A/N: Yep, long time, drinks, and all that jazz. This is a short chapter as I (slowly) build toward the finale. Not sure when that will be, but we are moving closer (funnily enough). Thanks for those sticking with it.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything in the Supernatural universe, but the characters of Finn, Gabe, Caleb and all the guardians are mine - pesky buggers that they are.

Finn dropped Dean's hand and ran. He gave chase, a little unnerved by how she moved almost instinctually through the forest, dodging and leaping like she'd done it a thousand times before. But he was more unnerved because that scream had ripped from his brother.

Dean broke into the clearing moments after Finn to find Bobby and Gabe both holding a screaming and convulsing Sam. "Sammy!" He raced over, dropping to his knees. "Sammy…" Hands either side of Sam's head, Dean tried to make his brother look at him, but Sam's eyes were rolled back, only the whites showing. "What the fuck happened!"

It was Shadowwing who answered. He was told not to touch the heart.

"Are you shitting me?" Finn said, anger rife in her voice.

I do not lie.

"I know, I know," Finn said, giving Shadowwing's shoulder a gentle rub. "It's a figure of speech."

I was dealing with the hybrid.

Finn tried to ignore Sam's screams and spotted Kubera on the other side of the clearing, nursing a cut to his shoulder. A quick look, and Shaddowing's tail was bleeding profusely. Next thing she knew, Dean had her by the front of her vest, yanking her to him.

"Fix him!"

Finn shoved him away, a low rumbling coming from Raja as Shadowwing snapped at Dean. "Don't you ever put your hands on me like that again. Do you hear me?" All the rage, the fear and the betrayal she'd tried to suppress at the torture Dean had put her through, shot to the surface, and she was back in that dreadful, painful place. She shunted him once more. "Never again."

Mingan nosed between them, pushing Dean back. Your brother was careless, Slayer. Numerous times he was told, but he did not heed those warnings. When we were otherwise… distracted, he attempted to move the heart.

Finn pushed past Dean and went and knelt beside Sam. "Where's Asrai?" she asked, taking Sam's hands and inspecting them – they were covered with blood, but it was bubbling on his palms and seeping into his skin.

On the wind, Raja said as he stood guard over the heart. She will return shortly.

"And where were you, Raja?" Dean spat.

Focussed on my charge, Raja said with more calm than Finn thought possible. Last time she was alone with you, it did not go well for her.

"This has nothing to do with Raja," Finn said. "It's all to do with your brother not fucking listening." She pushed to her feet, raising a hand to Dean's rebuttal as she went to the heart; it still beat steadily.

Then Gabe was at her side. "We need to do something now, Finn," he said, glancing back at Sam. "I don't think he can wait until Asrai returns."

The answer lies within, Guardian, Shadowwing said. Search for it.

"Or you could just tell her," Dean said, striding over.

Or I could just rip out your heart and feed it to you, Shadowwing snapped, looming over Dean.

"You leave Shadowwing alone, Dean. This is on your brother." Finn pulled one of her daggers free; if she stopped the heart beating would that fix Sam? Save him?

A powerful blade, Shadowwing said, pushing Dean aside.

"Odin's dagger," Finn said as she crouched, inspecting the heart – the heart of a betrayer, tainted, soiled... She dropped her head as realisation swept through her.

"Sis?" Gabe said, crouching beside her and putting a hand to her shoulder, keeping well away from the heart. "Sis, what is it?"

Finn shook her head then looked up at Shadowwing.

Yes, Guardian.

"I can't," she said, tears springing anew.

You must.

"No," Finn said, shaking her head vigorously.

Shaddowing lowered his head until his forehead was resting gently against hers, and it brought home just how altruistic these creatures were, how noble their souls. It was in the old language he spoke. For a time I hated humankind, for they took from me the two things I loved most in this world: the Garden, and Redclaw. I had lost my home and my love. He nuzzled his head against Finn's, and there was love in the movement. He would speak to me of the one foretold, his child – you, Guardian. And I hated you, too. He knew that I did, but he said your heart would be pure, your soul kind. That I would see it. I ask for that kindness now, Griffin.

"Please don't ask," she said, yet the words that fell from her lips were not those for human ears but for griffins alone. "Please don't."

You carry the blood of the Warrior-King, Redclaw of the Restless Winds, Kintei. You come from the first line of guardians the world ever knew. This was our home, Griffin, our duty was to guard it and all who dwelled within. We failed, but you will not. Griffin… Griffin… Finn looked up into the mighty griffin's eyes. You are guardian to all in the Garden. As were we. Honour the history that runs through your blood. Save the one they call Phoenix.


Make it right, Guardian. Bring back my home, give it the life for which it yearns. Yes, he said when she shook her head. Be strong and be swift, Griffin of the Restless Winds, Kintei.

Sam's screams had reached ear-shattering heights, and Dean was yelling at her too, but it was to Shaddowwing's words she clung as she kissed his beak then stepped forward. The mighty griffin raised his head to the sky and letting loose a shriek that dropped all but Finn and Raja to their knees. "Forgive me," she whispered, then drove her dagger into Shadowwing's heart.

His shriek was cut short, and Gabe's yelling of her name filled the space. Finn held tight to the dagger, her other hand resting on Shadowwing's chest as he dropped gracefully to his side. The griffin's breaths were ragged as Finn went to his head, holding it gently and stroking his face tenderly.

I will see him again, Shaddowing said, and his words were filled with joy. And I will tell him his daughter showed strength and courage… and love when I needed it most. I will tell him that he was right… you are as much my child… as his…

Finn dropped her head to Shadowwing's beak and wept.

It was Raja who finally nudged her gently. The time for grief must wait, Griffin.

Finn sniffed, nodded, wiped her eyes. She took a shuddering breath and got unsteadily to her feet, Gabe putting a hand under her elbow. "Finn…"

"Not now, Gabe. I can't. I just can't." She went to Shaddowwing's chest and began to carve, barely registering Mingan's growls behind her, but she closed her eyes when she realised the epic size of the griffin.

There is no disrespect, Raja said, and she nodded, taking a breath and pushing herself into the griffin's chest cavity. It was hot and it was wet, and she hated herself for what she had done, for what she was now doing. She found Shadowwing's heart and sliced a section free. When she crawled back out, Mingan was standing guard, head lowered as he growled at Dean.

Finn stepped past them both, veering away from Dean and going to crouch beside Sam. "Open his mouth," she said.

"Finn…" There was a deep sadness in Bobby's eyes as he tried to hold Sam as best he could.

"Open his mouth."

"I'll do it," Dean said, struggling to push open Sam's jaws, but he finally managed it. Finn forced the morsel of Shaddowwing's heart down Sam's throat.

"Make sure he swallows it," she said, getting to her feet.


"Leave me alone," she said, heading back to Shaddowwing as Sam's screams started to wane.

You know what you must do.

Finn nodded to Raja then took a cloth from Gabe to wipe her hands and face free of Shadowing's blood. She went to the griffin's back leg and carved a large enough piece of hide to carry Argestus's heart safely. She turned as Asrai speared into the clearing, landing with a flutter of her wings and glancing once at a now silent Sam before coming over to her.

The phoenix rested her head against Shadowwing's, and Finn heard what sounded like a lullaby coming from the bird – it was one of the most beautiful sounds she'd ever heard. Asrai finally hopped over to Finn.

The phoenix dropped her head. I am in your debt, Guardian. If you allow, I will see to him.

Finn nodded. "Just give me a minute."

Of course.

Finn went and rested the hide over a branch then returned to Shaddowwing, speaking words over the griffin that automatically came to her lips. When she stood, Raja was there, two feathers in his beak, and Finn took them.

The larger is Redclaw's, the other from Shadowwing. They have been passed down for generations – the two fiercest warriors our line has ever known. They would want you to have them.

"And yours?" Raja offered her his chest, and she plucked a feather gently free and tucked all three safely into her vest. She turned to Asrai and nodded. "Do it."

The music that burst from the phoenix had weight; a beautiful melody that fell onto Shadowwing, scouring over the mighty griffin in light and song. Soon, it was too bright to look at, and Finn shielded her eyes until Asrai hit a note that almost buckled her. Then silence.

Finn blinked the spots from her eyes, a sad smile rising to her lips. Where Shadowwing had lain dead, now grew a dazzling array of wildflowers in deep red and vivid purple. "Thank you, Asrai."

They will grow in abundance.

"As they should."


She looked over to Dean, Sam now resting peacefully beside him; she clenched her hands then turned and strode into the forest.

"She'll be back when she's damn well ready to come back," Bobby said to the boys. He pointed at Sam. "Last thing she needs is you chasing after her like a damn idjit to try and make her understand what you did. There is no understanding it. You screwed up big time."

"Easy, Bobby," Dean said.

"Easy? Are you shitting me, boy?" He stepped over to Dean, anger clearly etched on his face. "I just watched your wife kill a griffin ‒ a creature she's honour-bound to protect – because your fool brother doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself! You'd have to blind not to see she had a bond with Shaddowwing, and she drove a dagger into that magnificent animal's heart to save Sam. So don't you go telling me 'easy', boy."

Sam rubbed his now clean hands down his face. "I just wanted it out of here. I was getting seriously bad mojo from it."

"Of course you were," Bobby said with exasperation. "It's bad mojo! You don't touch bad mojo!"

Dean made his careful way over to Raja. The griffin was standing guard over the heart, but every now and then Raja would tilt his head this way and that, as if in conversation. "Raja—"

I am most displeased with you, Slayer. Raja's talons extended, sinking into the ground. Do not put your hands on Griffin in anger again. I will not allow it. That is your final warning. No more chances will you get.

"I was worried about Sam. He was dying."

Of course he was dying. He chose not to listen, and Shadowwing paid the price for your brother's arrogance. As does Griffin.

"She killed in the Garden," Dean said.

To save your brother, what choice did she have? He shifted his gaze over Dean's shoulder as Sam approached. Do you wish to touch the heart again, Phoenix? Perhaps ensure it is as dangerous as you were told?

"I'm sorry, Raja," Sam said. "I truly am."

I do not want your apology, nor do I need it. Raja lowered his head, his gaze moving between Dean and Sam. We were the first guardians of humankind, it is in our blood to sacrifice all to keep you safe. While the blood of griffins runs through her, she is not born to kill like we are. You forced a death upon Griffin, Phoenix, and it will stain her heart for all time. He lowered his face to Sam's. I hope it was worth it.

Sam dropped his head as Dean turned to Asrai – the phoenix was watching them intently.

Is something wrong, Slayer? she said. Should I defend the indefensible?

"He made a mistake, Asrai," Dean said. "We all make mistakes."

And it cost one his life, the phoenix snapped. I, too, am to blame for not being here to guide Phoenix away from his foolishness.

"Asrai…" Sam said.

I am too angered to speak with you, Asrai said, and turned her back on them.

"Where's Finn?" Dean asked Raja. "We need to keep moving."

She will be here when she is ready, not before.

Dean motioned Sam away, waiting until his brother was out of earshot. "You said I'm carrying a sin I never should have been carrying," he said to Raja. "What's that mean?"

The stare Raja gave him was heavy with intent, and part of Dean didn't want the answer, that hearing it would change everything he'd believed himself to be; that his life until this point was nothing but a lie.

You were chosen, Slayer. Your birth foretold. But to get you here, to get you to Griffin, you had to suffer. Your line had to suffer to ensure you had the strength to stand beside her as she faced all that had been laid upon her shoulders. Aware, you had to be of things beyond the human realm. We did not know when you would come, like we did not know when Griffin would come. Our time drew near… Raja stopped at Asrai hopped over.

It is a truth he must hear from his guardian, Asrai said.

"What truth?" Dean said, anger flaring. "That my mother had to be—" He stopped as Raja swung his head around and Finn stepped through the treeline. She'd washed all the blood from her, but even he could tell it still stained her. She made a beeline for Shadowwing's hide. She gently turned it, and began cleaning away most of the blood and sinew from the inner lining, her back to all of them.

Dean made his way over. "Finn." She ignored him. "Finn."

It was Gabe who put a hand on his shoulder, motioning him away. "Let her sort this out her way, Dean," he said quietly.

Dean frowned. "Finn, what language is that?"

Mingan, ever by Gabe's side, answered when Finn didn't. It is the language of the griffins.

"Can you hear it?" Dean asked the wolf.

It looked like Mingan shrugged, but Dean couldn't be sure. I feel it.

Dean watched as Finn carefully lifted the hide and laid it on the ground near Raja. With ease she picked up the heart, placed it on the hide and wrapped it. She tied a leather strap around the knot at the top of the hide, tightening it. The heart pulsed steadily, and Dean didn't like it one bit.


She continued to ignore him and swung the heart over her shoulder. "Ready Raja?"

Always, Griffin.

She patted his shoulder and stopped as Sam came over.

"Finn, I'm so sorry."

She stared at him then stepped past, not a word spoken as she went to Bobby. "Thank you for helping Raja," she said.

Bobby nodded. "Need to talk to you about some things, but nothing we can't do while we're walking," he said. "Mighty sorry about Shadowwing, Finn. If I could change it, I would." He glanced over his shoulder. "Kubera?"

The hippogryph came over hesitantly, but lowered his head when he got to her. I regret my actions. While I have no love for the griffins, it was not death I wished upon him. You showed courage where many would have faltered.

Finn nodded to Bobby. "Walk with me."

"I'd like that," he said.

"Finn," Dean said, coming up alongside her. "I didn't—"

"I don't want to talk to you," she said, not looking at him. "And I sure as shit don't want to talk to your brother." She hefted the heart higher onto her shoulder. "Just leave me alone."

"We don't know where we're going," Dean said, stepping into her path, blocking her, and she finally looked up at him. He expected anger, hatred in her gaze, but the grief that shone from her eyes was worse. So much worse.

"I know where I'm going," she said, pushing past him. "I'm home."