Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to Mrs. Meyer. All new ones, belong to me. The song belongs to Neverending white lights.

Prologue- The beginning of the end

I'm mapping out my ending,
it's never gonna happen now
These things are condescending
with everybody backing down

The halls of Volterra seemed to be closing around him. She was gone. His love, his life, was dead. He stopped dead in his tracks, his knees almost giving out on him. Rosalie's words ran through his mind, shattering his heart all over again. " Bella's dead Edward. . . " His breath stopped as he forced himself to rethink the conversation. As he made himself remember.

" Rosalie? What are you talking about?" He'd said, worry evident in his voice. She had to be wrong, had to be.

" Alice had a vision. Bella, she jumped off a cliff Edward. She's gone."

" No," his voice was weak at first. " No! She. . . she couldn't have seen it correctly." Rosalie had sighed and he could practically envision her rubbing her head in annoyance.

" Edward-"

" No!" He'd roared and stormed off. His family didn't know but, Edward had caught the first plane he could to Italy. He shouldn't have left her. Her blood was on his hands. Her death, it was all his fault. How could his family expect him to live without her? That wasn't possible. So, he was going to be the Volturi, for death.

A guard was beside him, by the name of Felix. He wasn't a pleasant person, and Edward could only imagine what he'd been like as a human. Possibly a murderer. A grin was plastered on his face and he laughed. " I've never seen someone come to Volterra wanting death." He said to Edward while leading him down the halls. Edward could make out the huge door to the library. He was so close, so close to having it all done with. " Tell me, just what is making you off yourself? You lady ditch you for another man?" Edward growled and slammed Felix against the wall. The other vampire narrowed his eyes and snarled.

" Just bring me to the Volturi. Stop talking," Edward instructed. He was getting sick of the nonsense.

" Just who do you think-" Suddenly the doors opened and they could hear steps coming their way. Edward looked to see who it was and smiled. Aro. He just knew it.

" Felix, haven't I told you to be nice with our guests?" Aro asked, interrupting him.

" Yes my lord," he mumbled back, stepping away from Edward. Aro extended his hand towards Edward and smiled warmly.

" You must be Edward, we saw your coming. Although we didn't see your purpose. Here for Carlisle?" He questioned. Edward shook his head, not even bothering to hide the grimace on his face.

" Aro. . . I, I-" He stopped, finding the words were stuck in the back of his throat. He couldn't bring himself to say that he wanted to end it all. That he wanted the Volturi to kill him. As he listened to the questions flowing through Aro's head he came to his decision. He put his hand on Aro's arm and watched the vampire closely.

" Oh. . . I see," Aro whispered, his eyes on Edward. " But it's such a shame to let you go Edward! You are so talented. You would be such a good member to our little empire."

" Aro, I can't. The love of my life is gone!" Edward shouted. Why wasn't anyone getting it? Why weren't they understanding that he simply couldn't go on without Bella? Aro sighed and put an arm around Edward's shoulders.

" Come into the library Edward. Let us talk a while."

You're not coming back for me, these things they will never be
I'm so used to being wrong, so put me where I belong

Edward followed Aro into the majestic library. The first thought that ran through his mind was, ' Bella would've loved this.' He swallowed his sobs back and gazed at the shelves of books. He could just picture her sitting on the deep red couch, the flames in the fireplace flickering upon her face as she read. Marcus and Caius were also in the room, their faces pensive. Aro sat at the head of the table and tapped his fingers against the wood.

" Have a seat," Caius said simply. Edward nodded and sat.

" Now. . . You want us to end you, simply because your human died?" Marcus asked, his face cold. Edward clenched his fists together and nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak. How dare he talk about Bella like that?

" You loved her, so very much." Aro pondered to himself. He shook it off and smiled brightly. " Edward, do you believe we have souls?" Edward arched his eyebrows in confusion. What did this have to do with anything?

" No sir, I don't." He answered truthfully.

" Then do you think you're going to see Bella when you perish?" Silence fell over the room. Edward's hands slowly came apart and his mouth opened slightly. Did he? Did he really think God would allow him to be with Bella?

" No. . . I suppose I won't," he whispered, wishing his tears would appear. She was truly gone. He would never see her again. He could feel it, a large piece of himself just die and fade away. Aro leaned forward and put his arms on the cherry wood table.

" Edward, work for us. You have nothing left. We could use you. Use your powers for such. . . it would help us greatly."

" My family-"

" You will remember everything with your family. Do you honestly want to remember for the rest of eternity? If you work with us, you can slowly. . . forget." Edward stopped, then he nodded his head. He wanted to forget. He wanted to wipe Bella from his mind. She was gone, there was nothing he could do.

" I'll do it. I'll work for you." Aro clapped his hand, a gleeful look on his face.

" Excellent! And don't worry dear Edward, this is just the beginning of a very. . . prosperous life."

A/N: Ahh, the beginning of a new tale. Aren't you excited? I know I am. It's short cause it's the prologue, but I hope you liked it. Review and let me know your thoughts. Also, I have a new original story posted on my fictionpress account, same name. Check it out if you like. All characters in that are my own, so no stealing if you do look. Which, I know none of my loyal readers would do that :) Anyways, thanks for reading!!

Until next time,
