Kata felt faint again while looking at her late husband. Seeing right there, she couldn't comprehend who was in front of her. Of course her eyes were telling her what her mind refused to believe, that in fact, her husband was here and alive! She turned her eyes to her daughter.

"Kagome if this is some kind of joke, I'm not laughing." she said angrily. In her heart she knew that Kagome would never do such a thing but she knew she wouldn't be able to take it if it was in fact a sick joke played on her by her own child.

Kagome looked at her mother mournfully. She knew that it was going to be tough of her mother. Just hearing her mother now accusing her of playing this as a joke told Kagome of her struggles. It was going to be hard for her mother but Kagome was certain that everything was going to be alright.

"Mom, it's no joke." she assured her mother. "It's true, he's here, see."

Kata put a hand over her mouth muffling a gasp. She didn't want to believe it true in fear of losing him again but seeing Kagome now touching Musica proving he was solid and not disappear from touch, Kata did the only thing she knew, and that was to run to him.

With a cry she lunched herself onto Musica's person. She held now fear that her weight would over top him. She knew that Musica was strong and if he did fall, she simply didn't care. He was here with her and she could care less if they fell to the ground.

"Oh, Musica!" she cried.

Musica could do nothing but to hold his wife and comfort her in the best way he could. She sobbed into his shoulder wetting it to the point where gravity was pulling it down but Musica didn't care. To hold his wife and touch her like this was more than anything in his life. He could be out in a frickin' rain storm for all he cared. As long as he could hold her like this, it didn't matter to him.

Kagome watched at the sidelines with silent tears coming down from her face, What she was seeing right now was something she didn't think she would ever see again in her mortal life again. To see her father again with her mother together and alive was something she never hoped for, dreamed yes, hoped no.

Suddenly the moment was ruined when a slammed door awakened them all from their trance.

"Mom!" a called was heard. "I'm home! What's for dinner?"

Kata gasped through her tears realizing who it was. "Sota?"

Musica was confused as the two women in his life stared through a wall where the side door was on the other side of the house. At first he thought that it was a man in Kata's life. He wasn't surprised or hurt about that. It had been many years and he couldn't and wouldn't get mad over her getting over his death and moving on.

But then, he heard the person's voice and knew that this person was much too young to be someone of a lover to Kata. It was when he heard his wife's voice did it shock him to the core.

Sota? That was his son's name. Kagome had told him that back in the feudal era. His heart jumped many beats and accelerated knowing that this person was a son he had never met before. Kata looked from her husband to where her son was. She felt the body change when he figured out who Sota was.

Kata had a sad smile on her face. "Do you want to see him?"

Musica snapped out of his trance and looked at his wife, his mouth partly open not believing what was happening to him.

"Can I?" he said in shock.

Kata was stomped at the questioned. It was painful to hear that this man thought he had to ask to see his own son.

"Of course, why wouldn't you?"

Musica gave a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his head. "Well I didn't know if you wanted me to see him. Because, you know, doesn't he think I'm died?"

Kata paused at the thought and realized that Musica was right. Sota did think that his father was dead and in all sense and purpose it was true up until this day. It was going to be confusing to the young boy but Kata wasn't going to keep Musica out of Sota's life. It wasn't fair to either person. Kata in her right mind couldn't keep Sota from his father, not when Sota had no idea who Musica was in the first place.

"Wait here." Kata pulled away from Musica and went to where Sota was.

Musica looked at Kagome. She could tell that he was nervous that Sota wouldn't accept him.

"I'll be okay." she tried to soothe him.

He gave her a smile at her comfort but it didn't help him much.


A noise interrupted them as Musica looked over to the doorway. His breath caught in his throat. There in the door way was Kata leading a small boy. Musica knew that this boy was his son. His heart stopped him his chest. The boy resembled him a lot but Musica could tell that his son had also inherited his mother's soft side. He could see the love in the boy's eyes as clear as day.

"Sota?" Kata spoke up. The younger boy looked to his mother. "This is him, his your father."

Sota's eyes widened not believing what he was hearing. He remembered his mother tell him all the time of how his father was dead. But today was different. Today his mother pulled his aside when he came home and told him that his father was here. At first he didn't believe her, thinking it was sick joke she was playing on him. But this was his mother and he knew that she wouldn't do anything like that to him.

He looked at the man in front of him. He could see the authority air that the older man carried with him but also a sense of gentleness that was welcoming to any person. He was hesitant to go to the man. He didn't know his father no matter how many stories his mother had told him. For a second Sota clung to his mother scared of the man. He was uncertain of what to do. He wanted to run to his father as he felt the tears sting his eyes. He had always wanted to have a father but now that he was here he didn't know what to do.

He was afraid. Sota was terrified that his father wouldn't like him as a son; wouldn't accept him.

Musica gulped trying holding himself still. He didn't want to make any sudden movements. He was scared like his son that he would not be accepted as well. It was hard to stand there waiting for his son to come to him. It was hard to just watch as the younger boy cling to his mother not knowing what to do. It was hard just to be in the room.

Kata decide that neither were going to move, both afraid of what the other was going to do. With her hand she gently pushed Sota towards Musica. The young boy was startled by the touch and flinched. He moved none the less towards the other man. He was hesitate at first unsure of what he was going to do but Kata gave one last push before Sota started walking on his own free will.

With little steps Sota inched forward watched for any signs that he was doing something wrong. Musica on the other side watched in amazement of his son. When the young boy gave within a foot of him Musica couldn't contain himself anymore. He dropped to one knee and opened his arms to Sota to pull him into a hug.

Tears sprung in Sota's eyes when he saw the invitation form his father. He couldn't take it any more and ran into his father's arms.

Kagome seeing the moment with her own tears at the reunion stood by her mother watching. Kata put an arm around her daughter and started to pull her away from the scene deciding to give the two some time alone with each other. Kagome understood and went with her mother leaving the two in embrace to get to know each other.