Everyone had left the pool side as they trailed off in their song. Sharpay stayed behind, sitting on the edge of the pool. "I guess this is how it was meant to be, Troy with Gabriella, me with… all this stuff." She let out a snicker then sighed. Not knowing someone was listening, she continued. "I just wish… Eh, it'll never happen…"

"You know, Sharpay, maybe if you weren't so conceited, I'd give you a chance..." a voice said from behind her. Sharpay turned around and a smile appeared on her face as she saw Troy peeking from behind a boulder.

"...Would you really?" She said as she turned her body more towards him. She let her eyes travel down his muscular body and bit her lip as she looked back up.

Troy slowly started walking to her. Her eyes met his as he moved closer. He was lost in a trance as he kept looking into her eyes, but slowly got back into reality to reply. "Well, I don't know, I mean I really love Gabriella…" Sharpay cut him off as she stood up. "And you don't want to ruin what you have with her. I get it."

The heartbroken Sharpay walked toward Troy with a fake smile. "I guess I deserve it for what I did. And you two… sorta make a cute couple." She sighed deeply and looked down as she played with her fingers. "I'm sorry." Troy took her hand and with his other hand lifted her chin. Their eyes met once again. Sharpay slowly leaned in for a kiss but Troy moved back. Troy nervously cleared his throat. "Sharpay… It's fine. Just... don't do it again, I guess."

He kept looking into her eyes from where he stood. Her big brown pools caught his attention fast. It was a spark, something about them, Gabriella doesn't have. He kept wondering into her eyes until she spoke, snapping him out of the trance. "I won't... I promise."

Troy slowly backed away, "I gotta go meet Gabs...", he gave her a sort of half smile as he made his way back to the golf course. "Catch you later?"

Sharpay nodded her head slowly as he smiled at her and turned around. Once Troy was out of her sight, Sharpay let out a loud groan and smacked her hand against her forehead. "Why did I lean to kiss him? That obviously freaked him out. He has a girlfriend Sharpay, he doesn't want you." She thought to herself.

Or maybe he did want her? He didn't say anything about it, he could have freaked out.. but he didn't. She thought for a moment, then let out another groan as she turned around and slowly walked toward the building.


Gabriella held the club in her hand, keeping her eye on the ball and a fierce look on her face. "Come on, Gabby, you can do this." She whispered to herself. She threw the club back to prepare herself, then suddenly heard a smack and someone fall to the ground.

Her eyes widened as she realized she had hit someone, then turned around to realize she had hit Troy in the groin. "Oh... Troy!" She leaned down to help him up as he kept groaning. "Are you okay?" She bit her lip and blushed a bit. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

Troy took in a deep breath and nodded his head. He looked up at her and spoked weakly. "I'm fine... it's fine... really." He slowly attempted to stand up, then fell back down as his legs failed him. "Ow."

Gabriella couldn't help but let out a giggle. "I'll get you some ice, don't move!" She kissed his forehead gently and got up to run inside the building. "Don't plan on it." He managed to say with a laugh as Gabriella left him on the ground.

"So, Bolton, having fun?" a voice from behind him laughed. "Oh yeah, I'm going nuts about it." He joked as he turned around to the familiar voice. "What happened to you dude?" Chad laughed as he walked toward him.

"Gabriella..." Troy pointed to the golf club then held placed his hands back on his groin. "Ouch." Chad laughed once again and sat beside him. "Yeah, but it's numb now, so the pain is gone." Troy joked and let go of his groin. "Ow, no I lied." He placed his hands back on it.

"So... I saw your conversation with Sharpay earlier." Chad looked at him with squinted eyes trying to block out the sun. "What was that all about?" Troy bit his lip and shook his head. "Nothing, man. She just wanted to congratulate me, that's all." He let go of his groin once more and let out a sigh.

"Dude.. she was about to kiss you. I'm not blind." Chad was a little more curious and suspicious then before due to the fact that Troy was hiding it. Troy looked away from him as he had a worried look on his face.

"I don't know, dude. We we're just talking and she leaned in. But I backed away. Don't tell Gabriella about it okay? It's no big deal." Troy looked at him. Chad nodded his head slowly. "Do you like her?" Troy sighed and kept himself silent.

"Okay, I got it!" Gabriella said as she came running back. "Sorry I took so long, Kelsi wanted to ask me something." She laughed a bit and looked over at Chad. "Oh Chad, Taylor was looking for you." She said with a small laugh. "Oh alright thanks." Chad patted Troy on the back gently as he got up and ran to the building.

Gabriella sat beside Troy and watched Chad for a second then look at Troy with a smile. "They make a cute couple don't you think?" Troy didn't pay attention to her. He was thinking about Sharpay for a second. How her eyes caught his attention even in a crowded room. How singing with her was different, in a weird but good way. How she --

"Troy?" Gabriella nudged him gently to get his attention. Troy snapped back out of though and looked at her. "Huh? Oh... yeah. They do." He smiled at her. She handed him the ice and watched him as he placed it on his groin. "Thanks... Ow." She bit her lip and giggled.

"Oh, come on, I didn't hit you that hard." He looked up at her as he widened his eyes. "You did to! You could have knocked out a sumo wrestler with that swing." They both laughed. Gabriella got up and extended her hand to him. "Come on little baby, it's time for nappy-bye."

"Nappy-bye?" He laughed as he took her hand and slowly stood up. "Do I look like a two year old?" Gabriella nodded her head as she walked with him towards the building. "You act like one." She let out a giggle and walked with him inside.