glad you are ok." Zeke replied as he brought forth a bag of cookies. "I made you these in Home Economics today."

"Awwww. Thank so much Zeke!! You make the best cookies." Gabriella smiled happily as she pulled a cookie out of the bag.

"Shoot." Chad picked up his head after looking at the time on his watch. "I promised my mom I would get home before 5 today to help her out with something and it's already 4:45. I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow morning ok Gabs?"

"Yea. Cya Chad." Chad gave Taylor a kiss good bye and said good bye to everyone else as he made his way out the door.

The nurse once again walked back into the room holding a couple of folders in her hands when she noticed the group of kids standing there.

"Gabriella, you should be free to go. Just drink plenty of water and get a good nights rest."

"Thank you Nurse Ginger." Gabriella replied as she remembered the name that she read on the name tag just moments before.

"That's great Gabriella!! Not that we don't love you or anything, but it would be great to finally leave this school for today." Jason started as Kelsi smacked him in the arm for his comment.

"Heh. You guys could've left if you wanted. You guys could've left right after school. You didn't need to wait for me. You either Troy. I could have just--"

"Gabriella. Do not start with us. We wanted to be here, we wanted to make sure you were ok. Also, Troy would never leave your side, even if a shower of comets came crashing down upon him." Amber said as she looked at everyone around her and then back at Gabriella who was now picking up her bag from the floor.

"Thanks a lot guys, and thank you Troy for calming me down before." Gabriella and the rest of the gang made their way out of the door as Troy interlocked his fingers with hers.

"Hey. I'll always be here for you." Troy replied as he brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of her hand.

"So I guess we should all be heading home now." Sharpay said as they made their way out of the entrance.

"Yea. I'll see you all tomorrow." Zeke replied as he grabbed Sharpay's hand and led her towards his car as she waved good bye to everyone.

Taylor then said her good byes as she headed off with Ryan and Amber since they were giving her a ride home. Kelsi and Jason as well want off to Jason's car as it left Troy and Gabriella walking side by side with their hands still laced.

"Are you going to be ok tonight Gabi? I can always come over" Troy started as he pulled out the keys to his car and pressed the button to unlock his car.

"I think I'll be ok, but if I need anything I'll give you a call." Gabriella replied as Troy opened the passenger side door for her and she stepped in the car.

Troy made his way over to the driver's side and jumped in as he started up the car.

"Don't hesitate to call me. I'll be there for you Gabi." Troy smiled at her as he pulled out of his parking space.

"I know Troy."

The car ride to Gabriella's house was silent, but comfortable as they had a very small conversation about anything other then today. Once Troy parked in front of Gabriella's house, he leaned over to her and suddenly placed his lips upon hers.

Gabriella wrapped her arms around his neck, playing his hair a little giving Troy the chance to slide his arms around her waist and play with the hem of the back of her shirt.

Troy was begging for entrance as his tongue swiftly moved against her bottom lip and she immediately agreed to let him explore her mouth as she then did the same to his.

Suddenly, as Troy had his hand further up the back of Gabriella's shirt just barely touching her bra strap, one wrong turn sent him accidentally hitting the horn of the car making them jump apart after hearing the surprising loud sound.

Troy and Gabriella both were turning a bright crimson red after their actions as Gabriella quickly grabbed her bag from the back seat and turned to look at Troy.

"I'll see you Troy." Gabriella then leaned in and gave him a small peck on the lips as she smiled and got out of the car and made her way towards her front door.

Troy couldn't help but smiled and act all giddy. Gabriella was way different then any other girl he has ever been with. She was mysterious, the type that kept you wanting more. She was also very seductive, but in a way where you would have never known that she was actually playing around with your mind. In the end, Troy just knew one thing though.

He, Troy Bolton, loved Gabriella Montez.

So. Tell me what you think?

I kinda liked the ending of this chapter. LOL what did you think?

So the title of this chapter is "I Really Wish You Knew, What You Do; I Can't Take My Eyes off You"

Tell me the song title, and artist. This might be a little tough but i can assure you all that you would know who this person is, cause if you didnt, then why would you be reading a HSM fanfic in the first place(;

Review Please!! I'll try to get the next chapter up ASAP for my lovely readers out there :3