Okay kids! I've made some major changes to this chapter and now it is much longer. Ii

Cassandra knew she was going to die. It would be slow and painful and she couldn't do a damned thing about it. She had failed her Master and to make matters worse, she wasn't particularly sorry about it.

Mundus had created her for a very special purpose. He had made her unique amongst his other creations, giving her the enormous strength of a demon but the face and spiritual essence of a young human woman. Cassandra's beauty and sweet face were to be her most deadly weapon of all.

Cassandra was to have been the one to destroy the Devil Hunter Dante. The young hunter had been making quite a pest of himself lately and the Master had had enough. So, he created Cassandra so that she might get close to the youngest son of Sparda and put an end to his treachery. The hunter was a known womanizer and with Cassandra's fiery red hair, sparkling green eyes, and full curves Mundus thought Dante would fall hard.

Mundus had ordered her to study the young hunter so that she would be better able to deceive him and that had been his biggest mistake. His second biggest mistake had been that he had made her too human. Cassandra had come to admire Dante's strength and his compassion. In the end, she had refused to do as her Master bid. Mundus did not take it well. As soon as Cassandra had refused him, Mundus had convened an impromptu trial in his throne room. After only two weeks of life she would die.

In another odd twist of fate, the other son of Sparda was present. Cassandra had found it odd that one brother served the light while the other had immersed himself in darkness. Vergil didn't seem to have the slightest problem with Mundus attempting to end his twin's life. Apparently, Dante had already defeated Vergil and that was how he ended up here. Cassandra could sense that Mundus had used dark magic in order to twist the dark twin to his will.

It hadn't taken long for Cassandra to hear all about the son of Sparda that had jumped willingly into hell to challenge the Princes of Darkness only to fail and become his slave. Mundus had easily twisted Vergil's mind because the twin had already been weak from his recent battles in Temen-ni-gru. Even under Mundus' control, he had retained his skill and had quickly risen through the ranks of the underworld. He watched now, leaning against a pillar on the side of the room. His blue eyes were pitiless and for some reason that made Cassandra sad.

"Don't be a fool, servant;" Mundus growled from his throne, "You will obey me. If you do not then you will die."

"I will not kill the devil hunter Dante," Cassandra repeated, hating the tremor in her voice.

"Your foolish admiration for the halfling is sickening," Mundus shouted, "You are a traitor to your kind."

"But, my lord," Cassandra replied, a spark of defiance flashing in her green eyes despite her terror, "You made me half human as well. Would I not be betraying my kind if I killed Dante?"

"Enough," Mundus decreed, "I have no use for traitors. You are not even worthy to die by my hand. If you wish to side with the pathetic humans then you can share their fate and be food for my followers."

Cassandra shuddered in fear when the other demons let out a ravenous cheer of approval. She was weaponless and outnumbered. These demons would rip her to shreds enjoying her screams of agony.

"My Lord! Wait!" Vergil called out sharply as the surrounding demons began to close in on the condemned woman.

Cassandra turned to face the white haired half-breed along with the rest of Mundus' court. What could he want? He had never spoken a word to her before.

"What is it?" Mundus asked impatiently, holding up a hand to halt his minions.

Vergil walked slowly towards Cassandra and took a lock of re hair in between his fingers. She looked up at him warily. She was a tall woman and yet her head came only to the top of Vergil's shoulders. Cassandra searched his eyes looking for his intent. She shuddered at the coldness she found there. "She is quite pretty. If my lord permits I would like to keep her as a pet."

Cassandra gasped in outrage. "No!" she cried, jerking away from Vergil. "Never!" She would rather be demon bait than someone's plaything.

Mundus laughed enjoying Cassandra's horror at the suggestion. It seemed she feared servitude more than death. Mundus granted Vergil's request with evil glee. "Feeling lusty, my dark knight? Very well. She is yours. Take her."

Cassandra fought Vergil when he grasped her arm firmly. She despised the idea of being owned by anyone. He had yanked her up against him grabbing her roughly by the hair. The redhead let out a cry of pain as Vergil wrapped her long hair around his wrist to give him better control of her. Cassandra glared at him with loathing as Mundus and his minions laughed.

"Stop struggling, woman," Vergil hissed quietly in her ear, "I'm not going to hurt you. Just don't be foolish!"

"I don't believe you," Cassandra hissed back, still struggling.

Realizing that this foolish woman would continue to defy him and also realizing that allowing her to do so in front of Mundus was unwise, Vergil wrapped a large hand around Cassandra's throat squeezing just enough for her to understand the precariousness of her position.

The damned woman chose to be defiant instead. "Go fuck yourself," she choked, fingers clawing desperately at his hand.

Damn her, she'd given him no choice. Vergil backhanded the stupid female hard enough that she was knocked unconscious. He let her fall to the floor in a heap despite in instinct that wanted to catch her. Any sign of compassion in front of Mundus would only bring suspicion upon him. "I will teach the bitch her place," Vergil declared to the room. He turned and bowed to Mundus. "With your permission, Master, I will take the woman to my quarters so we can . . . discuss her duties."

Mundus chuckled and waved a hand. "Go, my dark knight. Show her what happens to those who disobey those superior to them."

Vergil bowed again to his Master then turned and grabbed Cassandra by the waist throwing her over a broad shoulder. "It will be my pleasure, Master," Vergil said before turning and striding from the hall.

Vergil strode through the halls of Mundus' Castle, carrying the burden of the redhead's weight effortlessly. He kept all trace of emotion from his features, as had long been his habit. Any demons he encountered quickly skirted out of his way, bowing as they did so. To cross Vergil was to court death. Vergil didn't spare the groveling vermin as much as a glance.

When Vergil reached his chambers, he opened the door with on hand, closing it behind him almost silently. Slamming doors had never been his style. For one thing, it showed a complete lack of class not to mention an extreme deficit in self-control.

The Eldest son of Sparda laid the woman on his large bed before taking a step back so he could study her. Damn! What the hell had come over him? Vergil ran a hand through his hair, striding half way across the room only to turn back and glare at the damn stubborn female that was the cause of his problems.

"This is foolishness," Vergil muttered, turning and striding the rest of the way across the room. He leaned against the stone wall, crossing his arms over his chest. Why had he saved her? She had disobeyed the Master and all the denizens of hell knew the punishment for disobedience was death.

Vergil had seen her several times over the last two weeks. He did not know her name but he had watched her. She was being trained by one of Mundus' generals, a worm named Cassian, but as a teacher the creature was inept. Vergil had seen potential in her despite her lack of a competent instructor. With the proper training, she would be a strong warrior.

As Vergil had watched the proceedings in Mundus' throne room, he could help but admire the woman's courage. She had faced Mundus with her head up and her eyes steady. The damn chit had realized what her punishment would be and still retained the courage of her convictions. Vergil had been unable to watch such a fire be extinguished. He refused to probe his feelings deeper than that. The Dark Prince shook his head in self-disgust. What he had done had been an unjustifiably foolish risk. He was one of Mundus' top soldiers and his request could easily have called down the full wrath of the Hell Lord if the woman hadn't been so horrified by the possibility. If Mundus suspected that anything other than lust had driven him to be so impulsive the Hell Lord would have him executed immediately.

As Vergil watched, the woman stirred bringing him out of his reverie. He stayed where he was as she let out a low moan, her green eyes fluttering open. One hand went to her cheek, which probably still stung a bit, as Vergil had used a lot of force in order to make it convincing.

Slowly, she sat up then the fog in her mind must have lifted because her head snapped sharply in his direction. She glared at him but didn't jump off the bed as Vergil expected. Instead, she stayed where she was watching him warily.

"If you wish to stay alive, you will cease such shows of defiance," Vergil said softly, pushing away from the wall and walking casually toward the bed.

Cassandra fought the urge to run. Vergil was the definition of intimidating. He was tall and leanly muscular. His shoulders were broad and straight giving the impression of strength of both body and will. She clenched her hands to prevent them from shaking. After a long moment of silence, she swallowed the knot in her throat and forced her voice to work.

"I told you, I would rather die than be anyone's slave," she spat, "Touch me and I will kill you."

Vergil cocked his head never missing a stride in his approach. "Do you think you could?" With a movement so fast, Cassandra had difficulty following it; Vergil was across the room and pinning her to the bed. One large hand held her wrists above her head; the other gripped her chin forcing her to look at him. He straddled her waist using his muscular legs to control hers.

"You are no match for me, girl," Vergil said coldly, "Don't ever think you are. You'd be dead before you could blink."

Cassandra lay still beneath him, refusing to give him the satisfaction of watching her struggle. "Then do it," she growled.

"Is that what you really want?" Vergil asked, leaning back a bit, releasing her chin but not her wrists, "You would have fought if I had not intervened. Does someone who wants to die resist death?"

"I didn't say I wanted to die," Cassandra retorted contemptuously, "I said I would rather die than be anyone's whore if given the option between the two."

Vergil was silent studying the woman beneath him thoughtfully. After several tense minutes, Vergil released her wrists and climbed off the bed. "What if I said I have no intentions of forcing you?"

Cassandra bolted up right and off the bed, backing half way across the room before she answered while rubbing her wrists. "I won't come willingly if that's what you want."

Vergil sighed with exasperation. "I give you my word I have no intentions of bedding you willingly or not."

"Your word?" Cassandra sneered, "Why should I take your word for anything."

"Because," Vergil answered softly, "It's the only assurance you have."

Cassandra shook her head. "If you didn't want me for a sex slave then why?"

Vergil would have stabbed himself with his own sword before admitting the truth. "I think with a firm hand you have some potential. It is foolish to waste resources."

"You think I'm just going to heel like a good little dog?" Cassandra snorted. This time Cassandra saw the move coming but Vergil was too fast. Before she could resist Vergil had crossed the room and held her by the arms in a bruising grip.

"Let me make something clear, girl," Vergil growled, "I own you. If you do what you are told, I won't harm you. Disobey me . . . well, you'd rather not find out what will happen if you do."

Cassandra glared at Vergil for a long moment before forcing herself to relax and bowed her head in defeat. She had no choice. She truly didn't want to die and if Vergil kept his word then she would make the best of her situation for now.

Vergil felt the moment she capitulated. He held onto her for a moment long to make sure she understood who the master was then released her and stepped back. "What is your name?" he asked his voice gentler than it had been thus far.

The woman raised her eyes slowly, hesitating only a moment before answering softly, "Cassandra."

Vergil nodded in acknowledgement. Now what was he supposed to do with her? Even if as a slave she had forfeited any rights to her own space, he couldn't allow her to return to her own quarters. That would undermine his claim to her and make her easy prey for a less civilized master to claim. He'd have to move her in here. Luckily, his status as one of Mundus' top warlords afforded him a rather luxurious suite of rooms. He'd give her one of the ones he never used.

"Well, Cassandra, we'll go to your room so that you may retrieve some necessities," Vergil told her, breaking the silence, "You can move the rest of your clothes out tomorrow."

Cassandra eyed Vergil warily but nodded. When Vergil turned and headed for the door of his room, she followed without protest. Vergil held the door for her, gesturing for her to precede him outside. She did so watching him out of the corner of her eye.

When Vergil motioned for her continue another spark of defiance lit her eyes. "Shouldn't the slave walk behind the master?" she asked with a sneer.

Vergil was unperturbed. "Usually, yes," he replied calmly, "But as I don't know which room is yours it will be more expedient for you to lead the way."

"As you wish, Master," she scoffed turning and walking down the hall. They encountered few demons on the way but the way they regarded her caused a chill to run down Cassandra's spine. By the looks in their glinting eyes she was one step below human to them, which was really being awarded a position somewhere below pond scum.

Vergil too noticed their calculating glances and reached out to take Cassandra possessively by the arm giving anyone who looked too long an ice-cold glare. Cassandra glared down at the hand on her arm but in truth, she was glad of it. Not many would risk incurring Vergil's wrath.

Vergil felt her shudder and move unconsciously closer to him. The woman was no fool. She could easily recognize the lecherous intentions in the gazes of those they passed. No other inhabitant of hell would be as benevolent as he has been thus far.

Cassandra came to a sudden stop having reached the room that had been assigned to her. Vergil released her and stepped back several paces waiting for her to open the door.

Cassandra didn't see it coming until it was too late. The blow lifted her off her feet sending crashing into a wall on the other side of the corridor. Feeling wetness on her face and neck, Cassandra touched her cheek, her fingers coming away covered in blood. Looking up through the blood, Cassandra slowly realized who had attacked her.

Cassian was one of Mundus' top men nearly the equal of Vergil. The creature resembled nothing so much as a giant cockroach. Cassian was apparently very angry she had fallen so short of his expectations. The claws on his hands dripped blood and Cassandra realized he had clawed her face and neck when he struck her.

"You foolish bitch," the bug hissed, "How dare you disgrace me this way? I should kill you." Cassian reached for her again but froze suddenly.

"If you did that I would have to kill you, Cassian," Vergil's voice came from behind him, laced with cold fury. The tip of Yamato was pressed firmly into the cockroaches back. "Move away from the girl."

Cassian swallowed hard. He had not seen Vergil prior to attacking the traitor. "She betrayed the master, Vergil!" Cassian snarled moving carefully away from Cassandra. "She deserves to be punished."

Vergil forced Cassian back until Vergil stood between Cassandra and the demon. Vergil was vaguely aware of Cassandra struggling to her feet using the wall as support.

"The woman has been punished," Vergil reminded him, "Furthermore, Mundus gave her to me. If there is any further punishment to be doled out I will be the one to do so." Cassian would have protested but Vergil moved the blade the Cassian's throat. "Hear me well, Cassian, no one touches what is mine. Understood?"

Cassian nodded glaring hatefully at Vergil.

Vergil pulled Yamato away from Cassian's throat. "Now leave."

With a final glare at Cassandra, the cockroach retreated scurrying quickly down the hall. Once he was out of sight, Vergil turned to Cassandra. The redhead leaned against the wall her blood covered hand pressed to her neck.

Vergil pulled her hand away frowning at the amount of blood flowing from the wounds. The gashes were quite deep and she was loosing a lot of blood. A human would have bled to death by now. The flow would have to be staunched in order to give her healing abilities time to kick in. Vergil replaced her hand on her neck.

"Press hard," he ordered, taking her by the other elbow and pulling her toward her door. Vergil opened the door pulling Cassandra through. Vergil glanced around the single room that had been provided for her, finally pulling the cloth from the small table. He ripped a piece off handing it to Cassandra. "Use this."

Cassandra did so, sinking wearily down into a chair. The loss of blood was making her dizzy. Suddenly, Vergil was there with a wet piece of cloth this time, which he used to clean the blood from her face.

Vergil frowned seeing the glassy look to her eyes. Damn. He'd be quite annoyed if she fainted. He took over staunching the flow of blood from the wounds on her neck. Cassandra protested weakly but he ignored her. Finally, the bleeding slowed then stopped after several minutes.

Vergil stood stepping away from her. "You'll be fine until we return to my chambers. Go ahead and gather your things."

Cassandra blinked up at him stupidly for a moment before rising unsteadily to her feet. It didn't take her long to gather her belongs for she didn't have much; only a few sets of clothes and a brush for her hair. She shoved them in a bag and turned back to Vergil. She turned too quickly.

Vergil swore vehemently when Cassandra paled and her knees buckled her bag slipping from nerveless fingers. Vergil lunged catching her before she hit the ground. Her head lolled back limply and though she wasn't completely unconscious she obviously wasn't aware of what took place around her.

Vergil sighed pushing his annoyance back. Cassian was to blame not her. Still, it was a damned inconvenience. Vergil considered slapping her awake but his innate sense of honor wouldn't allow it. Growling, Vergil leaned down and picked up the bag she had dropped, shouldering it before carrying Cassandra out the door.

As Vergil carried his slave down the hall, he glared furiously at any one who dared to so much look in their direction. Seeing that Vergil was in a particularly foul mood all other occupants moved quickly out of the way. Vergil entered his suite then hesitated once again. Where to put her? After a moment's consideration, Vergil strode to the back of his rooms. His bed was the only bed here but in this room was a divan that would serve. It was more than most slaves were given.

Vergil laid the woman down, contemplating her for a moment before striding off to his room to retrieve his medical provisions. When Vergil returned to the room where Cassandra lay, she was just beginning to come around.

"Good," Vergil said when her eyes focused on him, "You're awake. You can do this yourself then." Vergil tossed the bundle at her.

Cassandra looked down at the items lying on her stomach then sat up with a pronounced wince. Her hand went to her face and neck and his hissed in pain. "Is there a mirror? It would make this easier."

Vergil gestured to the opposite wall where a small table and chair sat before the mirror. Cassandra staggered over with the supplies, sinking down into the chair grimacing at her appearance. Among the items Vergil had provided was a wet cloth. Cassandra dabbed gingerly at the healing gashes marring her normally flawless skin.

Vergil quickly lost patience with her delicate prodding. "Are you completely inept at everything?" Vergil demanded snatching the cloth from her fingers.

Outraged Cassandra shot to her feet only to be slammed roughly back into the chair.

"STAY!" Vergil shouted.

Cassandra was shocked into obedience. Not once since this nightmare had started had Vergil raised his voice. Vergil used the opportunity to take her firmly by the chin and began cleaning her wounds in a less than gentle manner.

Vergil finished quickly thrusting a container of ointment into her hands. "Put this on your wounds. You should be fine in a few hours."

Vergil strode to the door pausing to look over his shoulder. "You're bag is next to the divan. Go to sleep. I'll come for you after I've rested." Without another word, Vergil left closing the door behind him with a resounding click.

At the unmistakable sound of the door being locked from the outside a single fear fell from Cassandra's eye leaving a stinging trail down her cheek.

jb: Thanks for reviewing! Don't worry I haven't forgotten Second Chances. This will be something that I work on whenever I'm a bit stuck with the other one. Glad you liked it.

Kez-o The Brave: Yay a new reviewer! I'm glad your so enthusiastic about the idea. I hope you enjoy the changes I've made to this chapter. Look forward to hearing from you in the future.

destructo888: I'm glad you like this story even though you are partial to Second Chances. I was just thinking and realized how much I left unexplained and how many possibilities there were with a story like this. It will give us a chance to see exactly how Cassandra and Vergil became so close and how Cassie managed to sneak under the icy wall around Vergil's heart. Thanks again for reviewing.